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Sujamma Addict

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  1. ♫♫♫ Golden-Fang’s Musings #1-3 “When we gaze up into the night sky, captivated by the spirits of light, we bear witness to the beacons that we once paid our admiration and worship. We do not forsake the great Metzli while we hold fire close to our hearts, we use our gifts to protect Her.” -Golden-Fang, Meditations on Existence “Superstitions have their ways of seething into the minds of mortality. Take comfort in the confines of monotony and discover the unknown to hold far more treachery than it should.” -Golden-Fang, Excerpt from the Chronologized Allegories Musing #1 Yesterday, at night I felt conflicted, but I couldn't determine what was causing it. I looked up to the milky sky through the open ceiling window... and I'm not foolish enough to think they aren't up there. Stars were more than spectacles to me when I was younger and full of energy. They were supernatural beings. Of course, I did not have the teachings of my elders during this time, but I maintain a cautious optimism. But, to my eyes, they could still see us, even in the deepest cave, couldn't they? Is this a case of superstition? Anyway, that was one of the things that bothered me. The clouds were a strange shade of grey, to put it that way. They seemed natural, but I felt a quiet, chronic grief when I closed my eyes to listen. Not in the sense of sorrow or death, but in the sense of how one would feel if they were hungry. Without a place to stay. As the rainless clouds blew over my oceans, there was nothing but emptiness. It reminded me of why the Mu'un priests were there in the first place. There were so many for Metzli to look at, so many Kharajyr who were lost in such a dark time... Perhaps the sense of emptiness was a cathartic experience. Or maybe it was just my innocent, sweet-clouded eyes, beckoning me to drift off into the darkness. But, as with all emotions, I'm certain that it will pass with a good night's sleep. Musing #2 Today is a very delicate and gentle day. The song is good, but it isn't kind. Perhaps coercive, even seductive. The drums start with a barely tapped snare.. bu'um—bu'um-buh-dr'uuh-d'um. There's a one, a two, and a three. Then, like a single dancer starting her routine on a quiet stage, a flute joins in with a peaceful melody. She comes to a halt, only to watch as a reeded pipe mimics her movements almost exactly. The drums build to a louder bu’druum, b'uum--buu'm-buh-druu'-du'm. A one-two, a three-four, and a four-five. A one-two, a three-four, and a four-five. The strings are pulled from rhythm, and the fore flute joins her companion in a waltz at the same time. They don't touch; instead, they dance in perfect harmony with one another... The melody is hummed by another string, a kettle drum, and a bass. It has been building steadily throughout the day, but not in a threatening manner. At a time, one instrument, one voice... It develops into a wonderful ensemble, with an unknown climax. Today will be a day for reflection. Musing #3 Tomorrow will leap with the rasping of claws on scales upon those with open ears. I have learned a lot more about... locksmithing in the last few months than I ever have before. From mathematicians and erudites seeking to outwit anyone who would outwit them, to the use of copper picks to bend and adapt to match various tumblers. It's been a long walk from place to place which I shall not name in favour of reducing suspicion. A lot of reading and practice is expected. However! One thing I learned from it is that not all locks are created equal. Picks are required in some situations, while spells are required in others. It's made me think about a kind of unyielding lock... one breathed from a touched trill. A lovely song, written to keep all those whose morals did not deserve to be exposed to old ways that we cannot remember. In my youth—and my youth contains much to reflect upon—I would constantly seek in the wrong places, and it wasn’t until consulting with one of the Mu’un priests, in one of the temples, that I realized my oversight. She spoke of tales long ago, where some would ‘lock’ doors by singing to them… by enchanting them, with poem and rhyme. Think about it! How many combinations of words and rhythms and notes are there in the world? Think about the kinds of locks that would have to match? Millions upon millions of tumblers, all switching around with one another, every which way… it is brilliant. The old ways are truly brilliant, although to why they were lost I do not know. Suspicion leads me to believe that perhaps the old ways were not as transparent as they may have seemed. As risky as it might have been, I had found myself in awe of some of the older beliefs. It's elegant, a crypt of voices, a reliquary of rhyme. Graceful is the term. Beautiful. I almost feel bad for attempting to solve this riddle and shed its light upon the world… like defiling a deliciously delectable dessert or smashing a hand through a perfectly smooth tuft of sand. But what lay behind that library door? Archives of preserved words for my kin? Unforetold magical tomes that could have saved our… no. It will be worth it, and its days are numbered. Hopefully, with this knowledge, we will achieve one step closer to that day where we will not have to sing any lullabies… but this door would make good practice. One day. Credits The topic represents In-Character knowledge that may not be used for metagaming purposes and must be discovered through roleplay.
  2. This guy has gone and started doing so much in the server recently that it’s insane. Firstly, congrats on the move to the Story Team man. Read this lore and it’s looking really solid so I’m excited to see what comes of it. +1
  3. Where is Arlen Kharadeen? image.gif 


