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Everything posted by Mithradites

  1. Doctor Who is a Mary-Sue! Harhar!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      The Daleks need to stop no-RP-killing with one-liners.

    3. Kim


      No he's a John Smith c:

    4. Kim


      Ba dum tss

  2. Magic should compliment a character. Not just be for shits 'n giggles!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher



      r u srs

    3. Mish_


      yh yolomancy is best

    4. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Magic gets you killed too. So that's always something.

  3. A tired man is me. http://imgur.com/FAxRUZ1

    1. Lawrna


      You really scare me sometimes, Mith.

  4. "Let them hate me, as long as they're afraid of me." - Caius "Caligula" Caesar.

    1. Mystery


      Because then they can't do **** about it.

    2. CaptainSheepy
  5. "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." -J. Stalin

  6. Late to the party,but...

  7. Have you ever read through something and just wanted to hit someone via sweary text, but can't, because you view yourself as friendly?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bungo


      i hit people via sweaty text all the time

    3. Esterlen


      i have felt the scourge of mylas' hot and heavy text

    4. CosmicWhaleShark


      It's called character development, embrace the hate.

  8. Oh hey! People liked my LotC-BC Voice-thingy! Awesome! I was worried I'd sound like a douchebag!

    1. Princeton


      Me gusta mucho.

    2. Aislin


      You didn't sound like you were reading, which can't be said for others before you. A very important quality in a voice actor.

    3. Sentlit


      I thought it sounded really cool. It was easy to understand and kept me interested in what you were saying. Buen trabajo

  9. If you think that I sound like a douchebag in the next LotC-BC report, I'm sowwry. :(

    1. leave me alone
    2. Sporadic


      you mean more than usual :3?

    3. Mithradites


      Myfeelings are tarnished... :(

  10. Apparently my account "Mithradites" is stuck in a wall. I'd very much appreciate it if I could get the poor fellow out of there, as he's now on 1 1/2 hearts.

    1. Salamandra
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      No steve deserves to die like that...

    3. Eleatic


      Poor little guy :(

  11. What's a man gotta do to get some monk-ish robes 'round here? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/100697-req-classic-monk-skin-needed/

    1. Demotheus


      Trust me...you don't want to know what I did to get my robes...

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Why do you want robes is the question. I'm not sending over a skin randomly...

  12. Hey forum-dudes! I have the option to delete other peoples statuses! I think there may have been a slip-up, here!

    1. SparehoeCakes


      You can see it, but you can't click it. It tells you error or something.

