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Everything posted by TeawithFrisket

  1. Beyond a dream, A warning for Helious [!] a depiction of the sea and beyond in the window of the Ducal house in Helious Time and Time again, history repeats itself, its only a matter of time for the clock to return to midnight. Ember began to have these thoughts as she looked out the window. She rarely thought about the end of this world, but after the talks with the Mali’ker she too began to ponder what's beyond the aquamarine sea, and the glassy sky, she wondered what other places does the sun shine, would they fall under the same fate if the worm followed once more? Many things pondered as she took a heavy sigh, she really disliked the unknown, for once she's met something no book tells tales about and so she seemed unsure how to fend or maneuver it, no weakness or no absolute knowledge of how it's kind were defeated. Nothing, not a single book. Ember, however, made her people take up a task to spread the word, and so it was she too will help spread the word with one massive, she sent her own foxes to spread missives around the realms of malin, a letter that stated the following. Those who found themselves in Amaethea, would be able to find the missive in the bulletin board. To the people of Amaethea and the Neighboring settlements & realms- who have not heeded the warning or the words which spread from Nor’asath, and their kin, who specialized on their belief. Heed the word from a Mali’aherral, We of the people of Helious heard the warnings and we now make one ourselves, one which does not come from a politician or future duchess, but one of a caring illiran and Haelune of two beautiful children. Prepare The time has come for mass preparation, history has caught up, and our friendly neighbors have told us of a great beast, who will wipe us out in its path to feed itself. The visions and advice which they gave us, were not a jest, we will take them to heart, As of this moment, Helios will begin preparations for the incoming threat of such a beast. This does not mean we are leaving, yet. But we are making sure all things are ready, for when the time comes we will be ready to assist our Mali kind, and those who live within our cities, here in Amaethea and her realm. Our duty as loyal citizens must be to secure our future, and so it is now, we must act before it's too late. The following Guilds must prepare resources, a message shall be sent info ward to assign further information and tasks -Fishing guild of Helious hereby tasked with rationing & mass farming/ Hunting -The Artisans of Helios are hereby ordered to amass minerals and metal to forge gear for our Glaive Guard and able bodied civilians who can fight. -The Alchemist of Helious are hereby ordered to make as many medical Elixirs and tools to tend to sicknesses and wounds By the power invested in me, as Heir Regent of The Duchy of Helious I declare this warning, for we will survive. Take this as you will and do your part as citizens of the Duchy, for the time has come. Nhe’ xen teyhm os’ Signed The Most Honorable, Ember Munnel, Heir to Munnel and The Duchy of Helious, Countess of Yagrasylvvy His Grace, Jarad Munnel, Taur and Duke of Helious, Duke of Alterk, Margrave of Vali’mae, Count of Voclia, Viscount of Oblen, Baron of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Lord of Sen’nyor, Patriarch of Munnel Her Grace, Sorise Munnel, Tauria and Duchess of Helious, Duchess of Alterk, Margravine of Vali’mae, Countess of Voclia, Viscountess of Oblen, Baroness of Achyae, Floyya & Sievis, Lady of Sen’nyor Matriarch of Munnel
  2. A Shield seemingly stared at the city which was Celia'nor from afar as she shook her head "Its hard to Believe my own family lives in such place...."
