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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Y’know, I haven’t noticed this until you said that. But as someone who has only played female personas on this server, I absolutely agree. During my times as Ilaria and Liridona, it was near impossible to find people wanting to interact with me first. Maybe that also has something to do with lotc’s cliqueyness (that’s not a word but whatever), but I’m not sure. Anyway, fantastic post, I whole heartedly agree
  2. A JOINT MEMORIAL ⋅────────────────────────────────────⋅ ─── From Ashes, We Rise EST 143 E.S. - Present | 1590 A.H. - Present ⋅ ───⊱༺⠀☨⠀༻⊰─── ⋅ It saddens our House to have to announce the recent passings of two of our kin- former matriarch Olessya Irene Amador, and her younger sister, Ilaria Annabelle Amador. Both women were incredibly accomplished during their lives, and brought their family great pride. Thus, House Amador wishes to honour them with a traditional Amador funeral. ⋅ ───────────────⊱༺⠀I⠀༻⊰─────────────── ⋅ Ilaria Amador (left), with her sister, Olessya Amador (right) The former Matriarch, Olessya Irene Amador, was a strong-willed woman. Having been made head of her House at the young age of eight, Olessya led her family to Sedan after the Barony of Mondstadt was dissolved under Karl III. She returned to Haense many years later, although with her she brought her twin daughters, Nataliya Mariya and Liridona Ingrid Amador. Only under Olessya did those two girls grow to help reclaim the Barony of Mondstadt with the rest of their kin.. To honour Olessya’s life, she will be laid to rest beneath a spruce tree, as per tradition of the Amadors, and be monikered “The Conflagrate” for how she led her House through its darkest times, and rose her phoenix to greatness. There will be a ceremony, where her relatives will have an opportunity to prepare eulogies and say their final goodbyes. Thereafter, Olessya’s final wishes will be carried out by her daughter, Liridona. A steadfast and resolved woman, Ilaria Annabelle Amador carried herself with dignity from a young age. Despite the tragic losses of her first husband, Marquess Pavel Bassett of Aveyron, and her daughter, Edlynne Mara Amador, Ilaria maintained her strong will. She was a close confidant of Princess Augustina of Balian in Sedan, and upon her return to Haense, became both Court Astrologer under Queen Sofia of Hyspia, and an ambassador to Urguan. To memorialise Ilaria’s life, she will be buried beside her sister underneath a spruce tree, and be granted the moniker of “The Loyal” to honour the loyalty she offered her family and Kingdom. Similar to Olessya’s, a ceremony will be held where her kin may give speeches and say their final goodbyes. After the ceremony, Ilaria’s will be executed by daughter, Nicolette, and her niece, Liridona. IV JOVEO MAAN, Her Ladyship, Liridona Ingrid Amador, The Gem of Amador, Lady Chamberlain of Hanseti-Ruska, Lady Regent of Mondstadt His Lordship, Henrik III Edvard Amador, 11th Baron of Mondstadt Lady Nicolette Arika Amador Professor Albus Henrik Brian Amador, Chronologist of House Amador
  3. "Welcome to the floodplains," Juniper mused from Lurin.
  4. A depiction of a 14 year old Ilaria in Sedan, praying. SA 93 It felt like just yesterday- the day young Ilaria Amador’s world fell apart. She had lived well as the third child of the Baron of Mondstadt. She and her siblings- Olessya, Airomar, Anastasya, and Emiliya would spend hours roaming the streets of Karosgrad. Until the day the King declared that the Barony of Mondstadt would be no more. Sweet little Ilaria did not understand. She remembered her eldest sister, the fiery Olessya, petitioning at court not long after. It was not long after her father disappeared, and Ilaria became the sister of House Amador’s matriarch. “Where is papej?” She had asked her mother, the Princess Petrysa of Sedan. The princess gave a vague, unsatisfying answer to her daughter, and returned home to Sedan, with her five children in tow. Of course, Ilaria made do with her situation. She rose to join the courts of Princess Augustina of Balian, her cousin-in-law. She stayed at her family’s side, and tried her hardest to reclaim the stolen honor of House Amador. Her loyalty would stand with House Amador, always. A depiction of an 18 year old Ilaria, gazing out her window in Sedan. SA 97 Ilaria had lived her whole life following her mother’s words. She had been told to marry rich, to strive to find a wealthy husband so that she, as the third child, may live comfortably. Of course, that was until she met Quintus Varoche. Oh, young love. Ilaria was absolutely smitten with the Illatian boy who lived just down the street! He was sweet and funny, and oh how cute she thought his accent was. But alas, he was a commoner. It broke the young Amador’s heart that she was to be forbidden from her first love. How unfortunate that her loyalties were to her mother’s wishes first. A depiction of Ilaria in mourning after the death of Her first husband, Pavel Bassett. SA 110 Oh, Pavel. Though he was no Quintus, he treated Ilaria well throughout their marriage. Together, the landless Marquess and his Marchioness had two beautiful daughters; Nicolette, and Edlynne. Those two girls were the light of Ilaria’s life. After the death of her husband in a hunting incident, the usually reserved Ilaria wept for how she would have no one to care for her children. Until, that is, she received a letter from her dear sister, Olessya. A letter asking Ilaria to return to Haense to be with her siblings, nieces, and nephews. Of course, the now widow obliged, and returned to her childhood home of Karosgrad with her sweet Nicolette and Edlynne. Her loyalties lay within her children now, and Ilaria sought to provide them the life they deserved. A depiction of Ilaria praying for her daughter, Edlynne. SA 116 “Be wary of strangers. Do niet follow