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Everything posted by HouseOfYork

  1. Red Cloaks Balon Ruric I'm sensing some inspiration
  2. [An expertly written missive. It looks as if the Clan Chief got a new scribe...] A new Swamp’Goth To all those that may come across this missive Let it be known that the strongest shall rule Clan Lak. Upon hearing that my Clan Brother Dharg Lak wished to be Swamp’Goth, as well as myself, we fought an honour klomp. I beat him, and earnt the right to challenge the leader at the time; Murdok’Lak. I beat him, and have earned the title of Swampgoth, Wargoth of Lak. Let all know that my Clan does not deem our responsibilities to be second to anything. We will appease the spirits, no matter what we must do. A further reminder to all that seem to have forgotten. Many years ago, when Iblees posed a threat to all descendents, it was not Mankind who defended the world. Nor the Elves. Whilst Malin played in his woods, Horen sung his songs and cowered behind his walls; whilst Urguan lay in his city, greedily counting his coins, Krug defended the world from Iblees. Let it be known that the world owes a great debt to Krug and his descendants, and we of Clan Lak will enforce tribute from any Human, Elf or Dwarf that do not already pay tribute to, or are not allied with, Krugmar - to be handed to the Rex. The swamps awake. SIGNED, Swampgoth of Clan Lak, Marosh’Lak
  3. [A poorly written missive. It looks as if a five year old wrote it, scrawled handwriting.] MI DEMAND KLOMP TU SWAMP’GOTH MURDOK'LAK; MI DEMAND LAT READ MIZZIVE! Mi am blood-member of Lak Klan! Mi bruddah blah me dat chief gobbo is nub’hozh leadah! Tuu old! Is bad! We du nub klomp anymore, we du nub zakrafize tu dah spirits! We do not even demand tributes from stouties and pinkies anymore! Mi demand change! My bruddah Maash tell mi to be leader, and mi declare KLOMP DEMAND for POSITION OF KLAN LAK SWAMP’GOTH! Lat must accept or be branded koward! Lat too old to lead, klomp mi to prove mi wrong! Mi gathah mi bruddahs tuu demand lat klomp me, dey sign papah! SIGNED, MI, DAH TRUU SWAMP’GOTH, MAROSH’LAK MI HONURBAL BLUD-BRUDDAH, MAASH’LAK MI WIZE KLAN BRUDDAH, NAZGOUL'LAK
  4. Vithor Frostbeard shook his head "Let em fend for themselve!"
  5. "Oi'd call dat ah total Frostbeard victoreh" Vithor Frostbeard slapped his belleh
  6. Vithor Frostbeard held aloft his new Netherite blade that he took from the corpse of the newly-identified Norlander, swinging it around lightly "Ahn honourable opponent. Didnae flee like teh othas. Oi'm proud tae have been 'is last fight. May 'e rest en peace."
  7. Vithor Frostbeard placed four sets of armour in the Legion Donation chest. He also placed his two new Netherite swords on his wall, trophies of his clan's triumph against Norland.
  8. ok but did u roll on it being inbred
  9. [OOC: No fancy formatting. Had to write this on my phone since everyone decided to do this whilst I was at camping.] To those it may concern, It is said that a bastard have the nature of snapping for more than is theirs. I have found this statement to be true as of recent. A mere Saint's day ago or so, a woman known to many by the name of Estrid Sigvardson decided to publicly proclaim my ancestors as cowards. Whilst this I could not abide, I considered it a mere folly of youth with the punishment being her dishonour. However, it has now become apparent that if you toss someone a bone they will rip at your leg for Estrid publicly proclaimed herself the Head of House Sigvardson and denounced myself. It is with a heavy heart that I bring this truth to light, for I never intended to, however I am granted no other course of action. Many years ago, when I was just a boy, I came across an orphan girl. Starving and alone, she was sure to perish without intervention, and so I intervened. I begged my guardian at the time and took the girl in, gave her a full belly and a roof under her head. This is because I experienced much hardship growing up and did not wish thst fate inflicted on another, one that did not even have parents. Over the years, my family and this girl moved to the Commonwealth of Petra, and I allowed her to name herself Sigvardson as I could not dare to see her live her life as a bastard. I gave her to the Archduchess as a ward, to ensure she was given the finest education she could possibly receive. It is my belief that her extreme standard of living made her grow arrogant, and self-serving. To conclude, I name Estrid a bastard of no known lineage. I name her a would-be usurper, for even if she was my sister, the youngest child - a daughter, no less, has no right to claim the inheritance of the eldest. I denounce her, and detest her, and warn her that the usage of the name Sigvardson will be illegal in all ways Signed, Sigmund Sigvardson Head of House Sigvardson
  10. Name: Renlak Blackroot Age: 88 Race: Dwarf Nation: Urguan
  11. "Oi say ****'em, lets goh sack der citeh" A very angry Blackroot spat
  12. Sort of. Not really. Just don't be weird about it and it doesn't matter
  14. "This is where the fun begins" Commented Sig
  15. USERNAME: TheEnglishDuck RP NAME: Sigmund AGE: 14 (Or 15, one of those lmao) INTENDED EVENTS: Hunts, #2, #3, Tourney.
  16. Renlak Blackroot nodded along, smoking a fat joint of cactus green "Yeh, oi agree oncle.. Khorvad frives off dah weak willed natureh of dah selfesh dwed"
  17. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE HEAD OF HOUSE VERNHART THE DISOWNMENT OF JULIANA ROSEMARIE The name Vernhart is not one I bear lightly, it is the name of my father and my mother, A name I have fought long and fought hard to hold the right to hold, and one I lost for many years. However, it is one I earnt the right to hold. My brother reinstated me as a Vernhart prior to me marrying my first wife, upon her tragic death I had to cope with the wellbeing of two young children as well as keeping myself afloat, as my occupation does not exactly pay well. However, I made it through. All throughout, I was under the impression that I had the loyalty and love of my blood - although it appears this was a foolish notion, for I find out without prior mention that I have been betrayed, as if dealing with a divorce was not enough I am notified not by my sister, not by my ex-wife, but by my King that the woman I have called my sister would seek to undermine me with lies and slander. Believe or not, I bear no ill-will towards my blood, my sister in specific. I understand that she has betrayed me, yes, but I fear the penmanship may be hers but the words belong to my ex-wife, the lady Eyrane Rhodon. I do not hold grudges, not in reality, for the LORD teaches patience not wroth. However, in my duties as Head of House Vernhart I must point out a few factors.. My sister claims that she is the Head, and yet she is a married woman. She forsook the name Vernhart in favour of De Lyons, as do her children, and when our brother abdicated the position it passed to the eldest male VERNHART, myself. A position I did not seek to claim before such. All charges levied against me are false, I treat my former-wife's offspring as my own, even her bastard. I withheld no information about my past, I merely did not claim to be a Vernhart until I had been legitimized - I made no effort to remove any fliers from public record, and anyone whom truly wished to know my past was free to do such. I bear the name Vernhart proudly. For the reasons of lies and slander, I banish this Petrine woman from the House of Vernhart, as I was in my youth, until such a time comes where she is able to show repentance for her acts. I would not forbid her children from bearing this name, even though they shall bear the name de Lyons either way. My position as Patriarch of the Vernhart Family is clear for any with a family tree, as is my shared opinion with his majesty of Aaun. Should my dear sister wish to come to me, in Aaun, with repentance in her voice she shall be met with open arms. Until such a time she is forbidden from claiming any link to the House of Vernhart. Signed, Harald Leon Vernhart Head of House Vernhart Baron of Vorelorn
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