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Everything posted by Lirinya

  1. IGN: lirinya DISCORD: lirinya SKIN: Sonya 5 AMOUNT: 100 Mina
  2. 22nd of The Grand Harvest, 149 SA 15th November 2023 The Age of Perseverance To those who claim that The Age of Silver has begun- they are wrong. Whilst the Mali’aheral may have conquered the home of which the Mali’ame called theirs, they are wrongfully under the impression that any resistance has been, in their words, quelled. The ‘ame of Nevaehlen are not a place. They do not require lavish homes, elaborate jewels or garb to be considered Nevaehli. Instead, it is a mindset. A mutual peace and understanding and belief. They are- we are - a people, a kin. Every individual who resides within the village understands the obligations that come with it and are not, despite the ridiculous claims, detained within. Each resident is able to freely roam the continent in places that do not threaten the culture and faith of the Mali’ame. Any who do not agree with this, are able to part ways with Nevaehlen without any ill will from the Leadership. To the Leaders of the Silver City. A friendship and mutual exchange could have once been sired between our kin. New leaders call for new beginnings and all, but such a thing will no longer happen. You will find no friendship here. We say to you, those remaining ‘ame civilisations, be they small or large. Keep an open eye to what could be in the future. Nevaehlen made not a single hostile move towards Haelun’or before the claim of war. We sought support from several nations and not one agreed. Be hoped that, should The Silver City continue this hostile path, you will have more support than we. Narnsae ito iyl Matriarch of the Cove of Nevaehlen Valeseer of the Cove of Nevaehlen
  3. MC Name: lirinya Discord: lirinya Image: Description of Image: character art Dimensions: 2 tall, 1 wide
  4. "Ea've niet ever been as thankful for a stranger than ea have now." Poppiya sought her aunts side, mirroring the gesture as she offered a silent prayer of thanks and blessings. "Hopefully his kin do niet hold hate for use, because of this."
  5. No issues with disagreement! It's an interesting discussion and you have valid points. In terms of the war stuff, you're absolutely right. However with the server, to be in a war you must be part of a realm. Even if you are a small group from say, haense. You must be joined to the haense realm. When you enter the war, the entire realm of haense joins that war. The nomadic camp would need its own defined realm, to avoid mechanical abuse (thinking along the lines of people claiming to be nomadic, to try and freely join wars). I see warclaims as a more nation v nation sort of thing. Unless the nomadic group in question met that size, would they stand a chance against then nation 'evicting' them? They certainly would stand and fight! But a small traveller group wouldn't stand a chance against a kingdom. At best, they'd likely manage a skirmish?
  6. My thoughts on this were to have the region only at a certain height, with '0' depth, assuming the land was flat. That way, buildings can only be a maximum x amount of height, and nothing can be built underneath. --- Otherwise, I had considered a few things. After the [2 weeks] of the camp being up, the region should be deleted by staff. Does the camp then remain or is it destroyed? It'd be nice for other groups to come across pre-built camps, but it could cause a lot of clutter. I don't agree that they should be able to join wars, personally. To be nomadic implies no ties to a certain place/realm and currently, realms are how wars function in terms of who can take part. Equally, I don't think they should be able to be warclaimed. Groups which are found to have settled on exterior tiles could be ICly removed by the PRO/RO's. This shouldn't ever need to come down to a warclaim- if a group is found and the PRO doesn't want them there.. they could.. just burn down the camp? Quick, surefire way of removing someone unwanted from your lands. Have the option there for people to, rather than camps, have things like caravans pasted in as they move to different locations. Even if that costs a bit of mina- be nice to see some pretty, smaller scale builds. --- Overall, big yes. Make it viable for travelling groups to exist. Make use of all that beautifully made land we have. Populate it. You'll find that RP might scatter, but if anything, it might be a good indication of what people do and don't enjoy.
