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  1. yo shordy 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}



      Verein für Socialpolitik takes a deep breath, intently lording over the submissive crowd. Though it was just past midnight, he emenated an energy akin to that of a morning rooster. Clearing his voice, he declares...


      "Everyone is the proper owner of his own physical body as well as of all places and nature-given goods that he occupies and puts to use by means of his body, provided only that no one else has already occupied or used the same places and goods before him. This ownership of "originally appropriated" places and goods by a person implies his right to use and transform these places and goods in any way he sees fit, provided only that he does not change thereby uninvitedly the physical integrity of places and goods originally appropriated by another person. In particular, once a place or good has been first appropriated by, in Locke's phrase, 'mixing one's labor' with it, ownership in such places and goods can be acquired only by means of a voluntary – contractual – transfer of its property title from a previous to a later owner."

    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      @Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy} @TeaLulu


      Bell R. Sano literally rises from his ******* grave some 21 years after his death, simply to refute this poor libertarian's horrid arguments. He'd raise his politically triggered, trembling finger over Verein's head, before adjusting his glasses.


      "Pathetic," the deceased scholar began, "You completely ignore the macroeconomic consequences of your laissez-faire economic policies. . . You cannot give the people individualistic freedoms, straying away from the national, theocratic unity of the kingdom, for the entire structure of the government shall fall to pieces! Only a silly liberal like yourself would consider such a fanatical ideal to be practical. . . Collective ownership of the means of prosecution are the only way to secure the safety of the people from the greed of the nobility, elitist class. They are the pigs who truly run our government, they are the reprobates who continuously lie to us, they are the debauchees who influence the kingdom's rulers -- if you allow this type of power to go unchecked, corporate manipulation is bound to overcome the populous, and even the might of the Church! The working class must band together, in an attempt to unite behind the state, in order to implement protectionist economic policies, massive immigration blockades, state sponsored religion, socialized public programs, and republican representation among the people. It is written in my final book from 1619, the Sanoist Compendium that, "there are necessary limitations on the reigns of freedom permitted to the people, as we do wish to maintain orderly decorum within our own borders. . ." If you unsettling capitalists are under the belief that society should allow civilization to crumble into the ruins of degeneracy and heresy, then by GOD, I am proud to call myself a socialist, a nationalist, and a Sanoist. Shall we concede essential civil liberties to the populous? Of course, but not to the uncivilized degree which you, sir, have proposed. Truly, you are a stain on mankind's existence."


      With that, the leftist scholar then hoovered back into his grave, after being completely triggered by Verein's political opinions. . . But not before summoning his lackeys to finish the job for him.


      @James2k @Piov @Caranthir_ @canaan_banana @Hanrahan

    4. argonian


      "Quality debate my good sirs." remarks a local closet Sanoist!

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