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Everything posted by CosmicWhaleShark

  1. A new RP post rises. Butts have been hurt this day.

  2. MPM is overrated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Salamandra


      ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    3. bickando


      ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MPM OR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    4. Birdwhisperer


      Such a hipster.

  3. http://i.gyazo.com/48e1b25cb30f1d415c8ac7d345fd73d6.png Could someone please tell coaster to not go AFK in Lin'ame, it makes the guards a bit ancy seeing a masked, armored human in the walls :P
    1. TeaLulu


      i refuse to pass the message along as this is too funny to ruin

    2. Aislin


      trolling is bad

  4. I believe this thread has served its purpose. We've established Elves are fine how they are.
  5. "Good" RP is subjective - regardless, the point of the walls and the gates is to maintain a level of serenity within the town. Pose a threat to that? Do you look or sound like you'll pose a threat to it? You're not getting in. You're free to RP however you like, and wherever you like, just like we are free to keep you out in turn. We're not going to change ICly out of the convenience of others OOCly.
  6. Considering it was a town built for the sole purpose of housing wood elves, pretty much.
  7. This is my gate, there are many like it, but this one is mine. - And you're not getting past it.

  8. As the typical gatesman of Lin'ame, the gates provide a reinforcement of the role-play we are trying to cultivate in this new era of Elven conduct. Outsiders have zero entitlement to enter. You are an outsider, you are considered a threat at all times. Throw insults all you like at the guards, it will yield you very little in your pursuit to enter. If you dress up like a necromancer, or an assassin, you will not be allowed entry. An excuse of it being comfy is not acceptable, necromancers and assassins likely wear it for the same reason. If you are armored, you will not be allowed entry. The Restrained are meant to be the sole enforcers of Lin'ame, variables such as an armored stranger are not acceptable risks, when it comes to the peace of the town. If you say you are going to meet a friend, you will be expected to have sent a message regarding you arrival, so that your 'friend' may verify your claim. We are not Malinor, we are not tolerant. We take care of our own and have had lots of RP to back up our distaste for outsiders - elf or not. If you happen to be allowed inside, and you threaten the peace of Lin'ame to a severe degree. Guess what, you are banished. Lin'ame is a town meant to reinforce practical and peaceful RP, not illogical tolerance of people's deliberate choice in magic subtypes, or career choices, or choices in general. Get normal, or get out, simply put. "But there's not a guard all the time to let people in, wardog." Oh well, the system is in place, the only thing lacking is numbers in which to execute the system 24/7. We're an RP town with various timezones scattered throughout our residents, it's not possible to be on at all times to open and close the gate for potential residents. It won't be changing because of that, prove you're sane enough to become a resident, then join the Restrained, problem solved.
  9. Gosh damn Oren's forum game is too good right now, keep it up guys, loving it.

  10. Probably the first positive PvP experience I've had in Anthos and the Fringe, thank you for being a chill opponent, csalz

  11. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/104-event-proposals/ Want to see a specfic event in your area? Post here, something you request will likely also be something you will enjoy the most. Just a suggestion.
    1. Birdwhisperer


      Could I propose an event where my great aunt dies and leaves me a huge fortune?

    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      No, abusive forum moderators are not allowed to post.

  12. Bye.

    1. Samoblivion


      Bye I suppose. Going somewhere?

    2. Desires


      Bring me milk.

  13. http://i.gyazo.com/c3e24eedd84edbd144e9d5ad284da19b.png I got my 666th point on the new reforms. Tis a sign.
    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    2. Samoblivion


      You are the Beast Incarnate, he who shall free us from the petty shackles of God.

  14. http://i.imgur.com/Gnu7af5.gif When mobs spawn behind you, on a previously clear road.
    1. Dakirennis


      Danny Sexbang is the man.

  15. Cappy unban me pls.

    1. Moot


      Cappy is the one true god! Let his justice strike true!!!

  16. I like this healing magic alternative. This is a good alternative. Unique, and while it's sharing the fundamental concepts of clerical magics, the methods in which it follows these concepts is its own. Well done, Kitten. I look forward to seeing this in game, if possible.
  17. -First week of playing a new, peaceful character- -perma kills a high elf within that week- "Damn it."

  18. Just watched Pan's Labyrinth for the first time... Very good... But oh my gosh that ending.

    1. Birdwhisperer


      You remind me of the babe.

      ... wait wrong Labyrinth...

  19. http://i.imgur.com/nWKdLxt.png Such good crayon illustratons by Birdwhisperer.
    1. Neri


      I thought the guy on the left was throwing pocket sand for a moment... http://i.imgur.com/Gqnr4uq.gif

  20. When someone makes a joke about a topic talking about taking a joke, and the person gets banned >>>>>>>>> Such irony.

    1. Demotheus


      what? What happened? O.O

    2. MamaBearJade


      i loved the pic tho

  21. http://i.gyazo.com/c4eced4a5ebb2f3c7a89da2e8b76c109.png A female without anime eyes, tis truly a rare breed.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wobbajack
    3. The Womping Wizard
    4. Goldd


      My character Ajisai doesn't have anime eyes and she's an Easterner XD

  22. -Most RPGs- "In this ruin is an ancient blade, much better than anything on the surface. Forget advances in metallurgy and enchantment that have no doubt occured, this one's better. Because like anything in life, it's better to not pay for something, but to kill for something."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sporadic


      In almost every RPG the PC race is not the most powerful race, blacksmithing included.

    3. Katherine1


      Fantasy likes having more advanced races falling prior to the game/story/whatever

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      Dwemer are extinct, not dunmer

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      I was complimenting it on using my search history, yes.

    3. SparehoeCakes




    4. Charles_Grimlie


      Of course this ad would appear on LotC.

  23. The last thing we need is more incentive to kill, as well. It's not an ideal method for a server such as LotC. Following that logic, it would also be fair to perma whatever would-be assassins, should they die, in whatever form they come. This could range from bandits to soldiers. If a nation leader was in a battle, whoever they slew would be forced to perma, etc. I have never seen an assassin ever graciously accept defeat either, rather they themselves keep coming back and trying to kill whoever. The only benefit I could see from this is shortening wars, making the leaders of nations duel each other, whoever loses legitimately permas. It could provide for incentive to NOT go to war with fellow nations, but I doubt anyone would ever actually do that.
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