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Everything posted by Shmeepicus

  1. Didn't Haense literally have steampunk machines that acted on their own at one point? How is this "too modern".
  2. Take care Nick! Probably one of the best dev's LoTC has been blessed with in a while. God speed and I hope the future is good to ya. o7
  3. Regarding Undead- I'd love to see some more undead events. That one event around the swamp in the middle of Arcas- just off CT was probably one of my favourites I'd attended since joining and I would love to see more mindless zombie-esque creatures roaming around in eventlines.. like in the crypts that lay near Krugmar!
  4. Don't be a stranger- thanks for playing with me over the years :) kinda drifted apart in the last year but regardless keep in touch
  5. Caspian d'Arkent smiled as he read over the missive. "This Theoderic is a man I could get behind.. why isn't he on the throne?" He asked, looking over his shoulder before realizing that he wasn't alone. "Oh-"
  6. Peaky Blinders, Clone Wars (animated series) and Game of Thrones all take #1 spot because Blue TBA'd Favourite character I've ever played was my first on the server. Joined close to the start of the WotTE, ended up in Norland for a bit before moving over to Curon where I got nobility and made a lot of friends that I still talk with to the day. Second, it's pretty sweet! My fourth try applying (admittedly it's been a year and a bit since my last) and I'm looking forward to seeing where it takes me. :) A 24 of budlight and spaghetti and meatballs. I'll give you top tier and second to top tier. Tier List: S - Milenkhov, Orlanth, Mickaelhz, biggestdon, Adzy Tier List: A - the60th, Mio, Masouri, Aiden0023, pkdon, Sarmadon, North, MmmMonkee, Elite_Snipes, Adderral Aspirations in the server: Don't have many, just here to enjoy myself and help others enjoy themselves. Aspirations in real life: Finish school, get a job, have a family and retire before 60. Post 60 consists of golfing and drinking. It was time.
  7. Kultha'Gorkil looked over at his fellow Orc's, tilting his head slightly. "Latz klomped wyfuut mi?"
  8. Canada is pretty cool- lockdown isn't. Favourite PvP battle on LoTC was hands down the siege of Helena. Dying and then watching a handful of people win the battle against crazy odds was nuts.
  9. Boiled alive and eaten with butter melted above a candle.
  10. Will respond to all questions when I wake up.
  11. Haeseni Noble - 280 @Coolcod77
  12. Haeseni Noble - 260 @Coolcod77
  13. Erilian Oranor glanced over the missive before sighing. "I didn't want to go home this early..."
  14. Discord: Shmeepicus#4701 Skin/s and bid/s (Label clearly with the skin name, and list separately if multiple): Haeseni Noble - 100
  15. It's Xx_BloodStalk_xX obviously, though he's the Dark Lord of the Craft
  16. "You mean to tell me that people die in war!?" Caspian would gasp, shocked by that sudden realization.
  17. "So.. they have chosen death." Caspian'd comment. "We'll pay the Duke a visit in few months time, though this time he won't be given the opportunity to speak out- rather, he'll receive naught but a swift drop and a short stop."
  18. Caspian glanced over the very-real missive. "It would appear that the Norlanders aren't coping with their recent loss very well."
  19. Caspian heard of the deal somehow, given it wasn't clarified to be private and scrunched his nose. "So- they're going to give the Ferrymen a keep on territory in Norland.. but somehow say they aren't responsible for their actions? Sheesh.. and I thought the Dwarves were foolhardy."
  20. Lukas Jokic gives an affirming nod. "Ne'er agreed wit' te 'eathens. Though mus' admit. Four 'ole languages in Almaris and 'tis man chose to speak facts. Dobry, very dobry." He muttered with a heavy Raevir accent.
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