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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Hiebe

  1. Ha, my new signature

    1. Crayfishchris


      I saw Crayfish-Hunter when I first looked and got scared.

  2. Haha love it well Im glad they let stuff like that happen... anywho Im off to prctice see ya

    1. williewonka01


      You spelled practice wrong.

    2. Skippy
  3. Hammer of Urguan is now stashed somewhere in the map. Only I know where its at. Goodluck Undead

  4. Hammerities taking forever >.

    1. mrgeriki
    2. Uleftthedooropen


      But they do usually do great work.

  5. Hanging out in TS .... alone

    1. Skippy


      not anymore

    2. Skippy


      not anymore

    3. Rhia


      I see how it is. . . .FINE.

  6. heman song... epic win

  7. herp derp by by for now folks.

  8. Hey man where you been lately? Hope everything is ok we are missing you ;P

  9. Hey pud Holm 2.0 comming like to see ya back ;)

  10. hey remember that old server?

  11. Hiebe should still be on the magic users list, he isnt dead.

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      They're not putting banned users on it until they're unbanned.

    2. Hiebe
    3. Princeton


      It's an active user list.

  12. Hiebe: Your grammar is absolutely atrocious and you abuse your forum moderator powers while acting like you're important. Nobody respects you. Stop f-cking trying to seem special [mind you, you're a bit special in the head]. -Cataris

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. FORƎST


      Solid half dude maybe. Dang dwarves.

    3. Temp


      Wait, isn't this the guy that quit or something? Something about health issues?

    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      ur grmmr is bd n u r bd n abse pwrs

  13. High five neko

    1. Ever


      hiebe #1

    2. ℓαтєяяє ~

      ℓαтєяяє ~

      -Takes the highfive-

    3. Ursolon


      *smacks LaTerre for stealing said high five*

  14. High five neko

  15. How does one get access to said magic plugin?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mining


      What sort of things can the magic plugin do at the moment besides fireballs?

    3. Redbaron™


      Lots of things. Some of the spells beta testers were given are black listed for what they do lol.

    4. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      I've seen some neat things, the reagents on some of the Druid spells are aggravating though. But for instance there is a spell that I love called "lilywalk" which allows you to walk/run across water with lilies underfoot. It's a little buggy and very often you'll fall beneath but if you're careful you can slowly get across (still quicker than swimming).

  16. How much protection enchantments would it take for leather to be on par with iron or diamond?

  17. Human baby? I think yes

    1. Pudclud


      Oh damn. I call taking control of the ironguts if Kilgrim/Hogarth fail as an honorary member!

  18. I always see 300+ players ont he forums, why dont they just log in?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Telanir


      same, I'm also logged on 24/7 as im on my phone sometimes as well

    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Ya i always have a tab open lol

    4. bickando


      I'm just too lazy to log into mc.

  19. I am a master in Fire-Water and a teacher in both ;) expect me to be around the guild more in 3.0

  20. I am Hiebe leader of House Hiebenthal, Baron and lord of HiebenHall, the greatest Hold of the Forums.

    1. Hylian the Heretic
    2. bungo


      Nay, for I am Joseph of House Hiebenthal and I am suing thee for copyness.

  21. I cant even play the server cause of this lag

    1. Dreek


      fite da lag Hee Da Bee

  22. I didnt know not emoting everything you do could get you in trouble :I

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      *takes a foot step in the direction down the road.* *Takes another footstep, this time stepping ona crack in the cobble stone, nothing happens* *Takes another steps, making further progress down the road* I'll get there! Just another few hundred steps!

    2. everblue2er101


      We should all keybind *breathes in* and *breathes out*

    3. DrakeHaze.


      *Attempts to inhale* *rolles 1/20* *Begins to choke and die*

  23. I done goofed everyone. My apologizes

    1. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      what did you do? WHY ARE U BANNED

    2. Meanking



  24. I dont know about you bit that Alec guy is a pretty cool coder.

    1. Blundermore


      Indeed that coder is some guy.

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