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Everything posted by Lym

  1. http://gyazo.com/34eabd6883ed5469bdec50048a99fb01 Can finally smite Krug now. Thanks, Rito.
    1. Sythan


      Is it bad I'm more afraid of the Krugs than I am of red and blue buff when jungling?

    2. Lym


      Best find a bridge right now, my friend.

    3. Kim


      Ha Lym thinks he's funny :')

  2. Stick it in ze boot

    1. Salamandra


      Forums won't let me add you to the message I sent out for League. Not sure why?

    2. KarmaDelta



    3. Lym
  3. No one sodomizes the German language as well as whoever's doing the Aesterwald translations. Teuton Prison Island in Asulon is laughable compared to that :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryn Chirr

      Ryn Chirr

      omg i remember Fichlock... so many jokes.. so many jokes.. Aesterwald... now that one is great too... German.. Deal with it.

    3. Hanrahan


      Why dun you fix it herr critic

  4. Cheers, friend.

    1. TheBareSheet


      Hi, how are you? ;)

    2. Lym


      Great, what about you? ;]

    3. TheBareSheet


      yeah. likewise i guess :P school

  5. If LotC was part of reality, this would be Aeriel fighting: http://i.imgur.com/MVaVKG8.gif

    1. Dalek348


      what are you talking about, the mighty mongoose didnt fight it only builds stuff

    2. Heero


      A rat? Sounds pretty accurate.

  6. Is there an english word that rhymes with "Volkswagen"?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Salamandra
    3. WuHanXianShi14
    4. Lym


      As someone who pronounces Volkswagen the German way, this sounds horrible to me :c

  7. Feed me clichés about Germany pl0x

  8. Bored as of late, anyone got new character suggestions?

  9. If you want to annoy Susitsu, remove him on Skype.

    1. Ever


      just remind him how big of a scrublord he is

  10. Disregard team, acquire currency

    1. dank


      lym is so good at being a team player he always passes the ball in football (soccer). :)

  11. Uhm, is the classical drama "Marie Stuart" by Friedrich Schiller even known in the UK/US?

  12. Thanks to those of you who follow me on soundcloud. Special thanks to this kid, whoever you are :D https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000102127563-oeauhu-t200x200.jpg?e76cf77

    1. KarmaDelta


      Looks like he has potential for a lot of sas.

    2. dank


      lym when did you have a soundcloud

  13. TSM, the dream #2k14 #LoL #Twitter #Support4JLW #Katnips

  14. Let's play European Guessing Game: Which country is this? http://i.imgur.com/eHreVbi.jpg

  15. R.I.P. SKT T1 K, it was nice knowing you. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lym


      They didn't make it to Worlds this year, they lost 1-3 to NaJin White Shield :(

    3. KarmaDelta


      Are you reciting spell words or something?

    4. Lym


      Google is your friend, Karma.

  16. I'm sure Blundermore must be smiling at his screen.

  17. Can we assemble all Filfthy Frank, Pink Guy and Chin Chin fans in one status update? http://youtu.be/SE5NVuSjfg0

  18. Why is this so catchy https://vine.co/v/MLXQuEBIqQg

    1. Mephistophelian


      What have you done to me!?! I can't stop listening now >_<

  19. Remember how I complained about Ice Bucket Challenge videos on my FB news feed yesterday? Guess who just got nominanted ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Definitely going to post on Show Yourself, somebody gotta top Bravepaw lel xd

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lym


      hot dayum dalek

    3. Bawd


      do the anthrax bucket challenge

    4. Grouchy


      hydrochloric acid challenge

  20. Praying for the day when my facebook news feed stops consisting out of ice bucket challenge videos.

  21. LotC celebrity question of the day: Who is this fella? http://i.imgur.com/o9NyI8f.jpg

  22. i wont vote if i cant have m-muh raids grr staff grr

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