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Everything posted by Ropceek

  1. Kul'Raguk smiles "Zamn diz iz amazing"
  2. Whitewashed orc passes through "Nize!"
  3. "These accusations are not true, I challenge you to a duel, I want a duel to be held in the arena, under a watchful eye of the rex -- we will see whose honour prevails"
  4. buffalo wings in my city are better then the ones in america i bet

  5. give us cool open CA

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NLThomas
    3. christman


      Ghosts are entirely open CAs and are very very easy to make interesting 

    4. MeteorDragon
  6. Tell me if The Relict is sum spook.
  7. Well thats true, cant tell otherwise
  8. I think all the player would love new mountains, because the ones we have right now at this moment suck...
  9. Peragius return when? It was barely used in rp and yet still shelved

    1. wowj


      stop this meme

    2. Ropceek


      fr when


  10. Guys i think sts are overated

    1. alexmagus


      Clearly incorrect!


  11. so how about we talk about, what the hell will st add in next map

    1. Nug



    2. Islamadon


      I'm personally working on a giant statue the size of current vienne that will have numerous corridors leading to little caves and openings... The statue is devoted to Nemiisae

  12. imagine if st will spawn next to you and make a pk event because u irply stepped on a bee

    1. Nug


      imagine if st will do event

    2. Sorcerio


      Thanks for the event idea

  13. how about we add aenguls as a CA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sorcerio


      I suggest reading Aengul lore to understand what they are first...

    3. TreeSmoothie


      8 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

      I suggest reading Aengul lore to understand what they are first...

      we should add sorcerio as a CA

    4. alexmagus


      1 hour ago, Sorcerio said:

      I suggest reading Aengul lore to understand what they are first...

      we should add a daemon CA (it would be funny i think)

  14. Hmmmm, I think its bit op, but anyway +1
  15. Have you ever thought how you fart?

  16. Dayum, demon slayer in lotc... Anyway approve it or st are not good +1
  17. If someone can make a autamaton skin pls dm !Ropceek#5408 


  19. so, what about 

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