people vy do niet know.” Ilaria told her children. One could never be too safe, after all. Oh, but Edlynne. Sweet, curious Edlynne, who could not even speak. One day, the little wanderess followed a stranger out of Karosgrad, and was never seen again. All that was left behind was a beaten stuffed crow- the same one Ilaria’s sweet daughter carried everywhere. Ilaria spent days lamenting having ever let her daughter out of her sight, even for a moment. She had put out fliers with her sister Olessya, offering reward for her youngest child’s return. She searched for days on end herself, and found little solace in the fruitless endeavors. The only one who brought her comfort during her grief, was one Gregorious Roa. While he may have brought her some peace, Ilaria would never forget the loyalty she owed to her sweet Edlynne. A depiction of Ilaria on the day of her wedding To Gregorious Roa SA 117 (Art by Pitohui) Ilaria was a widow- who had bore two children, at that! To marry a Viscount, and especially one so caring towards her, was an opportunity she could not pass up. The Amador still followed the words of her mother, urging her to marry wealthy so that she may provide for her dearest Nicolette. And perhaps she may have some other children. Not that they could ever replace her deceased daughter, but to maybe ease the pain. The ceremony was beautiful. Ilaria was a stunning bride, and Gregorious her dashing groom. She soon moved to Urguan to begin her new life as the Viscountess-Consort of Pavia. However, not long into their marriage, Ilaria felt ill at ease. Her husband was very cozy with House Bishop, who had claimed Ilaria’s ancestral home of Mondstadt not long after her family had lost the title. When a scandal involving Lord Ludwig Barclay of Minitz occurred in Pavia, Ilaria found that her husband was planning to vassalize their land under the Bishops, who owned a Duchy within the dwarven lands. Now several months pregnant, Ilaria sought to sneak a copy of the contract to King Georg of Haense, and annul her marriage. She would never allow such injustice to occur, not while she had the power to bring such dishonor to light. As a result of her contributions, Ilaria was granted the position of ambassador between Haense and Urguan. And, perhaps as some light in the darkness of events, the Amador gave birth to three beautiful babies; Firentia, Edvard, and Henrik. While some regret for her marriage may have lingered, Ilaria never once doubted her actions. After all, her loyalties were bound to Haense first. A depiction of Ilaria gazing out the window of her room. SA 129 Firentia, such a darling girl she was. She was bright and bubbly, albeit sickly. Ilaria did her best to care for her. She may not have done the best job, lying to the triplets about who their father really was, but she did not wish for them to feel the shame of sharing the blood of a criminal. That is, until sweet Firentia found out. What only broke the Amador’s heart further was when her sweet daughter chose to move away from Haense, and spend the rest of her days out with her father’s name of Roa. While Ilaria had sworn that her loyalties lie within her children, she first promised it to her House, and she could not betray her other children. A depiction of Ilaria on the day of her wedding to Quintus Varoche SA 138 It had been a long time. Ilaria had moved from the tragedies of her two failed marriages, and recovered from the losses of her two daughters. She was well, on her own. Until, by sheer chance, she was reunited with Quintus Varoche. At first, his presence had caught Ilaria by surprise. It had been well over thirty years, and she had not only started two families in that time, but also helped reclaim her family’s lost noble title. Of course, that did not change the fact that her heart fluttered at the sight of her first love. It seemed as though her dear Quincey thought the same, as not even a few months later, he proposed. He may have proposed to her without a ring, and in the wrong language, but Ilaria was overjoyed nonetheless. Now in her fifties, she could imagine no greater joy than spending the rest of her life with the first man she ever loved. The day of the wedding was spectacular; it was perfect. A small ceremony, of course, but it was preferred that way. While her gray hair was starting to show at her roots, and the wrinkles on her face creased when she smiled, Ilaria still made an elegant bride. She hoped dearly this would be her last marriage, and that she could spend the rest of her days with her Quincey. And on that altar, with one of the brightest smiles she ever wore, Ilaria pledged her loyalty to her third husband. Now old and bedridden, Ilaria gazed out the window. She thought back on her life. The happiness her family brought her, and the pain her losses felt. Her three beautiful daughters, all of whom she was very proud of, and her two sons who had grown up to travel the world together. While she may have harbored regrets, Ilaria stood firm in her beliefs, and they guided her actions truthfully. One last time, Ilaria thought of who had made her life so bright. She thought of what she had done; the many things she had achieved for her House and family. A weak smile crossed her lips, as she thought of the duties she carried out in the name of House Amador. “Loyalty,” She sighed, mildly amused, to herself. “Such ein fickle thing…” Her eyes closed, and a final breath was taken. Now, reunited with her family in the Seven Skies, Ilaria Annabelle Amador promised loyalty To none other than her Creator, who had called her home. Nicolette Quincey Airomar House Amador Lady Ilaria Annabelle Amador Dowager-Marchioness of Aveyron, Dowager-Viscountess of Pavia 79 SA - 146 SA
  5. From her hiding spot, an elfess frowned at the news. She hated the fight between her birthplace and Lurin. She quickly tore the missive to shreds, and continued on with her day.