  7. I love the idea of nomads. It's only earlier this week that I was talking about it- though about how the server doesn't really support nomadic types, seeing as you can't just up and set camp on random land. Though I was also considering writing a method for such a thing- a rule in which camps could be set on any external tile/unclaimed tile for a few days to a week. But obviously, with more detail
  8. Cold and harsh were the days and evenings spent in Haense now. The snow had continued to fall for what felt like centuries and it showed no signs of lifting. Though, this city had always been cold for some. A young woman strode through the snow. Knee deep in some places, it was treacherous to pass through. In her arms she carried a makeshift crate. From a distance, it appeared heavy. Poppiya had spent many of her childhood days roaming these familiar streets unaccompanied. They were safe enough.. But she had found no joy from them. She had made no friends, for she had taken to solitude and reading to pass her time. At the age of three or four was when it all began. Poppiya’s mother passed in childbirth to her youngest sibling, and while she was too young to truly understand what that meant, she knew that it hurt. She knew that she would not ever see her mother again. Her path led her to a tree, nestled within the center of a garden. “Ea /really/ vant it!” Poppiya knelt in the snow, and began to dig with a small shovel. Her entire body wrapped in furs and leather- large gloves made it difficult, but she continued on anyway. Droplets of water- tears- cascaded into the snow covered ground. “Vy will have to take care of it, da?” “Da! Ea /promise!/” An exchange was made with the seller of the booth and one of her kin.. And Poppy was handed a small, wriggling bundle. “Yap-!” Once the hole within the ground was deep enough, Poppiya took a brief pause. The garden she had chosen was the same in which her mother was buried. She held very few memories of her parent, but recalled the moment her kin had shared the mention of her mothers passing. She recalled standing in the garden with her brothers as the older folk lowered the casket. Crying, Screaming. “What will vy call him?” -=- “Caramel! He looks like candy!” Poppiya reached beside her for the makeshift wooden casket she had lugged into the gardens. Made with hammer and nail, it was clearly not something planned or truly considered, and had been very much made out of necessity. With a struggle, she lowered the casket as gently as possible. “What colour collar would vy like for him?” “Blue- /duh/!” The young woman sat herself back onto the snow ladened ground, and took from around her wrist a blue dogs collar. It was clearly well worn- fraying edges of fabric indicating age and time passed. The bone-shaped tag dangled, and was engraved with the name ‘Caramel’. Many nights were spent with Caramel, playing and laughing. But equally, many were spent sobbing and in sadness. Some time into her early teens, her father then passed, and Poppiya had felt a total loss. She had spent her childhood withdrawn, dependent on her books and as she grew, on alcohol to see her through the days. But one light remained. One light brightened her mornings, noons and nights. Caramel. He had aged with her- both were young when they met at the faire. Into her tweens and then to her teens, the two had grown and bonded. Shared moments of love and sadness together. Poppiya gently placed a small teddy-bear toy on top of the wooden casket, and pocketed the dogs collar for safe keeping. Then, she began to shovel dirt back into place. “Vy were mea world. Without vy, ea do niet know what ea will do..” “Sleep well.” “Do niet leave mea.” “Farewell, mea friend.”
  9. Poppiya was ready to help, 'cause she wanted an excuse to party.
  10. It's actually a really valid point. Surely, all that needs to change is that CRP lock exists for people not of that nation eg. Someone passing by the city, and that anyone who is a resident of that nation can join at any time? Something along those lines at least. It has been said a few times but, it's silly to assume that people in the city wouldn't know a raid is happening. You'd hear it, or see it, or have guards causing a fuss about it.
  11. An elf muttered something about short people.
  12. Poppiya saw the cloak. She wanted the cloak. Alas, she had no mina, and went to beg her aunt. @Cheese
  13. We'll be using our existing rosta. Y'all should already have it.
  14. Are we doing this Saturday or Sunday?
  15. Poppiya, who was all too un-thrilled about the conflict, sought the side of the Queen. "If vy need any assistance, vyr majesty, yam happy to help where ea can."
  16. If Poppy was free, she planned to come and watch.
  17. Haelunor and Iron Horde v Nevaehlen and Norland, firstly. Secondly, you're right. As much as I'm aware we've not had a single complaint about the raids on Nev so far. They've been entertaining, aside from the typical lotc pvp lag. As for bias, and all those potential issues, a proper feedback post would work better. Without knowing a full story, with more detail and screenshots, its hard to really say on the matter, especially from those who weren't there.
  18. 23rd of Malin’s Welcome, 149 SA 10th November 2023 On Falsified Letters Brought to my attention are the falsified documents of which some of Aevos’s most noble leaders have come to hold. The contents of which seem to be addressed from Nevaehlen- begging and demanding their aid in the war against our Haelun’or neighbors. I wish to confirm that no such documents, letters or otherwise, have been authorized to be sent from the Cove. Nevaehlen rejects any letters sent, unless they are signed by myself, the Valeseer, the Wild Chief’s or the Keeper, should the contents be related to war, alliances, or other formal matters. Nevaehlen would never, under any circumstances, make such demands without it being a trade of equal weight for both parties. Nevaehlen has fought this unprovoked war side by side with the Kingdom of Norland, an alliance built on mutual trust and understanding, despite our cultural differences. We would not ask any other nation to aid us, unless built on the same principles. However, we shall fight regardless of the friends Haelun’or calls and the propaganda they or any other malefactor may spew. Narnsae ito iyl Matriarch of the Cove of Nevaehlen Valeseer of the Cove of Nevaehlen
  19. A Nevaehlen Wood Elf prepares her writing equipment. Seems she had a few to pen tonight.
  20. "Ne," she stated simply, "bu' I will be reachin' out ta them. It has ne come from us."
  21. @itdontmatta@Iverach@Spoopy_Duck We're having quite a few people on this end having issues with the new date choice. Some having rescehduled plans, some having Canadian Thanksgiving. Would the possibility of delaying it a week to the following Saturday/Sunday being something we can discuss?
  22. An elfess worked away through a pile official papers. Some letters from their enemy, some discussions of trade, and one it seemed, a missive of sorts. She read it through several times both quietly, and aloud: "Astoundin'," she stated to her partner, @Terry, "tha' it takes th' subjugation of ah settlemen' of folk ta rouse them from their slumber. Where were they when th' 'aheral firs' made their war public? Or when they took our folk 'ostage in raids? Opportunists. I will believe it when I see it." The missive was promptly folded and stored away- filed into the bookcase where discarded letters remained for the rest of their days.
  23. This is a good looking time on our end.
  24. A long dead Artemis was content to see that those screenshots she saved in 2017 were finally of use.
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