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Status Updates posted by Archmage_Cataris

  1. I am back for abit before leaving once more, life has been rather busy. I am back to claim my rightful place as conquerer of the forums. I'll probably be on-and-off for a few weeks because I have a bunch of hospital visits and surgeries coming up.

    1. cometking123


      :O Surgeries? T.T Get well Catais

    2. xFrozt


      Get well soon you will.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Get well soon, and good luck!

  2. WHAT YEAR IS IT!?!?

    1. danic
    2. Agnub


      Current stardate is 65908.5.

    3. gabriel101x1
  3. -Cataris emerges from the far forests of Northern Asulon. Comically, he sits atop the shoulders of his enslaved Giant. His skeletal fingers grip the iron chains tightly, tugging on them, the Giant gets the hint and continues moving south.- ((Back from my break. I won't be on as much due to work but eh, you may see me around ;D ))

    1. Volutional


      This is too much to bare. All these awesome people coming back.

    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      This s**t just got real.

    3. Swgrclan


      I helped you get that giant. You owe me, boy!

  4. Server just got nuked. Got a screenshot of it if the GMs want it. Just PM me.

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Can you post it here? O.o

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Reminds me of Aegis and the... "Macro nuke.." :/


    3. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      Screenshot or it didn't happen.

  5. VonSchlichten Inn represent! ft. Zibaen! RHcrow! Cometking! Creepy Undead in attic (me)! Pj07! And MOAR!

    1. cometking123


      You forgot Blood and Hawk. Silly.

    2. everblue2er101


      I was the scribe living in the basement.

    3. Archmage_Cataris


      HOW COULD I FORGET THEM!!!! BloodnRose! Hawk!!! AHH nostalgia!!!

  6. Fre$, futuristik, flame-thowing Zef krew

    1. Lirinya


      Play nicely.

    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Or they'll send me back on a boat to Australia with the rest of the banned people

    3. kwakamungus


      Im not banned.... yet

  7. Damn, a little over ten years. How time flies.

    1. CorweenieTheJedi


      blink twice if you need help

    2. Sykogenic


      I miss you Cat 🥺

    3. Heero
  8. Didn't have internet for half a day! It was dreadful!

    1. Song Druid
    2. Trouvo


      ISP RAGE!!! *Throws modem out window

  9. The crack on my laptop screen is getting worse.... and i gotta go to school :\ damnit. Bye!

    1. KarmaDelta


      Cataris, maybe go to a radioshack or somethign to get it replaced?

    2. Repiteo


      Oh I'm glad that isn't my laptop... I'm so OCD about those things that I would have to get it replaced.

  10. Wow, a bad day yesterday, an even worse one today :\ SUPER LAME

    1. KarmaDelta


      Sounds like someone needsa hug

    2. White Frost

      White Frost

      *hugs* I hope ye feel better D:

  11. I was a thread away from quitting the server, though if it weren't for Alectriciti, i wouldn't be here, nor would a few other players that were going to join me, so thanks Alectriciti for what you did

    1. Trouvo


      no not allowed!!!

    2. Antharin


      What's going on?

  12. Sooo tired.... ughhh and its only midday D:

  13. Just had a small snooze to rest my body, still in pain, another snooze is in dire need! Of i go!

    1. Azaghal


      Just finished reading Shadow of Dark Queen; going through the entire series again from Magician :D

      In other news, would a fellow Feist fan mind reading my villain application? :P

    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Only because of our love for the books <3

  14. Yay my fan-art was just complete by Dilara

  15. Robin is stalking me on Facebook. What do.

  16. So I met an Arcane Investigator today, we explored the Crypts that I care for as the Gravekeeper, he was telling me about some dangerous dark mages he was hunting, he told me to be careful, I said "I would tear out their throats before they can speak an incantation", I then smiled showing my filed teeth, he suddenly pulled up a weak mana shield and said "I hunt dark mages not vampires!" amidoingitright?

    1. Aislin


      Vampires? Ew.

    2. Swgrclan


      Well done.

      Now, just steal his hands.

  17. Of to bed. I will have sweet dreams tonight of you LoTC, of Robins firery mane, Natives very hugable beard, that noob guy who calls me Mage all the time.

    1. Religious_Pie
    2. henrya15


      Mmmm a nice warm native beard

  18. :| Lets do this, Lerrrrooooooyyyyyyy Jeeennkkiiiiinnnnsss!!!

    1. MediocreGamer


      atleast I have chicken

    2. gabriel101x1


      I seriously only just found about it recently.

      I had never heard of it untill then.

  19. >Get almost killed, barely pull through, touching the fine line between life and death. >Wife is now dying and Lysle is forced to use magic to freeze her, though at a cost of 40 years of his life, now hes a very old man and weak.

    1. Twilight Druid
    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Yes, you shall never be forgiven and hunted down to the ends of the earth.

  20. For the next few days/possibly weeks, I won't be on LoTC as often, or rarely.

    1. CTap


      That sucks, well im

      grounded on weekdays

      so i guess me to

    2. blindmind


      Hope all is well, and if not, may everything be as it was (or better).

  21. I just got back from a Prince concert! It was freakin' amazing! 3 hours of total awesome!

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      :O y u no invite me?!

    2. Archmage_Cataris


      Robin, you should have come and sung along with me! and dance!~!!! it was epic, I got some footage also!

  22. Voidsoldier linked me this photo that perfectly represents Cataris if he was real, just remove that smile with a growl. http://www.briody-fitnessnhealth.com/images/old-man.jpg

    1. Swgrclan


      Perfectly. .w.

    2. d3athfall


      So true looks just like old man Caratis

  23. BRB on Tuesday. Meeting up with a fellow LoTCer, Haldon/Pj07. Bout to catch the plane to Brisbane!

  24. I am back. Greatest weekend EVER.

    1. Raptorious


      Welcome back!

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Please pm panda about it, she wants to know about your best weekend ever!!

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