  6. The Whitewood founder's aunt, who also has had her fair share of children leaving her house, goes to comfort her sister. The cousin of Sterling, however, feels as though she needs a vacation. She can already feel her hair turning gray at 38!
  7. Upon recieving a personal invitation, Juniper seemed rather surprised! Nonetheless, she smiled at the thought, and marked her calender to attend at least one of the ceremonies.
  8. A certain Amador finds herself hearing the news per the delivery of a courtier. "Pardon? Sterling is a marquis now?" Although a pang of sadness was felt that the man had given up his Amador name, Liridona could not help but also feel a sense of pride for the man she once called her cousin. She smiled to herself, before continuing her seemingly endless work.
  9. From Lurin, another princess frowned. She could not do much, as she herself was still immobile. Nonetheless, she beckoned a servant to write a letter wishing well to Ember’s family. She hoped that the heiress would be returned soon….
  10. Liridona Amador bid her cousin well as he departed. "Ea will miss vy, Sterling. May Godan keep vy."
  11. ON THE DISOWNMENT OF SER STERLING On this day, the 11th of Joma ag UMUND of 493 E.S. ⋅────────────────────────────────────⋅ ─── From Ashes, We Rise EST 143 E.S. - Present | 1590 A.H. - Present ⋅ ───⊱༺⠀☨⠀༻⊰─── ⋅ For many centuries, House Amador has held an oath of fealty solely to the Kingdom of Haense. However, as of recent, it has come to the attention of the House that Ser Sterling Percival has purchased land within the Halfling Kingdom of Dunwen. This endeavour was set in motion without the knowledge of the Regent or Baron, let alone anyone else in the House. ⋅ ───────────────⊱༺⠀I⠀༻⊰─────────────── ⋅ It saddens our House that Ser Sterling has taken such measures to start a new settlement within the Lowlands without the permission of his family, much less their support. Therefore, the House believes it fit to remove the Ser’s right to use the Amador surname. He shall no longer bear any claim to Amador’s titles or inheritance. However, his daughter, Aurelia Nikuldov, shall remain welcome in Mondstadt, and Ser Sterling has been given permission to retain his ties to her, and visit her as is seen fit. IV JOVEO MAAN, Lady Liridona Ingrid Amador, The Gem of Amador, Regent of House Amador, Lady Chamberlain of Hanseti-Ruska His Lordship, Henrik III Edvard Amador, 11th Baron of Mondstadt
  12. Juniper remembers the day when she too was adopted by the Ibarellans. ”Damn, I feel old.” She thought to herself
  13. ". . . You were a good friend to me, during the time we spent together," Juniper thought to herself upon recieving the news. A voice within her laughed mockingly, taunting yet another loss the elfess had faced. She let out a sigh, dismissing the whispers, and looked out the window. "Rest well, my fellow Vikelan."
  14. Upon recieving a copy of the missive, a Lurinite elfess frowned. Voices whispered to her, feeding her all sorts of ideas about the missive. With a slow shake of her head, she cast the missive into the canals. She could not be bothered to pick a side in this fight.
