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Status Updates posted by Sagwort

  1. Ambros might be lookiing for you :}

  2. An old acquaintance of mine had a funeral today… she was in college with a scholarship for soccer, loved to read, faithfully religious, and terribly kind. She was hit by a car and her parents let her go because she would not have had any brain function if she recovered…. The saddest part was that her parents were divorced and didn’t even sit with each other at the funeral. I never knew this girl well, all I know is that she baby sat me when I was about 10…..tis a shame to see those so young...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zarsies
    3. Joe_Blackman


      Sorry for your loss man. :/

    4. aron.


      The part i find heartbreaking is the parents inability to sit with eachother at their daughters funeral. divorce sucks

  3. And so I have tryed to bring back the Mages Order from the dead.

  4. Anyone else having problems logging into the wiki?

    1. everblue2er101


      It's still down, no one can log in or edit.

    2. Agnub


      I gave up on the wiki. The formatting for it is atrocious. Should just use a simpler wikia template.

    3. Skippy


      Hightower, after a while you get used to it. ;)

  5. Anyone else notice that the Welsh language and names work great for elven names and such?

    1. argonian


      Mhm. Welsh and Elven both have a lot of Ys and Ws.

    2. The Lion

      The Lion

      I'm pretty sure that was one of the languages that inspired Tolkien's languages

  6. Anyone's character interested in Astronomy out there?

  7. Are you on right now by any chance?

  8. Been writing some music for LOTC, check this out: http://soundcloud.com/sagwort

    1. Eleatic


      Ambros, go back to dodging Ogland's fireballs =D

    2. 0000


      Followin' you. Nice music :)

  9. Can you delete every topic on the Mages Guild post? Minus the first main topic of course...?

  10. Can you write up a page for your charector for the wiki? Just send it to me and I will add it look at the other charector wiki pages as a guide also send me a charector picture

  11. Come one come all to the grand mage ball!

  12. Did you remove my magic team and bedrock title?

  13. Do people even know what 'lad' means? Educate yo self!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fid



    3. Blundermore


      Do people even know what Ladel means? (hint: It's not a female lad :P)

    4. Idioticozzy
  14. For the Mages Guild do you think a tower would be nice or something like Winterhold College?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Esterlen


      Winterhold College, definitely.

    3. Archmage_Cataris


      Winterhold College :3

    4. Hiebe


      college in a snowy biome where you cant get to it except that one bridge

  15. good the mage guild wiki page is up. I know little about wiki page making but i made a ruff outline for it feel free to edit and make it look nicer

  16. Hey ya'all, I need your help in thinking of a story line for a c.y.b.e.rpunk story I plan to write based around LOTC. I was thinking of a young man who is the last in the blood line of Horen is being hunted down by his father who married his now dead mother who was actually in the blood line (His father would not be). His mother banished his father (The king) from the kingdom of Oren (Now modern and advanced) and died not long after. Now, without a proper king of proper age his father ...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Steviathon
    3. Old Man Boiendl

      Old Man Boiendl

      Well obviously, you speak about a son of Godfrey named Henry Horen, was a well accepted prince within society and had some charme\charmisa. Then you of course have to speak about that old coot Boiendl Silverblade, his wisdom guiding you towards freedom and safety

    4. Sagwort


      I actually have one of the major characters who is the advisor of the king named Barthen. Barthen=Boiendl...see...see?

  17. How dare you join the Hightowers!!!!!!!

  18. How is the mage guild lore coming?

  19. I f-feel empty...hallow

  20. I have a quest for you.

  21. I have accpeted another as my apprentice. His name ((creeperslayer)) I will talk to Indel later. In the mean time keep looking for another apprentice for yourself and talk to Grimbeard

  22. I have found 2 possible people to use as guild masters. They are:

    GrimBeard ((dirtyhary))For human hall

    Indelwehn ((Indelwehn))For elf hall

    Conntact me on your ides

  23. I hear of Ender Chests in the next Minecraft update. When you have tow ender chests and you put an item in one, the same item will be found in the other chest even if you destory the first. For some reason I think those will be banned from LOTC...

    1. Anore


      hehe... I now start the Asulon Postal Service

    2. Sporadic


      The entirety of Asulon would share excactly one chest around the entire land, though. Hardly useful except for trolling.

  24. I posted my picture on the Show Yourself thread.....I might have been high at the time.

  25. I still don't know what this mage college should look like..... help?

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