  13. The Ultimate High Elven Guide of High Elven Knowings! Well, hello there, my good fellow! Welcome to the ULTIMATE GUIDE OF HIGH ELF KNOWINGS! The place where YOU get to read and learn the ways of the long-eared isolationist bigots! I'm sure you have plenty of intriguing questions for Ol' Mithradites! "How do I get into the city?" "Why don't any high elves like my high elf?" "Why are the high elves constantly insulting me?" "Why is this high elven lady batting off my saucey one-liners?" "Why isn't this high elven man going mad for my delightful lady-lumps?" "Why is Kalenz trying to murder me?!" Hush, fine reader! All will be explained in the most detailed, wonderous... ULTIMATE GUIDE OF HIGH ELVEN KNOWINGS! The one you are reading right this second, bucko! So, sit on your buttocks, put on your favourite monocle, pour a glass of your most expensive wine, and read on... PART ONE So, you want to get in the city! For all those not in “the know,” part one is written with all the information you’ll need to both get inside the city, and how to act and look. The other parts are mostly for reference, and if you want to look super-duper cool to any of the older high elves--but it’s not necessary! High elves are suspicious of outsiders at their gates, and even more-so should they not be up to their standards. You see, every high elf has a different idea of whom they allow inside. You have to keep in mind that they, as default, -don't- want you in there, and they will be judging anyone who asks for entry very, very closely. They will most likely probe your character with multiple questions to test your patience, your guile, and your understanding of their culture. However, should you wish to get in, there are different things they look for in visitors. For the non-High Elf. Step 1. Do -not- be impure. An impure is a character who has a high elf feature prominently in their family line. High elves detest this, and will gladly throw innumerable insults at you, and possibly high-speed arrows. This means no half high-elf, no quarter high elf, and no 1/64th high elf. Should you be a crossbreed, or your family has a distinct amount of high elven blood in them, then you will be found out, and likely killed (via insults, or just plain regular stabby-death). Do not think you will be able to hide these impurities with disguises, unless you are an illusionist. Theirs is a culture based upon racial purity, and for more than a century they have been analysing those that come to their gate. They are well-aware of the tell-tale signs. Should impurities be too small to be noticed (theoretically past 1/6 of blood being high-elven) then it is advised that you -do not- tell them. The high elves have access to acid, and they -will- throw you in their acid-pit. Don't say I didn't warn you. Step 2. At the gates. You are automatically at a disadvantage, here. High Elves tend to distrust any and all outsiders, and will most likely say dreadful things to you. The trick to not fail this "test" is DO NOT INSULT THEM BACK. They have heard every slander conceivable directed towards high elves, and shooting one back will just seal your fate of staying cold and lonely outside the gate. Don't expect to come back anytime soon, either. High Elves have long memories, and they will remember those who annoy them. You must remain completely calm, and accept their nastiness. Step 3. Proving your "worth." Before you can get yourself inside, you must prove that you are of sound mind. Speak clearly, thoughtfully, and with detail, and they will look upon you favourably. Speak poorly with foul language, and they might think you an unwashed brute! Outrageous! To make them look upon you more favourably, you should bring them something they like. The high elves, though entirely disinterested in the pursuit of money, tend allow other races inside with a sort of "transactive" method. The visitors give something to the city, and then they can see the city. Should they give something pleasant towards the library, they may enter and see the library. Those that go into the city without giving anything towards it would be considered greedy, and disliked in an equal measure. The most reliable "gifts" for the high elves are books. Specifically ones that contain -knowledge-. Fiction has been known to be approved, but it is rarely encouraged. Though, the high elf at the gate will judge the books quality, and they all, as said before, have differing opinions. Should you manage to pass all these high-elfy requirements, you have a great chance of being allowed inside. However, once again, this entirely depends on who answers the gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Should you continue to be a "pleasant" guest, and prove useful to the citizenry, they may be given access to a "permit" to enter and leave the city as desired. Those who prove themselves useful might even be rewarded with a small dwelling within the city, which is ultimately the greatest achievement any non-high elf has managed thus-far. But remember--break any of their laws or irritate them enough, and your punishment will likely be harsh, and acid-related. For the High Elf. Step 1. Do -NOT- be Impure Mainly for the same reasons as before. Ironically, for a city made for high elves, non-high elves have an easier time getting inside. Pure mali'aheral, being the superior creatures that they are, obviously hold possible citizenry to a far higher standard. Step 2. Looking the Part Regardless of what I wrote before, it is fairly simple for a pure mali'aheral to get inside, and far easier to gain residence. However, there is a bit of general stuff a new high elf will need to know prior to entrance. You must act the part of a pure high elf, as well as look the part. Allow me to first start with appearance-- This is "saiko the dediest warior." He set his subrace as "high elf." He is undoubtedly not one accepted by the city's residents. But whatever could be wrong with Saiko? 