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Everything posted by TeawithFrisket

  1. The shield vigil awake, as she tussled around looking for a source of light to engulf the dark corners of her quarters in the Keep. She looked rather disturbed, confused even. Her face and being covered in sweat as she tried to piece the heavy dream. “The swamps…haense?” She thinks, unsure if the structures there are of any true meaning or if there were more than one swamp. She cares not as she arose and got geared up. Hopefully she wasn’t the only one having such dream.
  2. “Hmm not what I thought it was, but a clean slate.” Ember stated a bit dissatisfied, however a sense of approval and support came from her hum “Atleast…. They won’t be known as the duchy, but possibly remembered as such, I ponder what many think of them these days” The Elfess continued reading on her missives as she got back to work on her studies. mean while A Vigil stride by the Once used to be duchy, a contemplative look in her visage as she looked at both of her old homes. A side of her hated it, nothing came good off this place and be it so, her worst memories and starts came from the stone brick walls. However the sweet memories of the smell of sweet apple pie made her shed a tear, she did miss her home, but she knew turning back was no option. “Maybe one day, when I’m redeemed…”
  3. Please make him stop he hasn’t been home for 5 days
  4. Tysm for your work and contribution Live on!
  5. Maria Looks down at this missive as she smacks her lips. She whistles upon the men of Hyspia, and the vice royal guard “Vengan, we have a target on our backs and now they may come for us, Prepárense todos ustedes!” Samuel Looked down at this missive with a frown as he sharpened his own blade an knuckle dusters, he knew better how humanity acts when many gather against those with ambition.
  6. “NI NI NININININI!!!!” Ember said panicked as she misread the signatories pasted into the copy. ”Oh thank the heavens…unholy….wait…UNHOLY?!”
  7. An Exarch takes note of such name as she reads over the western political missives of the year.
  8. Maria would look at the missive as she threw it on the table, which sat in her office. The question in her mind lingered long, and hard. Her reaction to enemies is a questionable impulse, she’s has too much blood lust. Maybe it was the Owl, which threatens her family outside of haense, or endangers innocent people outside of her home. Maybe it was simply just her ich for a stronger opponent. One thing is for sure she has to stop unsheathing her own weapon in the face of possible danger, or she may get someone killed herself. “Justice… is unjust, si tenemos Que aprender del pasado. We will only put ourselves behind bars. So why in the holy name of DIOS do I feel like I have committed a crime against the family I swore to protect. Que me pasa? A certain peacock however was awaiting for its demise in the near future.
  9. Ember loved her very first visit to the Silver city of Hyspia. The smell and wonders of the place bewildered her as she was so close to the ocean. “Another wedding, and we are invited…. I treasting friends my papa has.” Maria was asleep, she read this missive soon
  10. Ember gracefully smiled The Mali'aherral would be ready to attend this coronation with all kinds of excitement, as she looked upon the missive. She begun to make a gift, one fitting for her Sovereign. "Finally my first coronation, I pray I dont sleep in" She begins to sow a dress for it, as she seemingly cannot wait for this upcoming day!
  11. Ember laughs her ass off at the irony ”they banish him, and all it took was a dragon, bloody hell.” she continues to laugh, happy to see her father forgiven but also laughing out of pure ego
  12. Maria looked upon the missive of her the princesses quince, she smiled brightly as she drank her cafe con leche. ”Time to prepare the Guards…. Si se levanten” the Hyspian woman expressed a sigh as she sheet her her sword and left home.
  13. Ember Munnel takes notes of this impressive reform in Balianite government “Someone is doing their bloody job, they deserve a cookie”
  14. With the ammount of like Conflicts you took part in, which one was the most enjoyable? I mean Irply ofc, I hope you did not get into ooc conflict at school/work/ect…
  15. The shield vigil places this missive in importance
  16. The Shield Vigil Enjoys the sunlight as she stretches her hands outwards ”may the sun never set…truly” Ember looked to the window as she awoke ”oh for BLOODY SAKES FIVE MORE MINUTES UGGHGHHH”
  17. Ember looked upon the missive as she looked at the pardon her father had gotten, she looked to her beloved @Pancho as he carried her youngest. ”We prepare for the worst, a domino effect, a butterfly’s effect even?” Mali’aherral pondered as she questioned outcomes and possibilities. “I hate the Unknown dammit, these paladins better bloody kill, if they understand the gravity of such beast, throw however many Valah at it, they just better send it back to the creator So that he may rethink his decision on creating such horrific creatures” The Shield Vigil sought to the letter looking her fellow student and other vigils @Northtitan @MokoMochi @HIGH_FIRE ”Lets do our best, falter- and death will not only be our only fate but the descendant kind’s as well”
  18. “BLESS a summer home truly a home!” the shield happily chimed as she prepare for great summer seasons
  19. Ember groans at the ammount of snow Everywhere. As she malds snow from the rooftop of her home falls on her, an annoyed scream can be heard from afar.
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