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Status Updates posted by Tethras

  1. That odd feeling when you finish cleaning. Everything is clean, too clean... I have the sudden urge to cause a mess.

    1. Heff



    2. Tethras


      But all that work... On the other hand it's interesting. This conflict between being satisfied with my work and being creeped out by it.

  2. Server down, or do I need an alternative Ip? Ts.lotc.co not working, neither is mc3.lordofthecraft.net

    1. Nug


      it's down which is annoy.

    2. Kitten


      Ts.lotc.co is the ts....

    3. Tethras


      Indeed it is, but I was asking about both of them. I apologise for the bad terminology used there.

  3. Out of curiosity what's behind the recent crashes? Been quite a lot recently.

    1. Soggy365


      Firstly, I have no idea :(

      But secondly, could you delete some messages so I can PM you about the clergy? XD

  4. New Stuff soon, gonna be fun ^_^

  5. Gah university internet and it's firewall. VPN why u no work?

  6. And so the age old argument comes to an end. Turns out that AT > VAT :/

    1. AgentSunny


      Eventually we will get rid of whitelists. So uh. HAHA HAHA, all of you lose.

    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn



      There was never an argument...

      We were always superior.

    3. JtPv
  7. Jojomama http://i.imgur.com/4qYYYZr.png

  8. So I got bored... And so I went to paint, I don't even know... http://imgur.com/4WNYydb

    1. Varstivus
    2. Tethras


      I don't even know myself.

  9. Seem a lot of groups are making a renewal, combacks or just upping their game to recruit more players. Begin the group wars! Haha, I kid. But honestly... Should be interesting to see how this turns out. More importantly finding out what's caused it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Positive changes get players motivated.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      Like the wood elves, we actually have a central culture and active playerbase now yey

    4. AgentSunny


      All will fall! ALLLL! MWAHAHAHHAAHAHA *cough cough* 4.0

  10. The ultimate question, one more drink? Or to bed?

  11. Hey, I just met you...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinsir99



    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      would you live this baby?

    4. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      I threw a wish in the well, don't ask me I'll never tell. I looked to you as it fell, and now you're in my way.

  12. Guys this is a ROLEPLAY SERVER. As such we must roleplay on all platforms. Aye, even on TS YER FOOLS! http://i.imgur.com/ykxCzKI.png

    1. Tethras


      I'm joking, but honestly that was so funny.

  13. Event on! Kal'Azgoth! Go! Go! Go!

    1. Aptrotta



    2. Tethras


      By roleplaying you're metagaming to a degree. Since you're using OOC information to roleplay your character. Don't be a arse. Just go if you want fun. If not then shoo

  14. Dwarf Antag Event in 1 hour. Get your armour ready guys, its gonna be a fun event!

  15. Oh god... I'm starting to get video adds on the LoTC Forums. Seriously?

    1. Lago


      Old news. But yeah, an advert that makes noise sorely tempts me to use Adblock or something. I wonder if you can make it solely target adverts that make noise.

  16. Mhmm... Time to post. I might as well as I'm in the mood. Prepare to be bombarded!

  17. I'm a dwarf... And I'm diggin a hole. A very, very long hole >.

  18. That moment when you realise your essay is ****, and you have an hour to fix it up... God I wish I had a bloody time machine.

    1. Sporadic


      Because you'd use it to fix your essay? what a waste...

    2. Tethras


      A waste? It would have less of a chance of messing everything up. So personally I wouldn't call it a waste, I fix my essay. Without messing up the world in the process. I mean for example if you used the time machine to kill hitler. Sure you saved, millions. But at the sametime you have also essentially "killed" those from the future. By warping history. So if I had a time machine and I went back to kill hitler. That would most likely cause a paradox. Since most of us wouldn't...

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Use it to observe events of importance.~

  19. Kill the Monks! Demand racial spawns! :P

  20. And so the second exodus is upon us. Or is it?

    1. shiftnative


      It'll most likely be temporary, a break is what some people need so in the end - it's positive

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      I'll probaply come back at around 4.0.

    3. Lago


      It's, what, five, six people making fancy "LUKATME!" posts? If this is meant to be an exodus, both Oren and Malinor have them beat.

  21. The forums merely a tool. It's not the tool itself that's at fault, but rather it's users and the way they use it.

    1. Samoblivion
    2. Lago


      The shotgun is only a tool. It is not the shotgun at fault, but the toddler wielding it.


      Forum asplode is not answer, but tighter regulation of the forums would be good.

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