1. His hair is black--an immediate sign of impurity. 2. His eyes are red--another immediate sign of impurity. 3. He drinks blood. 4. He doesn't really look like an elf in general. 5. He... just... well... look at some screenshots. (Many thanks to SerahLove for providing this hilarious late-night event.) Not exactly the kind of guy high elves like. 1. A pure high elf tends to have lighter tones to their hair--often taking the shade of platinum, grey, blond, or white. 2. Eye-colours tend to be within a green-blue spectrum, but in rare cases they may take on shades of purple. In even rarer cases, gold. 3. Ears are often longer than those of dark elves and wood elves. 4. High elves are almost always devoid of piercings or tattoos. 5. Pure high elves never drink blood. Probably. Step 3. Acting the Part If you're just getting into our group as a new high elf, and all the weird customs are throwing you off and confusing you, there are a couple of simple things you need to know to keep yourself head-above-water in high-elf-land. And yes, it's in the form of another numbered list. Stuff a New High Elf Should Know 1. High Elves tend to dislike other races. This does not have to be excessive, snarling hatred, but disdain is encouraged. To avoid being ostracised by this very gossipy and judgemental city, it is advised that characters who -do- appreciate other races keep it to themselves. 2. High elves do not appreciate strangers in their city. Allowing them in on a whim is highly frowned upon. 3. High elves dislike emotional thinking. The race as a whole tends to favour logic and reason over emotion, and publicly displaying it would upset the vast majority of the city. Flirtatious or "ugly" courting will be seen as outrageous and repulsive (There is a guide to proper high elven courting within this post, so keep on reading). 4. Violence upon fellow high elves is highly discouraged. Challenging one to a duel will have you insulted, laughed at, and heritage questioned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'll be a donkey's shoe-polisher! You've made your way into the city! Congratulations! Now that you're in, you may start wondering why the high elves are such stingey blighters when it comes to letting folks inside! Well, that all comes down to their culture... PART TWO Maehr'sae hiylun-what? The Centre-points The culture of the high elves is based around their society's driving philosophy of maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. This phrase - taken from old books left in the original College of Haelun'or - roughly translate to "The pursuit of wisdom and health" or "progress and health." Progress (Maehr’sae): This refers to the overall development of wisdom the Mali’aheral uphold as their ideal. A fulfilled life should be one filled with knowledge, arts and science. Health (Hiylun): This is about retaining the purity and continued existence of the High Elven breed while ensuring every Mali’aheral can live with dignity (have a proper house, proper clothing, proper education, etc.). It’s highest priority is protecting their own while outlawing any sort of cross breeding within their kin. "Purity" within the culture is defined by how closely a high elf follows the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, and is arguably split into two forms--mental, and physical purity. Physical purity pertains to the "health (Hiylun)" of the mali'aheral in question. A bloodline untainted by non-high elven influences is essential for any high elf within the city. Great respect is afforded to those with records of their pure lineage dating back the farthest. Physical purity can be foremost sundered by engaging in sexual relationships with non-mali’aheral. Oftentimes this can lead to imprisonment, banishment, death, or (for the luckier ones) social ostrocisation. Other forms of physical impurity that are not punishable by law (but heavily frowned upon by society) are: invasive jewelry, tattoos, dyed hair, and anything else that changes “natural” appearances. Cosmetic items that would enhance/compliment their natural beauty, such as make-up, would be acceptable. Mental purity pertains to a high elf's self-discipline, capacity for illegal/impure desires, and their personal demeanor. Wanton desires that counter the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya would be considered an immediate sign of impurity. Pure high elves that live outside the city and do not follow the philosophy would be considered mentally impure. A desire to engage with multiple sexual partners or "disgusting" relationships would also be considered tabboo, and outrageous. Openly declaring the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to be incorrect is the ultimate sign of mental impurity, and may or may not lead to incarceration, banishment, punishment, or re-education. Make note of the literal and abstract concepts of “maehr’sae hiylun’ehya” however. Many