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Everything posted by D4rkSolar

  1. Documentation of the House of Salazar 14TH OF CARLOS STRENGTH OF 104 D.R. A depiction of a Salazar rancher and their cattle. The Salazar household is a Hyspian household of ranchers. Their entire livelihoods are based on the raising and caretaking of cattle. Hardworking men and women putting forth labor as they sought out expanding upon their home and livelihood. The Salazar household's culture is one steeped heavily in ranching and working the land. Their name holds the meaning of “manor house” or “corral”, depicting the meaning of the ownership of a grand home or abundant lands. The original Salazars, Estrella and Antonio Salazar chose the name for themselves, finding it a bountiful name and a worthy goal. Estrella and Antonio went on to have three sons, Joaquin, Carlos and Pedro - each of which they raised to share their aspirations. It was upon the passing of their parents, that the brothers would pack up and set out to make those dreams a reality. It is with this, that the Salazars became first known in the Sovereign State of Hyspia during Sovereign Ramona I reign, the current reigning monarch as of the time of the writing of this missive. Having spent generations in ranching, their ambitious Patriarch Joaquin Salazar intended to get more. Land to expand their ranching and a title to boot. He brought his brothers, Pedro and Carlos, where the family began to make a name for themselves through their work with cattle and military service. It wasn’t long before the household made a name for themselves, guarding events closely and making their grand debut at El Puente; Hyspias festival of connection building. Their crowning moment was the defence provided against a raid on Hyspian lands, during the Clash of Sands of 103 D.R, in which Carlos Salazar bravely fought and lost his leg to the encroaching Darkspawn. On the 14th of Maria’s Peace, 104 D.R, the family would be granted a title at Hyspias court; the Barony of Campos Salvajes. A depiction of a Salazar bull. CULTURE AND TRADITIONS As the saying goes, “You mess with the bull, you get the horns,” and this rings ever true in the Salazar household. In a world where it’s understood that you may leave at any time, to that of the Seven Skies, everyday is lived to the fullest. One wrong turn on a Bronc in a rodeo could mean the difference between paralyzation and death, something outlined early on. This understanding is spread commonplace throughout all aspects of a Salazars life, from day to day, to marriage and otherwise. Lengthy engagements are not their forte, for they opt to live in the moment and with this in mind, documented are a few traditions in which the Salazars uphold in monument to their ancestry and livelihoods. The Making of a Saddle There are two times in a Salazars life, in which they will work closely with or be gifted that of a custom-made saddle. The first is upon their birth, the demeanor of the newborn babe being taken into account as to decide what materials and design may be used. No saddle is the same, and is added onto throughout the child's life as they grow and become situated as their own person. It is when that child is grown, and wishes to marry, that they may create a saddle for their intended. Much like their own, the personality and life of the one they wish to marry is taken into account as it is made - save for one change. A symbol or story is taken from the original saddle to be put onto the new, symbolic of allowing them into your familial tapestry and story that is their life. This tradition continues onward, in which the newly wed couple create a saddle together for their child. Child's First Rodeo Upon reaching between the ages of five and seven, a Salazar child will be expected to take part in their first rodeo. This is often showcased in the child practicing beforehand, riding wildly out on the familial lands before they should make their debut on the rodeos field. A special event takes place, “Porkchop Busting” in which the child wraps their arms over a pig and holds tight. The bell is sounded, and the race begins where they must keep hold and not be thrown off. Upon a successful first rodeo, the Salazar child is gifted a horseshoe, their name inscribed upon it, to remember always. A Salazar’s Coming of Age As is in Hyspian culture, a Salazar's coming of age is when they turn fifteen years of age. Whether a Quinceañera or the less common Quinceañero, a Salazars very first Bull ride will take place. Similar to the pig-riding of their childhood, and yet very different as the event poses an imminent danger. Their goal is to survive the encounter and get out of there all in one piece. While it may seem strange to push a new adult towards such a thing, this is the Salazars everyday life, working closely with cattle and within rodeos. If they cannot survive, then the Salazar was meant for other pastures other than these own. HEIRLOOMS With the Salazar household still being relatively new, they have yet accumulated many heirlooms. They hold two in total, in which is held by the head of house in perpetuity: Toromante Espada (Bullguard Sword) The Toromante Espada is a steel sword with a bull-shaped pommel and engravings depicting Vaqueros life. Its blade is razor-sharp with ancient symbols etched along its length. Accents of blue, orange, and gray honor the Salazars' house colors, with vibrant blue on the hilt, subtle orange in the engravings, and a gray steel blade. An emblem of a charging bull near the hilt symbolizes the Salazars' motto: "Mess with the bull, get the horns" ("Si te metes con los toros, obtendrás