  15. On the 7th of The Amber Cold, 144 SA It is the joy of Lurin to announce a special celebration coming up; that of a wonderful girl, Dasyra’s, 11th nameday. Dasyra is a lovely member of Lurin’s community, and as such, it has only been deemed right that all of the child’s friends and family be invited to celebrate such an occasion. Activities of the celebration shall include, per the request of Dasyra: MUSICAL CHAIRS A game of musical chairs will be held within the Anarion Keep. Participants will dance around a set of chairs until the music stops, and whoever is unable to find a seat will be eliminated from the round. The last remaining participant will receive a prize of 50 mina. MAGIC SHOWCASE As Lurin has long been a city filled with magical abilities, mages, bards, and anyone else with magical abilities are invited to showcase their talents within the Anarion Keep. While this is not a competition and no prize will be offered, it is hoped that the abilities of the showcases will provide entertainment to the guests. SCAVENGER HUNT Across the main city of Lurin, chests will be hidden with trinkets inside for guests to find. However, the hardest to find will be Mr. Snugglesworth the Teddy Bear. Whoever finds and brings this teddy bear to Juniper in the square will receive an additional prize of 50 mina. Any other trinkets may be taken home by guests as party favors. Personal invitations are sent to the following, per the request of Dasyra: Juniper Rose & Scrisa Anarion, and the Anarion family The An-Gho, and his esteemed pedigree Raziel Ibarellan (“Mr. Stars”), and his esteemed pedigree Giraudus Reinold Handil Deyn Astaroth Mr. Kitty-Cat The nobility and citizens of Lurin The Valiant Seekers Guild Refreshments for guests will be graciously provided by the Starlight Winery. There is no set dress code, but if one intends to participate in the activities, it is encouraged that they wear clothing that is easy to move in. Furthermore, while gifts for the birthday girl are not mandatory, they are also encouraged. ETERNAL WE STAND SIGNED, Miss Dasyra Larue Her Highness, Juniper Aurelia Rose-Anarion, Princess-Consort of Lurin, Project Manager of the Silver Lubba Workforce
  16. HI SAUN I LOVE YOU I'm going to ask the basic question of, what are some of your favorite rp memories? Also, what's your favorite color? :)
  17. “…And I thought I was crazy,” Murmured a deranged elfess to herself.
  18. Juniper stood in her room, silently. Letters, all sent to her from when Alucard was alive, were scattered on the floor around her. She felt so many things. She felt she was going to cry. She felt she was going to vomit. She felt angry and sad, and so, so afraid. "You are Juniper Rose, my lari'onn, a figher for what is right. He, nor anyone else, can take that from you." Alucard had once told his half-sister. And yet, those voices nagged. "Lily. Lily. Lily." The elfess let out a scream then, finally falling to her knees. She gripped at her hair, and sobbed. "ALUCARD!" She wailed for her brother. She wailed for her fleeting sanity, and for this world. Just as Alucard had told her, so many years ago.... "Cry, Juniper Rose, cry. Weep for this world as I do."
  19. Liridona beamed, absolutely over the moon for her sister in law and her husband!
  20. Liridona, the second daughter of the late Matriarch, stood in her mother's room. Or rather, she stood in the room that once belonged to her. A bitter taste filled the woman's mouth. Alone within those wretched walls, Liridona thought. She thought of the words her mother spoke when she was to find out Liridona had her first crush on a boy, when the girl was naught more than 16. "If he does niet want to marry vy- then vy failed vyr one job. Vy better have more men up vyr sleeve." Liridona shuddered at the memory. Every day, she thanked GOD that the man she married was in fact, the one of her dreams. She also thought of how, from a very young age, she stood in the shadows. "Y'am her favorite, Liridona. She does niet scold mea anymore." The eldest of Olessya's children, Nataliya, once spoke to her twin. "Someday, nie body will remember mamej." "Like they will niet remember mea?" "That is in vyr hands, Liridona." That wretched fear of being forgotten. To prevent that fate, Liridona sought out such love. From her husband, from her siblings and cousins, from her nieces, nephews, and sons... But it was never enough. It would never replace the love of a mother. The love Liridona herself would never know. "Ea will be better... Ea will love them, ag Ea will never hurt them the way vy hurt mea." A solemn promise The Gem made to herself, and to her mother, that she would be the woman she needed, when she was naught but a scared little girl who cried for her mother to hug her, even for a few moments. ---------------------------------------------------- Upon hearing the news, a horrified Ilaria Amador stumbled back, crashing onto her bed. A heartbroken groan sounded from the elderly woman as she tried to process it. Her older sister, the one she had looked up to and idolized... had finally departed. Of course, beside the pain the golden-haired woman felt, perhaps a tad of relief resided in her heart. She knew how Olessya had struggled so long, both in terms of her health, and in trying to fix the mistakes of their papej. Now, as Ilaria signed the Lorraine over herself, she prayed to GOD; "Please, Lord, let mea sestra finally rest in ve seven skies... she deserves to be happy.."
  21. In response to her wife, Juniper shrugs. "It is hard to believe I almost married into that family... Although- I do hope Floria is.. okay... she is a gentle soul who loves her children. This cannot be easy for her."
  22. "Astrid!" Katerina chirped excitedly as her younger sister joined her in the Seven Skies. "Ea missed eym so much! We did nejt get to spend ein lot of time together... shall we make it up now?" The long deceased Colborn asked, extending a hand to the woman.
  23. Liridona Amador excitedly prepares gifts for her sister in law and her groom!
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