debates over its interpretation often ensue. But why do they like purity? To the mali’aheral, the health/wisdom of the society and race is of the utmost importance. Like an illness or spout of ignorance, problems within the community need to be repaired to cease its spread. The maehr'sae hiylun'ehya is the expression of what a high elf is, and to have it sundered destroys the meaning behind their existence. In many ways, the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya is much like a religion. That's the stuff you need to understand most of all. Now is the time for the fun stuff! Random cultural things! Critique and Debate Haha! Tricked you! More boring stuff! High elves are a vocal race, and will argue for purpose, or for sport. They are a highly critical people, and will poke holes in ideas, ideals, philosophies, or actions out of curiosity's sake, or for their own amusement. In numerous situations they speak critically without any regard for that person's feelings. Oftentimes this can come off as cruel and cold, but to a high elf, speaking their mind and identifying perceived errors is both natural, and intelligent. Of course, that doesn't stop others from critiquing them back. But why do they do this? High elves raised in their natural, snobby environment are often engaged within debates and arguments from a very young age. They learn that not acknowedging faults is illogical, and being unable to understand them means nothing can be learned. The only way to advance themselves mentally is through the elimination of fault, and is thus an extension of the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. As a high elf would say, "why should anyone feel insulted by the truth?" This leads us to the final point. Why do they outright insult others? After many, many years of seeing faults repeat themselves continuously despite their identification, frustration and annoyance take hold of a high elf. This frustration, for the sake of this guide, will be just known as "impatience." An impatient high elf has no desire to repeat arguments and critique ad hominem, and will simply be angered when they see things believed to be done incorrectly. Rather than say something rational, they will strike out at the person through words (think of it as smacking them up the back of the person's head). Sometimes, the high elf in question may not even understand how their cruel jabs are different from an insult. They are just the high-elven devolution of critique. Just for a bit of fun, here is an example of the differences between patient and impatient elves. An elven lady marries a human gentleman, and they conceive two children. A (impatient) high elf meets them while on the road, and upon seeing the half-elven children he begins to speak with a callous tone: "You blithering imbecile! It is my hope these half-breeds you spawned were worth the coming century of withering, gnat-like existences. One would suggest you choose wisely upon your next inevitable coupling, but I feel my breath is wasted on a worthless pursuit." Note that the words are undeniably rude. You can tell that the high elf is angry, but still trying to make a point in his words. Distraught, confused, and angry at the pale elf's cruel words, they continued onwards until they met another pale elf (Patient). This one seemed to glare at them emotionlessly, before speaking to the female elf. "Does it worry you?" "What do you mean?” "Do you not worry that you will observe your children and partner die whilst yourself remaining unchanged? Elven lifespans are incompatible with non-elves, and logically they should be avoided. One suggests choosing an elven spouse upon your next coupling." Though it is certainly cold, it's not exactly rude. Merely blunt. The Artistry of Courtship High elves are known to be uptight about stuff involving sex and other perversions, but since there are high elven children, there must be marriages and relationships as well. "But Mithradites!" You ask, whilst tugging at my sleeve. "How does such a pale, scowly creature find love in their life?" Well now! That comes down to what a high elf finds alluring... Stage 1: Choosing your partner A high elf seeks out certain aspects in a possible partner--this being their intelligence, their family heritage, their scholarly works, or their inherent talents. Both male and female high elves can approach the prospect and court a favoured partner without social repercussions (male and female high elves being equal to one-another, after all) Physical attraction is secondary, and those who would seek out partners purely for physical reasons are heavily looked down upon. Though, lets be honest, such an attraction would not be discounted in a high elf's mind, but social prerogative is first and foremost! Public displays of affection, such as hugs, kisses, or overtures of “love” would be looked down upon, and likely only embarrass or insult the one you desire. Stage 2: Garnering his/her Favour To draw a possible partner's attention, you must impress them. This is usually done in the form of scholarly works. Dedicating a large, impressive scientific thesis to your possible partner or perhaps creating a magnificent work of art in their name would be a fine way to appear desirable. Other methods include impressing them with your intellect (quickly deducing complex riddles, debating philosophy in-depth, or discussing scientific/magical works), as