    1. ibraheemc2000





      I have NOOO idea......I miss him dearly.....

    2. adamc2000


      idk i hear he on a badass tropical island with 1,000 year worth of Butter scotch lace weed lucky bastard

  4. http://www.strawpoll.me/11808408/r VOTE FOR FAIZ SO HE CAN PK

    1. iris1612


      faiz will never pk. he will outlive us all. 

    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      i will pk if u vote for me

    3. Brawms


      I thought it was a vote for who should pk the most and I voted for the wrong person..

  5. Black Friday Sales in Haria: Brewing Stands for 100, Iceboxes for 450

  6. Problem with Kharajyr is that they ain't Khajiit.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      Or make them argonians

    3. UnBaed


      M'aiq wishes you well.

    4. Adelemphii


      I love khajiit, why cant they make kharajyr khajiit. Kharajyr are like rip off versions of khajiit. They suck. (Lol i play a kharajyr.)

  7. selling brewing stands for 200 and ice boxes for 600 next to the ss pillar in haria x:1947 z:378

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Can you deliver a brewing stand?

    2. Sujamma Addict

      Sujamma Addict

      ^ I can, but price will go up 75 minas

    3. Man of Respect
  8. https://youtu.be/lzVPoqAxOgM

    Make Hobbits Great Again. Bring back the Pumpkin Marches

  9. I was probably not very clear on this, sorry. The original name for the ore was "Kadar" which means "powerful" in Arabic. I added the si at the end because I didn't want to make people feel that it was just tying directly into Qalasheen culture. Now that you mentioned it, I will flesh out some more details and edit the post, thanks! As for how it relates to gold: The unprocessed ore itself is as weak as gold, but strengthens when it is mixed with certain elements, one being carbon which is an element in steel (this is the fantasy part to it). I believe someone I spoke to said it was better than steel but weaker than bluesteel. Other than that, thanks! I agree with all of your points and hope to come up with some more adjustments to the lore!
  10. The ore will be available to everyone to mine and craft into Kadarsi Ingots. The word "Kadarsi" doesn't really have any arabic meaning, I sort of just came up with that. Qalashi steel is completely optional for anyone and just refers to the product produced by pattern welding. The armor/weapons themselves will just be called things like "Kadarsi Sword, Kadarsi Chestplate, etc."
  11. Qalashi Steel OOC: Introduction For decades the Qalasheen people have lived peaceful and simple lives, enjoying a time of peace. The world around them appeared to be unraveling its true dark nature, yet The Sultanate flourished as local merchants peddled their wares across the Isles. Miners took to the stone with pick in hand, exploring new depths and returning with rare minerals and ores. Encrusted with a strangely beautiful pattern, Qalasheen metallurgists have discovered what at first appeared to be an ore with properties similar to aurum (it had both a low yield strength and fracture point). When they discovered the true potential, it became known as “Kadarsi ((meaning powerful in Arabic))." Kadarsi Kadarsi ore itself looks more similar to a darkened, less transparent crystal, that by itself is weak, making the harvesting process more difficult. It would require a steady hand and careful precision to chip away at the edges of the ore without having it crack. Once acquired, and forged with other elements such as carbon, however, the steel product will have a higher yield strength and higher fracture point. If cracked, the Kadarsi will allow the steel to spring back into shape and allow it to be easily repaired through forge welding. Pattern welded steel History The ore was first used in glassware and pottery, melted and molded together with various minerals and elements to make attractive decorations and furniture, desired by many. What was quickly noticed by this was that the glass and pottery were slightly more durable