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Everything posted by Lirinya

  1. Haelunor and Iron Horde v Nevaehlen and Norland, firstly. Secondly, you're right. As much as I'm aware we've not had a single complaint about the raids on Nev so far. They've been entertaining, aside from the typical lotc pvp lag. As for bias, and all those potential issues, a proper feedback post would work better. Without knowing a full story, with more detail and screenshots, its hard to really say on the matter, especially from those who weren't there.
  2. 23rd of Malin’s Welcome, 149 SA 10th November 2023 On Falsified Letters Brought to my attention are the falsified documents of which some of Aevos’s most noble leaders have come to hold. The contents of which seem to be addressed from Nevaehlen- begging and demanding their aid in the war against our Haelun’or neighbors. I wish to confirm that no such documents, letters or otherwise, have been authorized to be sent from the Cove. Nevaehlen rejects any letters sent, unless they are signed by myself, the Valeseer, the Wild Chief’s or the Keeper, should the contents be related to war, alliances, or other formal matters. Nevaehlen would never, under any circumstances, make such demands without it being a trade of equal weight for both parties. Nevaehlen has fought this unprovoked war side by side with the Kingdom of Norland, an alliance built on mutual trust and understanding, despite our cultural differences. We would not ask any other nation to aid us, unless built on the same principles. However, we shall fight regardless of the friends Haelun’or calls and the propaganda they or any other malefactor may spew. Narnsae ito iyl Matriarch of the Cove of Nevaehlen Valeseer of the Cove of Nevaehlen
  3. A Nevaehlen Wood Elf prepares her writing equipment. Seems she had a few to pen tonight.
  4. "Ne," she stated simply, "bu' I will be reachin' out ta them. It has ne come from us."
  5. @itdontmatta@Iverach@Spoopy_Duck We're having quite a few people on this end having issues with the new date choice. Some having rescehduled plans, some having Canadian Thanksgiving. Would the possibility of delaying it a week to the following Saturday/Sunday being something we can discuss?
  6. An elfess worked away through a pile official papers. Some letters from their enemy, some discussions of trade, and one it seemed, a missive of sorts. She read it through several times both quietly, and aloud: "Astoundin'," she stated to her partner, @Terry, "tha' it takes th' subjugation of ah settlemen' of folk ta rouse them from their slumber. Where were they when th' 'aheral firs' made their war public? Or when they took our folk 'ostage in raids? Opportunists. I will believe it when I see it." The missive was promptly folded and stored away- filed into the bookcase where discarded letters remained for the rest of their days.
  7. This is a good looking time on our end.
  8. A long dead Artemis was content to see that those screenshots she saved in 2017 were finally of use.
  9. Poppiya wouldn't attend. She remained in her bedroom numb- sobbing- angry- and smoking a tonne of weed.
  10. Hello yes. 1EST is much too early for our group. I also won't finish work until exactly then. We'd be looking to push it back until 8PM UK time (BST) - 3pm (EDT), though Saturday works perfectly fine. I'll be working on getting a map together for allies shortly.
  11. Despite her mother passing several many years ago now, Poppiya still had not come to terms with the loss of one parent. Now her lifeline, her father- of whom she had certainly not given enough time to in her childhood, was gone. She retreated into herself, into her own mind and sadness. A girl already closed off to the world, was only now moreso.
  12. The disgruntled mother to Whitewood's founder turned her head, retreating back to retirement.
  13. Poppy took little notice. She read over the missive, stared at her father, and just said, "Ea would rather neit." @Silurian
  14. Poppy considered whether she should bully Aurelia about this or not.
  15. Poppiya mourned the loss of an Amador of which she did not know, just because that was the right thing to do.
  16. If you take away all the fancy plugins (weapon crafting, item renaming- leaving only a chat control), removed the option for pvp, you'd still be left with LOTC. It'd be a different experience but at its core, it's a universe fleshed out with lore and stories created by staff and players. It is not an outlet for pvp, nor should it be. While I do agree that pvp is neccessary for the server- particularly in larger group conflicts and situations where folk can't come to an agreement on, it should not be something of a focus. Raid tools that (if I'm wrong please correct me, but I've never used them), allow folk to get into nations over walls, could easily be replaced by the roleplay requirement to emote setting up a ladder outside the walls (with moderator oversight to ensure the ladders were mechanically placed). There is always going to be a two sided argument for and against pvp. There's a clear devide in most instances. But minecraft mechanics aside, LOTC is a roleplay server. While it can be said that "I PVP to roleplay a warrior"- that's just an easy way out. How do you communicate over LOTC in a roleplay manner? Through text. LOTC's style of roleplaying is a text based roleplay, and that should be its primary focus, in my opinion. We don't have a magic plugin to shoot fireballs for the mages, why should warriors be given the option to click a few times to down a person? I have no issue with raids as a rule, but a notice to allow folk to be online would be ideal. It certainly does open up its own set of issues, metagaming and such (though that would arguably be limited as- if they know it's going to happen, you can't really meta it anyway, right?). I can't imagine it's fun for the offending side to come across no defenders, nor is it fun to miss conflict because you might be playing another game or generally spending time away from LOTC. Primarily, the end goal is for everyone to have fun- it's almost like LOTC is a game. If one side isn't having fun, there has to be a reason.
  17. i dont even fish but this is cool
  18. "They would even take our oem'ii- our children who have done nothing wrong. To sell them, to who knows who!" A mother cried out as she read over the missive, a letter clutched tightly in hand. "War or no war, their king should be ashamed."
  19. what do you think of them raising the price? in the uk it's gone up by a whole £1
  20. Poppiya showed the missive to her brother, Henrik. "We should do vis to Karl, da? When he is older?" @critter
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