well as subtle drops in conversation about your family's long, pure lineage ("This reminds me of my great, great, great grandfather, who lived in a minor enclave of high elves during Aegis..."). Stage 3: Making Intentions Known Now that the desired one has a fairly apt understanding of what you are capable of, you need to actually show that you are, in fact, romantically interested (didn’t think high elves were capable of romance, eh? Fair enough. I wouldn’t either). Being the sort of people who would have grave trouble finding the place or situation to speak about such things, initial overtures of “love” tend to be handled via written correspondence, usually in the form of a poem, and almost always anonymously. Presumably, this is so the emotionally-repressed logicians can accurately judge if their love-interest is interested in love (romance is often a gossip-topic, and the receiver is likely to speak to many citizens about it). It is recommended that poems should flatter the receiver in innumerable ways, along with being as sappy as physically possible. Stage 4: Acting on Intentions Should you be satisfied with your love’s reaction, you may either continue to send poems to have them swoon further, or you can pluck up your courage, and announce to said person (privately, or publicly) that you were the one sending the letters. The rest, then, is up to the two of you. Should you find one-another compatible, marriage is expected of you. Court wisely, mali’aheral. Marriage High elves are creatures of tradition, and since the original revitalization of their culture during Asulon, they have typically held weddings in places of knowledge, usually libraries. This is why you will often find a large, central area within most Mali'aheral libraries for ceremonies to take place. Though there have been attempts to have specific buildings, such as "churches" for this ceremony, it has been so often shot down that very few dare to make the attempt (Far too much religious iconography around purpose-build wedding buildings. Scandalous!). A ceremony would usually be performed like so-- 1. All the pure citizenry of the city (as well as invited outsiders) would gather within the library, and the two to be wed would stand before the crowd. 2. Upon a lectern (usually borrowed from a classroom), a respected and prominent Mali'aheral citizen would address the crowd with a speech, wherein he would praise the purity of the united couple. The position of "speaker" in such an event would be considered an honour. 3. The speaker will remain silent for a short period, where those who believe the marriage to be impure or foul may raise their voice. This act of silence is never spoken of, as it would be rude for the couple to have it addressed directly. 4. The speaker declares them joined. 5. The couple will now receive gifts and adulation from the gathered members. Clothing, Fashion, and Colour High elven clothing tends to be based around symbolism more than for comfort or practicality. Primarily, high elves prefer longer, flowing robes and dresses more than their dark and wood-elven counterparts. A high elf who's personality can be determined simply by examining their apparel would be considered highly fashionable within their society. Items such as non-invasive jewelry and cosmetics that compliment said symbolism are encouraged. Colours of clothing tend to be softer, lighter shades, such as whites, light blues, and golds. Colours in general, however, can take on different general meanings. Purple: Symbolises magic, life (Tanya), and the unknown. Red: Symbolises might, protection (Evarir), and pride. Yellow/Gold: Symbolises wealth, gold (Acal), and prosperity (can also be attributed to curses, but this will be discussed further on). Green: Symbolises harmony, diplomacy, foresight, beauty (Leyun), and affection. Brown: Symbolises art, nurturing, the land (Nor), and festivities. Blue: Symbolises logic, science (Indor), and knowledge, and curiosity. Silver/White: Symbolises purity (Thilln), and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. Black: Symbolises guidance, contemplation, and the Maheral (King/Emperor). Note that though these colours hold weight in mali'aheral culture, they will be disregarded outside of it. For example, a wood elf who dresses in all green wouldn't be considered implying they're beautiful. Architecture and Art Art and architecture are considered synonymous for the high elves, thusly their buildings are often designed for beauty rather than practicality. Similarly, architects are more-often referred to as "artists" than anything else. Traditionally, the high elves based their modern architecture on Asulon's ruined Old Haelun'or. Plaster-covered stone and blue roofing-tiles dominated the buildings of the mid/late Asulon period. Due to the lack of space on the high elven island, they favoured towers and buildings that took advantage of vertical space for efficiency's sake. This style became perfected in the designs of Vallel'yuln Aelysea for the city of Lin'evaral--utalising a more naturalistic and curving manner to the original forms. The plastering was left out in the new forms for efficiency's sake, but the iconic blue tiles remained. Items like statues and portraits are rare within the city, as few "conventional" artists exist. Art of that form is down to the individual artist’s preference. Faith and Religion High Elves practice no religion, due to their