los cuernos"). The Toromante Espada is a symbol of honor passed down through generations, embodying the courage and resilience of the Salazar Vaqueros in defending their land and way of life. Estrellas Silla Vaquera (Estrellas Cowgirl Saddle) The Silla Vaquera is a Hyspian dressage saddle, hosting a flat and wide seat and outlined with Antelope fur. The fur hosts a sooty gray, and prevents friction on the piece. The saddle itself is adaptable, allowing practice on a horse trail or with cattle work, with a classic stirrup system. If one were to look close, copper thread was interwoven throughout the saddle until the name ‘E S T R E L L A’ was spelled out in bold letters, denoting who this was for. In keeping to Salazar marriage tradition, a patch from Antonio Salazar's saddle has been sewn on, baby blue fabric stitched together with three Broncs taking center place. #704688 Signed, SIGNED, SU SEÑOR, Joaquin Salazar, Baron de Campos Salvajes, Colonel de Regimiento de Hyspia SU SEÑORA, Gabriela Salazar, Baronesa de Campos Salvajes, Dama de Honor
  2. Aleksander von Theonus spent some time sharpening his spear, axes, and knives "They will not stop unless killed, I wont make the same mistake twice..." the young squire said while taking a deep breath, he'd then take out a book beginning to research the trolls and try to find a easier way to take them down
  3. Chris would open his brothers letter as soon as it arrived, peeeling off the Galbriath crest before reading, - after a pause Chris would laugh "took you long enough!"
  4. “The Last Golden Cigar” Marcel Galken walked over to grab his son in tight hug “I know you will do this family proud, no doubt in my mind. And if you every feel lost you can always pray to GOD and talk to Wilhelm… I trust that man to guide you if you ever need” Marcel would let his son go, only to soon embrace him in a warriors shake. “You are destined for great things my son… promise me you will not join me and your grandfather soon. Remember what ever happens where ever you go you have allies… dont be afraid to rely on them” Matthias would return the handshake before pulling his father into one last hug “Thank you father, you will be missed.” he smiled while clearing the tears from his eyes “say hi to grandfather for me” With that the Galkens split for the last time… Marcel would head out the main gates of Reinmar, lifting himself onto his horse followed by his dog… he’d set off in the sunset. He’d reach into his pocket pulling out one last Aurum infused Cigar…. Quickly lighting it he’d puff as he continued his journey to the seven skies… [!] A letter would be found in Konstantin von Theonus’ mail box Dear Konny, I’m writing you to say I appreciate everything you have done for me, gave me a home when I didnt have one, gave me a reason to keep fighting when I didnt have one… and for that I am internally grateful. And proud to be able to call such a man as yourself my Brother. I love you. Take care of your family. Sincerely, Your brother in arms and your Master at arms, Marcel Galken [!] A photo of Marcel in Theonus cloak was sketched in [!] A letter on was in the aviary for Yvon Galken Dear Yvon, Please watch over my son, I know you will do good to keep him safe as well as the Galken name. I want to thank you for welcoming me back into the family with open arms. And I am forever in your debt. Please remember, you are meant for great things. Don't forget it Sincerely, Your uncle Marcel Galken [!] A letter would Arrive at the Stroheim keep addressed to Robert Dear, Robert. You were not only a friend, but a mentor at the same time. you really helped me get back into Minitz and not feel like an outsider. for that im grateful... I will have a Cigar and a drink waiting for you up here my friend. thank you so much for everything Sincerly Brother in Arms, Marcel Galken. [!] A letter would be waiting for the Petran Royalty, when opened two joints would fall out for the previous queen Dear Catherine, and Renilde I thank you both for giving me a home and a job when I needed one, as well as giving me and opportunity to do good on my name in Petra. I hope all is well for you and your kingdom in the coming years. GOD bless… Sincerely, The Royal Joint Roller Marcel Galken ________________________________________________________ And Here ends the story of Marcel Galken son of the Golden Gryphon Father to Matthias Galken Theonus Master at Arms Brother Teacher REINMAREN! WerRastet, Der Rostet! 1905-1973 ________________________________________________________ OOC: Hey, first off I would like to thank @Sarvenfor the opportunity to play Marcel I had such a blast playing him! going through all the highs all lows of trying not to disappoint his father and meet lots of people from his fathers past was a blast! there really was a lot of lore behind the character and I appreciate the opportunity man! Next! @Deetsfor allowing me to join them in petra in the Theonus keep when I wasn't sure where I wanted to Bring Marcel! thank you for all those opportunity's and all the gifts you and all the Theonus have given me! for that I thank each and every one of you!!!!!! and @Frode for Continuing the Galken name! I know he will make it proud and rise to glory! my trust is in you homedawg best of luck! and Thank you to all of those I havent mentioned you have all played apart in Marcels story! and even tho I am not mentioning you in here I do appreciate it! this is my longest forum pos so im trying my best! again thank you to everyone who played aparty in his story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!! MUCH LOVE TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!
