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Status Updates posted by argonian

  1. can lotc stop throttling me


    every other server works fine

  2. does anyone know any crp hacked clients? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wyrvun


      try grammarly


    3. ronin_champloo


      advanced chat mod -- it comes with chat corrector for spelling errors, and structuring

    4. K_rusader


      Try the olog client 

  3. the real warclaim is being fought over your mind

    1. Nug


      how did u get so wise 

  4. Crazy how armies can tp across nations within an instant but not between them

  5. Nations need to **** off and die

  6. 29/05/1453 WORST DAY OF MY LIFE

    1. UnusualBrit
    2. Crevel


      I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that I knew what it was referring to by the date alone

    3. K_rusader


      Constantinople never fell in our hearts and minds

  7. people should speak in their irl native languages irp

    embrace polygot lotc

    1. Laeonathan


      Sehe ich auch so, fände das verdammt witzig. Naja. Solange bis wer ne Sprache spricht, die ich nicht spreche.

    2. argonian


      I ndáiríre? 

    3. Laeonathan


      Yes. What reaction did you expect? A serious one?

  8. why does my char card have a nationality now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      We must further cement the OOC concept and status of nations & their nation leadership into server plugins, I guess.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      We must further cement the OOC concept and status of nations & their nation leadership into server plugins, I guess.

    4. argonian



  9. ive been an orenian since 2011 -- this is #NotMyOren

    please retweet!!!

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      argonian nooo you're gonna get cancelled they're gonna find your twitter account and cancel it noo

    2. LithiumSedai
  10. finally unbanned


    would like to thank my mother, father, seannie22 and whoever zachosnacko's main is for this


    we did it boys 🥲

  11. concerning development as a number of users decide to make their feedback posts patreon-exclusives

    1. Polysemic


      Boutta make my comments Patreon exclusives. Wonder how many people will pay for my shit takes

  12. no king but seannie22

    1. rukio


      nice phrase wonder where you got it heh

  13. busty wood elf BARED shoulders no veil

    1. argonian


      **** i thought this was google search

    2. Gandhi
  14. please be my wood elf gf please be my wood elf gf please be my wood elf gf please be my wood elf gf please

    1. GoodGuyMatt



      not quite the same but works?

    2. argonian
  15. wish there was some way to run a command on the server w/o actually having to log in


    prob w all these automated date-trackers is that the LOTC clock gets fucked by lag and restarts, etc. so the dates are never in sych. you end up with two threads made at the exact same time, with IC dates that are days apart, because one checked IG and one checked a doc.


    wish i could just automate running /date somehow

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      tbh we just need to come to some agreement that this or that time in Greenwich Mean Time is this or that day in LOTC on every in-game month.

  16. studying is hard

  17. want to get a burger king but while i love their burgers i hate their chips what do

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. argonian


      nah they're nice. burger king ones r just gross. 

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      chicken fries or forbidden bk burger mcd fries combo

    4. cappor


      i'm at burger king with my burger queen

  18. what the **** does 'r' even mean

    1. Islamadon


      reserved and only slow typing noobs say it

    2. Abeam


      true chads type 140 wpm and still get top 3

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      r spam is the true final form of reserved comments

  19. Does anyone have a tile map of lotc

  20. Lotc went from handing out warnings for not signing off on RP posts to letting 99% of every thread be 'r' so fast I got whiplash

    1. Narthok


      i remember forum mods

    2. CorweenieTheJedi


      5 hours ago, Narthok said:

      i remember forum mods

      I remember giving you a forum warning point thing when I was a M***rator


      I also recall some choice words in my DMs shortly afterwards 

    3. Narthok
  21. your dad drinks beer; baurus drinks mead

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