belief that placing faith in an invisible deity (and as such one that cannot have its motives or intentions explained rationally) would be an illogical thing to do. Believing dogma to be of no use to them or even detrimental to progress and innovation, the word 'religion' itself has a stigma attached to it. However, the extreme adherence High Elves have to their attaining of knowledge and wisdom is of no less intensity than the zeal of those that excessively practice religion. Gold, and Insults It’s a common misconception that high elves dislike gold. However, this is only half-true. Gold being given to another high elf, by a high elf, is a “curse” of sorts, due to “acal” meaning both gold, and curse. A high elf who presents a portion of gold to another is both questioning their purity, as as their ancestry. It is the ultimate of high-elven insults, and should not be used lightly--especially if said purity is confirmed. However, it is not the act of giving gold that makes the gesture an insult. It is the intent behind it. This can be a highly abstract concept, as sometimes mali’aheral will not even know they are being insulted. Furthermore, the gravity of the insult is directly proportional to your own purity and respect within high elven society. A known thief will not injure the sensibilities of the Maheral with his gift of gold. People who are not pure high elves cannot use gold as an insult to pure ones. Why? “I give you gold, thus I question your purity!” “You’re a half-dwarf prostitute. Your insult is invalid when you yourself are not pure.” “Touche.” PART THREE The Personalities, and Demeanor! (Warning! Opinion-onions!) I am of the opinion that an elf past a century in age is incapable of living with any of the younger races for long periods of time. A creature that lives nearly a millenia longer than any others would slowly become wiser, more contemplative, and abstract. To spend time with, say, humans, an elf would quickly become irritated with the ensuing rashness, brashness, and seemingly "infantile" behaviour. They would regard most other races as "children" in comparison, and would treat them as such. This is why it has always irked me a little when I see so many elves living outside of Malinor/Haelun'or. It would be the equivalent of living in a house run by toddlers. But, like I said, just my opinion. Wait, what was I talking about...? Oh right! Personality! The Archetypes When I write "archetypes" I refer to common kinds of personalities within the high elf world. For the sake of argument (and because, heaven knows, this guide isn't long enough already) we shall refer to very prominent forms of the high elven mindset. Disclaimer: I am aware that the following words mean multiple other things, but for the sake of this... whatever this is, just revert to the meanings provided here. Racism: The distinct (often irrational) hatred of races other than your own. Arrogance: Complete belief in your own assertions, and a refusal to listen to other interpretations. Supremacism: The ideal that you own race is superior to all others. Logic/Rationality: The ability and desire to deduce the workings of the world through observable events. Curiosity: A desire to seek out and learn things that are currently unknown to you. Placidity: Being extremely difficult to anger, or pushed to any emotional extreme. Altruism: The desire to help people without want of reward. The Puritan (Ultra-conservative) ~Kalenz~ "Your existence revolts me, filth. Nothing a sharp knife and a healthy dose of acid cannot fix." -Racist -Arrogant -Supremacist The Logician (Moderate) ~Lucion~ "Though your farce of intelligence intrigues me, speaking to you entails no inherent value." -Supremacist -Logic/rationality -Curiosity The Regressor (Liberal) ~Suika~ "When we ourselves have so much cake, why do we not share it with those beyond the walls?" -Curiosity -Placidity -Altruism The Impure (Impure) ~saiko the dediest warior~ "good waters not good when nourishment best come from excellent blood" -Impure -Impure -Impure Remember, these are just examples!. If you want to mix and match (or create some of your own) then you're completely at liberty to! Don't feel pressured to make one exactly like those listed. PART FOUR The Epilogue?! Good gracious and howdy-do! That was one heck of a guide-adventure, huh? I am fairly sure that this is the longest thing have ever written on the forums! Or anywhere! Imagine all the things I could have done in the space of writing this? I could have painted a portrait, found a new hat in Team Fortress 2... ...or played a high elf in the way outlined in this guide! Eh?! C'mon, guys! We're fabulous! We have books, and tea, and wine, and science, and magic! Okay, it isn't for everyone, and you're completely entitled to playing a high elf in the way you prefer and enjoy. That isn't up to me or anyone else to decide. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. We're still cool, though. Have fun, sneaky HE's-to-be! Love, kisses, and virtual bigotry, - Ol' Mithradites
  14. Hey guys! Guys! Hey guys! Am I famous now? Guys? Am I? Am I famous now guys? I made this thread that one time... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77939-50-shades-of-racism/page-1?hl=%20shades%20%20racism
  15. According to the head Librarian, the Lin'evaral library+Labyrinth has 3520 bookcases. What the ****, guys?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sporadic