  5. Andreas Ironsword Smiled seeing his old Friend join him and so many others in the Seven Skies "We meet again old friend"
  6. The now Viscount, Christopher Weiss nodded while reading. He wiped his brow and smiled. "Ruthless." He was a little surprised at his wife's words but smiled proudly as he knew she is fighting for all Weiss and what she believes in.
  7. IGN:D4rkSolar RP NAME:Marcel Galken PERSONA ID: 82804
  8. Marcel Galken saluted the fallen Ritter “rest easy brother… you will not be forgetten” he paused to sign the Lorraine “you will be avenged”
  9. Marcel Spat on the ground as he left “distasteful cowards! Such is not act of war it’s a mere scared act! Scared to face us in the field of battle… I will revenge thoes who could not escape… I promise” Marcel pauses to place his right hand to his heart “I promise on my life this is not a conflict I will sit idle by and watch but I son of the Gryphon Sir Yvian Galken of Minitz swear to bring down as many as I can without rest” he there after hugged his son Mattia and silently praying and thanking GOD for keeping his son safe…
  10. Marcel Pats his sons shoulder taking a deep sigh "I wish you could have met him Mattia... I can only hope to be half the man he was..." Later on when Marcel returns from battle he heads to the church "GOD please give him this one message for me... 'Father I love you, you were my hero and I strive to be as great as you... I promise to carry your legacy with me and our future Generation... thank you for all your sacrifices... I strive to better not just myself but the world around me... and I will always be on Minitz' side" he sighed and then prayed to GOD "Carry my father into the seven skies, and let him watch over not just me and my son but everyone in Minitz... as much as I didn't feel welcomed I would die for each and everyone one of them..." he then stood up placing his right hand to his heart "Wer Rastet, Der Rostet"
  11. Username: D4rkSolar Persona Name: Marcel Galken Persona Age: 43 Place of Residence / Street Address: Solland Hamlet 3
  12. Username: D4rkSolar Persona Name: Marcel Galken Persona Age: 43 Place of Residence / Street Address: Solland Hamlet 3
  13. Name: Marcel Galken Race: Human Age: 35 Military rank: warrior IGN: DarkSolar discord: DarkSolar
  14. Marcel Galken sheds a single Proud tear as he reads his father is retiring
  15. Name: Andreas Ironsword Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 25 Military Rank: Ritter/Soldat IGN: D4rkSolar Discord: D4rkSolar#6404
  16. D4rkSolar


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) *Áni looks confused by the old lady calling his name* *cautiously sits down without breaking eye contact* *with a hint of a Scottish accent Áni begins to speak* "To be honest i dont really know... *Áni gets a sad look in his eyes* Form when i could first remember i have been on my own. i dont really remember my family or where im from... all i do remember was playing with wolf pups and playing with the foals in the field. when i turned 10 ive been wondering and scavenging for food searching and saving for a place to call my own somewhere away from people in a field by a river just me my dog my horse and my thoughts. (more or less a Viking who got lost as a child only remembers his animals and finds comfort in that so he spends his life trying to get that back but things happen and he might make some friends and enemy's along the way) (hes also scared of trusting and getting to know someone so often runs off and does things cause he feels he cant trust someone so you could say he goes rouge on quests on stuff) (he can hold his own on the battlefield but definitely isn't an insane fighter relies on a canine companion in most battles)
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