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Status Updates posted by HogoBojo

  1.  At last, I’ve done it. AMA coming out in a few days. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramon


      stay based hogo

    3. Da_Emperors


      Quality result for a Quality guy

    4. Josef_Rippelberg


      i can officially simp for Hogo now

  2. Howdy gamers... Did you know that the Community Team is still accepting applications? Apply today!

    1. latte


      thank u lord hogo hadid 

  3. Heard you're back, welcome back.

  4. Howdy again gamers. Will be reviewing applications sometime next week so submit a CT Application today!

  5. Howdy, I'm looking for more team members for the Community Team. If you're interested, please put up an application.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Polysemic


      Unban me and I'll consider xoxo

    3. Hermit_Jack


      no smiley face

    4. LobsterLilly


      Polysemic pink tag again?? bet

  6. I want rep.

    1. UnusualBrit


      **** you for making me do this

  7. Touching grass, will be back in a week.

    1. Fireheart


      grass be kinda scary

    2. CorweenieTheJedi


      when we needed him most, he vanished...

    3. Fwied


      I have been eating grass for over a year! woooo my health is amazing

  8. When is the great return of sergisala occuring?

  9. You have twenty four hours to redeem Krugmas presents before we will no longer be accepting them for exchanges. Guys it's April already...

    1. sarahbarah


      please god please i'm so tired

  10. Does this mean that Omar Grimmer'Lak is making a return?

  11. Going to be doing interviews for the Community Team soon in the coming weeks. Apply today! For more information, contact myself or a Community Manager. 

    1. Narthok


      excited to represent the community as a member of the CT!

  12. Good morning voop my friend.

  13. Hey guys, I'm announcing my legitimate claim on the Imperial Throne as all humans are related. See you on the battlefield. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tabby64


      hogo for emperor!!! 

    3. Eryane


      id abdicate to the bojos

    4. mika1278


      I affirm my allegiance to sir Hogo of Bojo

  14. I hope that everyone has a fantastic day today! :D

  15. I hope that everyone has a fantastic day!

  16. I hope that everyone has an amazing day! 😄

  17. I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day so far! 🙂

  18. I hope that everyone is having a fantastic day! 😄 

  19. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone!

    1. Eryane


      im your biggest fan hogobogo please send me an autograph in the mail for christmas

    2. HogoBojo


      Sure thing Eryane.

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