      And yet I'd be happier if it were 3520 written books.

    3. Mithradites


      We have 100+ now! We're getting there!

    4. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      100+... >.>


  16. High Elves? With soldiers? Whaaaaaat?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      yes and when the dwarves warclaim the thalmor and the lotc aldmeri dominion they'll hide behind the no-magic-plugin cop out :P

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard


    4. Mithradites


      We have to start somewhere, guys :)

  17. http://prntscr.com/1ly22i At least the White Rose didn't build a wall -over- the road! >:I
    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Valorane


      Quit flamin' and deal with it people, complain about it IC, not ooc.

    3. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      That wall is on of my biggest issues with Adunia currently (other then the excesses of troll RP and just generally annoying playerbase)

    4. DragoonCrow


      They're right, deal with it IC. Remove Andunia!

  18. Golly! Look at that support! Thanks, everyone! You've made this ol' Mithradites rather happy.
  19. Sitting alone in the bar, Lucion spies the note left behind in the bar by Khel. Preferring to remain silent while the dark elf ranted and laughed, he made his way to the table, and took a peek at the note himself while patrons were distracted by Khel's loud, darkie-exit-chuckle. He remains silent for numerous moments after reading it over, before scribbling upon the flyer. MC Name: Mithradites Name: Sucion Lullus Age: Five measly decades. Half-way to death in my gnat-like existence. Race: Human. One may have gathered so, due to the gnats mentioned in the previous sentence.
  20. The Golden Pools ((CaptainMacro - Deviantart)) Back within the ancient days of Aegis, where the children of the four brothers were young and fresh, the forests of Malinor teemed with throngs of the long-lived elves. Though cursed with the infertility the fallen daemon had provided, their millennia-spanning lives were amiable. In this time, there was no high elf, dark elf, or even what would later be known as a wood elf--there were only the peaceful denizens of the woodlands. The Mali. Such grand lifespans lead to equally grand studies in philosophy, the arts, the sciences, and magic. Great discoveries and advances were made almost without notice--such things were seemingly commonplace within the nigh-immortal society of the elves. At some point in their history, though none could possibly pinpoint when, groups of elves began to dabble in arcane magics rather that of traditional druidism. The practice became popular among scholars and other learned mali--being able to pull forth elements they had studied from the void were both amusing and fascinating. Enter the influential scholar Larihei Lohmanih. Thought to have been conceived by a member of Malinor’s High Council - largely on account of her influence and interactions with it along with the populace that it oversaw - she eventually became a controversial figure at odds with the prevailing ideals of Mali culture of her time. Theories suggesting the causes for this range from views that the aggressiveness of the younger races threatened Mali way of life, disapproval of the complacency of Mali in regards to worldly affairs or that her stance on the status Mali had as the longest lived creatures meant they were responsible for the knowledge of the world, as well as entitled to it. Though their work was ignored mostly by the general populace (however, utterly loathed by the druids), their skills with magic grew and expanded into areas few would comprehend until the post-Aegis years. However, one discovery that was an endless source of interest and study was a geological and magical marvel--the Golden Pools. Deep within the earth, beneath the trees of old Malinor, Mali geologists discovered large cave systems with an abundance of what is now referred to as "Magegold." The substance was not unknown to these scholars, obviously, but within the centre of the largest chamber, there lay a pool of still water, imbued with magegold dust accumulated over untold millennia Curiously, due to the gold, the water itself could be enchanted like any other object--something previously thought impossible for liquids. Before further tests could be carried out, one scholar poured a previously-enchanted container of the liquid back into the main pool. A chain-reaction occurred throughout the entire body of water, and the enchantment itself spread to the rest of the inundated magegold. It is unknown what the original purpose of "bathing" could possibly be for. Some have thought that the pools was intended to heal wounds without the need of druids. Others have postulated it was an alchemist's dream--a way to turn base metals into gold. Whatever was originally intended, its postulated function to be was swept aside when its effect upon elves was realised. It was at this time during the initial studies of the pools that Larihei was ejected from the high council for her radical ideology. In retaliation, she and her supporters departed the main social hub of Malinor, and settled in a small commune outside the entrance to the pools. It was here that bathing in the pools became a popular past-time--encouraged mostly by Larihei herself in the belief that it enhanced their mental and magical capabilities. At first, the pools did not appear to do anything to a bather. It was, to most, a relaxing and calming experience, and many took to bathing as a means of easing emotional and physical strain. Though scorned by the druids and even the High Council, the scholarly elves continued to bathe regardless of the warnings. After many years of this leisurely activity, noticeable physical changes began to take form. Their hair lightened to softer shades, and their skin grew paler with a slight golden undertone. Though these effects were noticed, they were mostly disregarded by the bathers, if not the rest of the elven public. Elven