  3. A Heiress shows this to her squire ( @Disklexia) “This should be a nice task for all of you” she said
  4. An Heiress smiles brightly at the missive “and their family grows, wonderful wonderful!”
  5. “What in the bloody hell….” Ember said as she passed by in Nor taking a missive from a bulletin board
  6. Ember sits in a room filled with old scrolls, some broken, some filled with words she’s never seen or heard before. ”Blood ******* hell…. Good thing I always loved a good puzzle….time to decrypt and re write”
  7. +1 I strongly think if this is what you as a leadership figure, believe it’s ok to do I and the rest of the duchy will support the fishing guilds in its rp decisions. We love our friends there and it’s a grand opportunity for more on going and fun rp to happen! fish on my friends fish on
  8. A Shield looks on to this missive “this is a horrible poem”
  9. Round two oh boy -says in Nicky mouse voice-
  10. “Start now” he says counting the days and minutes “now I bet 50 Mina’s for these heartlanders to **** up the treaty in a matter of 4 saint months eh?” Samuel scoffs as he looks at the treaty “we were promised a GLORIOUS WAR DAMMIT” he lightly grunts, he really seemed frustrated
  11. Maria somehow sighs as she sits in the soon to be opened Tavern, she’s couldn’t stopped thinking on those who escaped. On top of that, she also tried to wrap her head around the young princes beserked moment, as she did see the angry princes pupils turn from simple and focused to tiny and cold. ”Mucho para pensár, And I have too much to think about” she contimplated about drinking a glass of wine, she shook her head and returned to work
  12. Address of the Hundred-Second Fox year And so it was stated by the Fox On the 102nd Fox year, the People of Helious are hereby summoned to the Addressing court room in the Town Hall, for a seasonal address. The court will state its statuses on the future construction of the duchy, and further plans on its economy and its efforts to support the Duchy with resources. Furthermore, it will also state the disbanding of the Order of the Golden fox, as the guard force will be merged with the Glaive Guard of Amaethea. Petitions and other mentions shall be also allowed at the end of the address. It is required ALL lords and ladies find the time to attend this court, as representatives of their houses and lordship titles. The court will be hosted by the Heiress of Helious as per the representation of the Ducal Family of Munnel and further instances. Mit händen wir unser schicksal His Grace, Jarad Munnel, Taur and Duke of Helious, Patriarch of Munnel Her Grace, Sorise Munnel, Tauria and Duchess of Helious, Matriarch of Munnel The Most Honorable, Ember Munnel, Countess of Helious, Heir to the Munnel Family and the Duchy of Helious
  13. Ahhhhh I want to say only 2 of my personas atm have living descendants, as my oh hyspian and my heart lander had children who had children and so on and so forth. I never touched or intervened on such things but I’m happy people continue after my characters passing
  14. A Bright Future…. 2nd of Suns Smile, The 100th Year of the Fox The Sun rises upon the month as the world grew warmer. And warmer it became as the waters were quiet and the roosters sang their morning song. Upon it, a child wailed from entering this world. Upon the crying calming and the medics finishing their process and treatments, happy laughter and cheers were heard a future Heir was born! Ponce Came'ron Munnel was given birth upon the morning sun, The Heir of the Heir will be celebrated on a festival which games and a grand fishing tournament shall take place! Mit händen wir unser schicksal His Grace, Jarad Munnel, Taur and Duke of Helious, Patriarch of Munnel Her Grace, Sorise Munnel, Tauria and Duchess of Helious, Matriarch of Munnel The Most Honorable, Ember Munnel, Countess of Helious, Heir to the Munnel Family and the Duchy of Helious The Honorable and Loyal, Leon Munnel, Count- Consort of Helios, Silver Hunter of The Hinterlands
  15. A Sheild of Itnan- took a glance at the missive of Historical and cultural specifics. She bobbed her head in approval "I barely show my face there, and seems that I have to rename the name on the map, new embers..." An Elfess squints at the missive. She seemed hoenstly confused, as she kept tilting her head trying to study the missive.... "The numbers are too....Aurevuange..... though I do respect it, I do find Aure speakers quite jolly....whats this a new religion..... Oh how interesting, though I would like to say this sounds more...druidic rather than something by self...." The Elfess looks at the missive as she looked at the missive once more "At least they are trying to move past.... being called Elysians"
  16. “We stand by his highness, we stand with both unity and truth, This is our home.” an Heir stands as she holds a hand over her chest as she stares of the crescent shield with the COA stamped on it. “This is the path we choose.” “mit händen wir Unser schicksal”
  17. An Elfess Looks at this alliance with a squint. ”And this achieves what?”
  18. An Elfess shakes her head, now wondering what the future looks like. ”Bloody hell….”
  19. Samuel smiles the suns smile a certain shields eye twitched seeing her own comrades disregarded. Even if they were the ones to support such crusade
  20. Samuel Vuiller and Leonora Morovar both cackle devilishly as they both say “bitchops” Ember shakes her head as she reads this missive once more disappointed at balianite corruption
  21. An Elfess frowns upon the sight of this missive and awaits the results of her own citizens trial
  22. A drift in the ocean was a hyspian long forgotten probably, asleep. The seas take her to the Silver isle which can be seen from the horizon
  23. “Now don’t drop it” An narcissist elfless snickered as a bad joke slipped her mouth “congratulations” she said as she placed the missive seeing she wasn’t invited either way ”bless GOD… and here I thought that Never happen” said Samuel somewhere in the Noble homes
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