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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. who here pumped for spanish civil war round 2?

    1. InfamousGerman


      revenge of the republicans

  2. why is stealing from unlocked chests against the rules now this is so ******* dumb

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chorale__



  3. honestly we should just take a random map off PMC and use it. the longer the staff **** around with the map the worse it is, like athera and axios

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dreek
    3. argonian


      if your playerbase is constantly getting smaller each and every map i don't think the map's the issue

    4. SaltAlt


      When I first joined near the start of Vailor not many groups were very welcoming to new players, that could be a major turn off for new players who are looking to get into the server. I've also seen old Veteran players leaving because of the continuous ooc salt horde that cant stand loosing their mine man pixels or not be the hero of their "story".

  4. show me your face when san franciso gets nuked

  5. >you will never see war in north korea


    why live?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Halfling civil war, that's what I live to see.

    2. argonian


      jack bancroft will never see imperium sixtus


      why live

  6. test

    1. Vege


      you have failed e-

    2. argonian


      vege i discovered something that could be of great use to courland, but i'll need 3k to loosen my lips

  7. the rightful liege of a duchy aids the de jure owners of said duchy's land in conquering it - "no valid cb"


    lol what

    1. shortchangehero


      tbh war should've been accepted

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyUBdLm3s9U this song is pretty ******* eerie when you think about the story behind it

  9. isn't it a bit odd how cannons are "too advanced" for a "medieval fantasy" yet we have nukes?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jentos


      Those are called rune cannons Adam. They made a lore proposition for it.

    3. drfate786


      Let's not forgot the droid armies, those definitely belong in a medieval fantasy setting. ;)

    4. SpodoKaiba
  10. so white people, when are you planning on paying for slavery

  11. @Lyonharted™ The page number you're on isn't highlighted anymore.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Finally someone else notices

    2. forwhatpvrpose


      Will fix asap. Thanks!

    3. forwhatpvrpose
  12. quick reminder that kaiser wilhelm ii did nothing wrong

    1. mmat
    2. FORƎST



  13. is there any max number of siege weapons you can bring if you can afford it?

    1. Archbishop


      I don't believe so, you just need to space to put them.

    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      dunamis siege in vailor oren brought like 24 trees


      don't think there's a cap

  14. are you ready for cantal tomorrow oren

    1. Zebanamana
    2. Archbishop


      Its a skirmish lol

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      I would be, but that warclaim is next week :)

  15. i love having horses banned

  16. gee whizz i wonder why horses are banned

  17. the staff tried to ban horses because oren lost 10 of them, but they didnt try to cancel the wc when we lost 40 men? what?

  18. how come if oren wins the skirm, they instantly get some of our land, but not the other way round? 

    1. InfamousGerman


      because  that's what was agreed upon by the war leaders

    2. argonian


      because oren threw a temper tantrum and wouldn't agree to anything other than bs terms

  19. what was drakehaze banned for again

    1. TeaLulu


      :( reached 10 warning points RIP drake he was a good lad.

    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      warning point bans are so **** **** the thought police

  20. warclaim is back on RALLY

  21. the server was better before sprinting was added

  22. reminder that sanoism has never been tried

  23. is /pol/ like the ultimate honeypot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      i thought you were a good catholic boy



      @Hunwald thinks he's taking part in an Anonymous Revolution but he's really just helping the FBI learn how to deal with idiots like him. Only on 4chan.com/r/pol/

    4. Heff
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