society as a whole, cared very little. Those elves that bathed were free to do as they desired. Decades passed, and more changes took form. The pale elves grew distinctly taller and thinner than their brothers and sisters, yet now changes to their personality seemed to arise. Many bathers cared less for dancing and singing, and more for their studies. Even the politics of the realm - something mostly disregarded in the elven Utopia - were discussed and written upon to great lengths. To those who knew them previously, they seemed colder--less patient with their kin. The grand elven society began to worry, but still did nothing. After all, those elves were free to do as they pleased. Centuries passed. The bathers were utterly changed physically, and mentally. Their children were now born in the image of their parents; they matured with similar physical traits, and seemed predisposed to scholarly activities. Parents disallowed their children from marrying those of regular elves, for fear the next generation of offspring would need to spend more time in the pools to obtain their "blessing." Those who were not already the "blessed" were disallowed to enter the chamber of the pools, and those that managed to sneak in sometimes disappeared--never to be seen again. Many of the "blessed" scholars regarded the other races with grim disdain for their alleged "ignorance," and sometimes even belittled fellow elves for the same reason. At last, the elven society decided to take action. The Golden Pools were raided, and the caves that housed them were collapsed. This turbulant period of social upheaval lead to many of Malinor's scholarly elves to abandon their works, and embrace nature to a far greater degree. Distraught and horrified over the loss of their beloved chamber, Larihei demanded that they should leave Malinor to forge their own destiny. Many left with her, but an almost equal number remained behind in Malinor. Little is known why they did so, but their practice of segregation and their ideals of "purity" did not die out quickly, and in fact, many of these "pure" families managed to survive until even the end of Aegis itself. Larihei's followers settled in Asulon millennia before Iblees' destruction of Aegis (little is known as to how this occurred). There, they built the city of what would be referred to as "Haelun'or," though curiously they never expanded from it. Centuries before the Aegisian branch of high elves arrived, the whole population was wiped out by mysterious circumstances. As the first Aegisian stepped foot upon its hewn stone, the old city was in ruins, and only the Eternal College and fragments of its grand library remained intact. Rebuilding the city, the Aegisian high elves refounded the ancient society that once was, and with it, they uncovered secrets forgotten by time. Remnants of another pool had lain dormant beneath the ruined city, and were re-discovered by the Maheral Dio Astore, who invited a select few of the pure citizenry to bathe in the ancient waters, and feel the bliss of their ancestor's creation. With the end of Asulon coming shortly after, few others were able to experience it. Its secrets were lost, along with the last of the ancient high elves discoveries. Or, so the legend goes... The Effects of the Golden Pools The act of bathing in the Golden Pools is for high elves to "mend" any and all racial, physical, and mental impurities they may have. Being as bathers will likely be high elves already, a few bathing sessions will have noticeable effect on them--Brown hair will turn blond, for example. Other physical abnormalities, such as scars, will eventually disappear through bathing sessions, though this would likely take far more time. Traditionally, the pools have been known to transform elves into high elves (as you may have gathered from reading the above paragraphs). This is not a matter of a "quick-dip" however. To fully change into a high elf would require methodical bathing over the course of centuries (something unlikely to be possible due to the length of server time). ((Panoramia)) Shorter-term effects, as detailed in the above lore, are still possible. Elves should naturally retain any changes that occur to them from the pools. The other races, should they somehow come into contact with the enchanted waters, will not be so "lucky." It is likely that any changes will be impermanent (disappearing within an elven week of bathing) but, should they somehow continuously bathe, they may retain changes to themselves. As the body changes, so does the mind. Those affected will likely gain greater confidence in themselves and their own assertions. This can often lead to subjects appearing arrogant, and perhaps even conceited at times. Often, their inquisitive natures are heightened--sometimes to the point of appearing agitated when information is hidden from them. Another common effect is a calm disposition--pure high elves being relatively difficult to anger. They tend to have great control over their emotions, and only grow flustered in extreme circumstances. It has been postulated that the pools heighten the intelligence and magical capabilities of a bather, but there is no direct evidence to suggest this to be true or false. A High Elf's inquisitive nature, however, does tend to lean them towards scholarly arts--likely how the idea began in the first place. Special Thanks To:
  21. You know what's wonderous? Experimental, medieval science!

    1. Fid


      Someone send Hex a PM, it's time to write some lore for windmill power-generators.

    2. Agnub


      Science? Bleh! If the Creator did not endow us with the knowledge then it is forbidden!

    3. NomadGaia


      Nope, explosions are cooler

  22. Aw man... Crazyguy... you were one of my favourite GMs... why'd you do that? :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dyn


      Because I guess he wanted to go out with a bang which sort of fizzled.

    3. mmat


      I think it was more of a mild squeak.

    4. Sporadic
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