and resistant to breaking. Metallurgists quickly began testing the affects of Kadarsi with other minerals including gold and ferrum. Through Kadarscening, it was discovered that the properties of both ferrum and aurum were strengthened, making the two more durable. Striking aurum mixed with Kadarsi repeatedly against solid objects showed that the new welded aurum could take more hits before needing repair. Not only this, but repairing was much easier as the Kadrasi could easily spring back into shape with simple repair methods. The same results were shown with ferrum testing and so Qalashi Steel was born. Kadarsi Ferrum BattleAxe Qalashi Steel consists of Kadarsi ore and Ferrum ore that are both welded and forged together in layers (known as Kardescining), creating a unique pattern, but most importantly it affects the quality of the combined steel to create a new steel which is commonly referred to by Harians as Qalashi Steel. Different kinds of mixed processed steels will produce mere patterns and show little property change, but when ferrum combines with the Qalasheen-discovered Kadarsi ore, not only did it have a unique pattern — a beautiful water-patterned steel produced with resilient edges — it was shown to be tougher than the average ferrum blade which was prone to rusting in damp air and becoming dull, making it a high maintenance weapon. The Welding Technique Through pattern welding of Ferrum and Kadarsi, plus an additional method which consists of layering, Qalashi steel can be forged into weapons and armor. The layering gives the steel unique patterns that one can visually see. Depending on the skill level of a blacksmith, Qalashi steel will become more durable as the blacksmith will be able to use the Kadarscening technique better and add more layered tiers of the melted ferrum and Kadarsi. As they are layered and folded over one another more and more the outcome is a steel that is much tougher and resistant to shattering (though it would not be impossible to break the steel). The tiers are also noticeable by distinctive patterns of banding and mottling reminiscent of flowing water. The more it is layered (which is a lengthy process), the more durable the steel becomes. Kadarsi ore can be welded together with ferrum, aurum, and bluesteel to produce: Kadarsi ferrum, Kadarsi aurum, and Kadarsi bluesteel. Kadarsi Ferrum Sabre Each tier is based solely on the level of the blacksmith starting from Adept which will be referred to as a tier 1 product. The more experience one has in blacksmithing, the higher the tier. Alongside this, Qalashi steel can be enchanted like most weapons, but will have increased durability, making it unique. Kadarsi Ferrum Chestplate with gauntlets Strengths and Weaknesses + While this adhesive might only appear to be an alternative to the Unbreaking enchant, it should be known that only at tier 3 ((Masterful blacksmith)) will a Kadarsi-laced piece be equivalent to a single Unbreaking enchant. On top of this, one will be able to add an Unbreaking enchant to their Kadarsi-laced piece and double the affects. + Farfolk are able to produce Kadarsi ferrum gear earlier and slightly faster than other races, but will be subject to the same times when it comes to Kadarsi aurum and Kadarsi bluesteel. - Aurum and bluesteel gear are best used in their whole states and so mixing any aurum or bluesteel with Kadarsi lessens, but does not completely negate the properties. - The process for making Kadarsi gear is a lengthy one due to how precise one must be. - To be able to harvest this ore, one must have much experience, though it is said that the expert hands of a Farfolk can provide some aid - Kadarsi Aurum and Kadarsi bluesteel will require more experience to craft for other races. Thank you to bestscarface76 who provided some good advice for this.
    1. Violino


      I waaant one!


    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Selling for half the price!






















      just kidding lmao

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