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Everything posted by Shmeepicus

  1. give us the frog cringe LT!!!1!1
  2. This is actually pretty cool, props Slorbin.
  3. Ivan var Ruthern bought a new calendar, then tallying this as day number one.
  4. Recruitment MC Name: Shmeepicus RP Name: Khalid ibn al-Walid Discord: Shmeepicus#4701 Skills/Reason for Joining: Friends :)
  5. Ivan var Ruthern chants, over and over within his chamber in the Imperial Diet building. "Civil War! Civil War! Civil War!"
  6. Peace out man, was a pleasure RPing with ya back in the days of Eirosan. Best of luck in whatever comes your way over your hiatus. Godspeed o7
  7. My cat would like to put forth his claim to the Imperial Throne.. hes of Horen descent, purchased by Anne.

  8. Ivan var Ruthern chuckled as he read the open missive. "It's almost as if the Dwarves weren't the good guys."
  9. No personal message I’m crying rn. In other words, first joining the team a bit later after you had, you were one of the people I looked up to. Not afraid to speak your mind when you needed to and always kept a cool head. Been a real pleasure working with ya man. Hope school goes well and all the best. o7 thank you for your service
  10. I hate every nation that exists on Almaris. Thought Ivan var Ruthern. “I hate the Dwarves the most though.”
  11. Caspian threw a big right hook at Maisie’s head as she entered the Seven Skies. “That’s for nearly choking me to death! But welcome, sister.”
  12. Ivan var Ruthern was thoroughly confused. "I thought the High Elven state elected their leaders? Why do the Northern savages refer to her as a princess?" A man of Raevir blood gave two thumbs up, nicknamed the Brash by his kin. "Alright, sure. Don't care much for Elven politics anywhom, WHY not!"
  13. Ivan watched as his sister removed the man's head clean from his shoulders. "And so it goes.. mercy given to a man, part of a group that shows none, robbing citizens unarmed as they make way to our city. Nie longer, I say." The young heir commented, a profound respect developed for the man as he held steadfast in his last moments, a respect that he shared for a good amount of the Ferrymen. A capable man, who had shown courage in his last breaths drawn.
  14. Ivan var Ruthern had a plethora of papers stacked 'pon his desk within Kositz. He had read most of them, wondering aloud to himself. "The defensive alliance, at least formally, was signed niet 3 months ago." He continues to glance over the papers, shrugging his shoulders at that, "they put it on paper that it was to oppose the 'tyrannical' rule of Oren, though we had heard rumour on the wind that this would be the case long before it was formal. I suppose, if there is a means there will be found a way. Can't say I look forward to fighting my Kin from the North, though when the day comes where we do meet in battle, I pray they would give me a quick death, just as I would give the same to them." Ivan utters, figuring that the time for glancing over words on paper was over. He brought the copies to his hearth and threw them on, watching as they curled, blackened and then turned to ash. Surely, the smell of wood burning, the sounds of fire and the crackling of wood, would be things he will become unfortunately accustomed too over the next few years.
  15. Ivan var Ruthern smiles as he is delivered the missive, happy to attend the Inn in two Saint's Days time.
  16. The Tuvmas, Dwedmas and Krugmas Truce - 20th of the Deep Cold, 1851 A potential depiction of hostile forces celebrating a Holiday together. The last few years have seen the states of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Holy Orenian Empire in a state of turmoil. War has erupted between the Dwarves of the Kingdom and the forces of Man whom back the Imperial throne. Blood has been shed on both sides, with many falling to the chaotic state that has erupted between our two realms. Now, with the inclusion of the Kingdom of Haense, as well as Norland, battle will only see more intense and bloody fighting. Let us set a precedent, let us lay down our arms for a day.. and drink together. Let us set aside any quarrel and hostilities we may have, to celebrate what life we have been given, a day free of bloodshed, strife, harm and grief. The day of Tuvmas, Krugmas or Dwedmas, depending where you are from, is meant to be a day of festivities, thanks and joy for all folk that reside within this realm. Let us set aside one day to drink together, not as enemies but as friends. The Ferrymen recently made a declaration, a declaration that they would no longer be raiding the place known as 'Destiny's Crossroad', a place of neutrality. I, Ivan var Ruthern, propose that we celebrate this day there, on behalf of all that we have lost in this most gruesome war. No one will bring any armaments.. no weapons, no armour, nothing. This will be a day of peace. All invited parties are welcome to bring two guards, whom are armed, to guard the events. On behalf of the Empire and the Grand Kingdom that is involved, I implore everyone to attend so that we can celebrate life for a day, rather than take it. HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Helena, Novellen, Furnestock and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia of Kositz, Empress consort of the Holy Orenian Empire, Duchess consort of Furnestock ᚢᛚᚱᛟ-ᚨᚾᚨᚱᛏ'ᚢᚱ'ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ Grand King of Urguan, Elder of Clan Frostbeard, Thane of Rhewenholm, Great-Grandson of Rhewen Lord Ivan var Ruthern, Heir to the County of Kositz
  17. Ivan var Ruthern sent a letter to the legendary Banjo, "Can we share beers here?"
  18. Ivan var Ruthern finds this comical coming from the High Pontiff who backs an army that stands with heathens. "What a jester."
  19. Ivan var Ruthern coughs, sending a letter to the Aulic Envoy to discuss a date and place to meet. He then finishes glancing over the missive, finding humour in the claim that Haense would appoint its own ambassadors, but then in same stroke of words saying that Orenians could not banish folk from their own lands. Oh well, he thought, delivering a letter to the man regardless.
  20. Ivan var Ruthern shrugged. "I presume it's the slum-dwellers and their stupidity that venture down there.. natural selection, I suppose." He mumbled to himself.
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