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Everything posted by CosmicWhaleShark

  1. http://i.gyazo.com/fb97aff3817931f6331660dbc8a61fa5.png LotC ads are finally getting it right.
    1. Varstivus


      Australia. Come for the wildlife, stay because it killed you.

    2. Demotheus
  2. Before I got in touch with you, you were cutting yourself mid-casual conversation with a golden crucifix. Clerical magics are not founded upon actual religion, and a crucifix is a torture device. Without Christian symbolism, your cleric was carrying around a golden torture device upon their staff for... Royal mice or something, I dunno. This is a direct quote from myself to you, Ski_King. [10/2/13 12:30:13 AM] wardog4445: Within the scale of good vs evil, clerics definitely lean towards the side of 'good', the light, and thusly there are a set of established laws, guidelines and rules that aid in RP and prevents any clerics from acting 'clever' in using their own magic to justify their obviously wrong actions. [10/2/13 12:30:43 AM] wardog4445: It's quite simple really. Here is a quote from your fellow pupil, a person taught directly by Toov. The initial line is in reference to Toov. [3/19/14 12:21:44 AM] wardog4445: He burned his own soldier with holy fire, moogle. [3/19/14 12:22:20 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: I did similar stuff. [3/19/14 12:22:29 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: I tortured people with fire-brands from my finger. [3/19/14 12:22:42 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: My trademark thing [3/19/14 12:22:50 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: Pointing it to their forehead [3/19/14 12:22:52 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: and executing them [3/19/14 12:22:56 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: with a bolt of fire Neither of you two acted in a clerical way, at all. [3/19/14 12:25:19 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: My creator cleric [3/19/14 12:25:29 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: was a psychopath with dissociative identity disorder [3/19/14 12:25:31 AM] ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Perrin Ferioli / merrymoogle ᕕ( ᐛ )-b: had every evil Without the supervision of the order, creator clerics, or toov hybrids have always abused their apparently holy connection. You can be a self-proclaimed holy magic user, by all means. However within the Clerical Order's eyes, the original owners of the lore, you are not. Toov himself would burn people alive with holy magics, you would reference actual religions, and Moogle tortured his prisoners with holy magic. All three of you were either first or second generation, the originals, teacher and students. Needless to say, it has since devolved even further. The MAT was a haven for abuse and taking advantage of one's positions. It's why Asulonian Liches were apparently so powerful, and why I as a war cleric could not harm one of them because they protected their bones with ice. At the same time, I had one of my student's applications originally accepted. Then a few hours it was retracted, and put on hold for more than a week. The reasons today still are unclear. Chaqery only had his unique magics approved after being on the Magic Team. You yourself referred to me as a consultant for clerical lore. I'm not particularly inclined to agree on the legitimacy of the MAT's decisions after my personal experiences, nor particularly sympathetic considering that creator clerics really don't have any rites of passage. You choose to be a creator cleric, and you become one, anyone can do so. Something as powerful as being able to heal yourself through magics needs to be regulated and rules enforced. You do not get that with creator clerics. Also according to the current authorties, the Lore Masters, in regards to their responses in this topic... Creator clerics never were legitimate, since Chaqery made a magic app, and teacher app, to a magic that did not exist beyond his specific character's backstory. A backstory that he made, -after- getting the approval to role-play his magics.
  3. Belated, but relevant all the same. I've noticed a pattern, which raises a question. "If it's not written down in a guide or something, it is not followed." Interesting. The only guide in the way of Creator clerics is this very thread, and it's essentially plagiarized from the original clerical order healings as well. Nothing was ever written down for this subtype. A footnote was added into the lore originally made for the clerical order, as an accomodation to the new founded Creator clerics. "Word does not mean it's written down for the other players that roleplay it to learn it right." -Jistuma In that case, I would also ask why it could be learned in the first place. If they cannot learn it correctly, how do they learn it at all, considering nothing was ever written down to reference. In reference to Ptah's quote about Hosper, as previously stated, there was never any written explanation for just how creator clerics went about their methods. That was a courtesy, an accomodation, to the apparently accepted lore. (What lore? Exactly.) In that case, I come with a supposed answer. Creator clerics never rightfully existed, therefore, shouldn't be role-played. Unless you have something to contradict my conclusions, I think with consideration into the given statements in this topic and consideration of lack of support in the ways of Creator clerics, then they simply should not exist. No need for it to be sudden drop, we can always role-play out this loss of power. There have been several solutions given. Whether the clerical order patron seeks out this imposter, or whether the creator cleric powers are somehow significant to Anthos (considering they only really became abundant recently in Anthos), there are multiple ways to go about their removal. Chaqery made a magic application for magic that was never actually made. It's been illegal from the start.
  4. She did, yes, at the time there was no such thing as creator clerics. She worked within the order for a brief period of time and mentored Areon in Ascended practices such as meditations and the like. Areon was the war cleric of the clerical order during Asulon and left the order but continued his duties as always, partly due to political circumstances. Not to offend, Jistuma, but I suggest actually knowing about the basic history of the members within the discussed about lore before going about correcting people by throwing around misinterpreted examples, and further devolving the situation. Toov is the only writer of ANY lore for creator clerics, so I would think his word would serve as some authority considering the general lack of any.
  5. You would be incorrect about my character, as well as Selina's, both were taught within the clerical order and Selina was a former/current Ascended that also role-played having golden blood. I would also argue you are fundamentally incorrect about creator cleric healing capabilities since they have the ability to tap into the Arcane and also worship an apparently lesser patron.
  6. Does it state this anywhere? The founder stated that they were meant to be paladins, which was a clerical order rank, which was a lesser healer.
  7. If you are still the same as the original term of creator cleric, then, remove tiers four and five, and give actual lore as to why you are different from the clerical order. This is a guide, not lore.
  8. There is nothing different about this lore, from priest healing, besides the paraphrasing and emoticons. This is the opposite of a solution, you've just made a third clerical subtype.
  9. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/103558-melodic-magic/ If you would like to, I suggest you read this. I feel this magic covers the one you've written about, and it leaves more room for creativity considering you actually make the songs yourself. Rather than taking every musical term you know and putting a magical twist on it, you simply write the songs from scratch and have the lyrics be your magic, not the terminology.
  10. I've managed to keep the Kingdom of Scotland in a constant state of stablity and expansion across three generations of queens... Probably the most fun I've had in CK2.

    1. seannie


      lol work on the holy roman empire

    2. Birdwhisperer
  11. Nicknames: Avery, Black Sun Age: 181, as of March 27th Gender: Male Race: Lich Status: Undead Description Height: 6'8 Weight: 70 lbs Body Type: Skeleton Eyes: Nonexistent Hair: Bald... Skin: Nonexistent Markings/Tattoos: None Health: Immortal Personality: Chances are the first thing someone would notice about the Lich, is how territorial it is. The Lich is oddly obsessed with very broad concepts of etiquette and manners. It expects those who enter its domain to be respectful and obedient, and if they do not cooperate for even a moment, chances are their stay will be permanent. The Lich is unpredictable in many aspects, simply because of the time it takes in planning. It may be quick to anger, but it is certainly not quick to strike. The Lich is thoughtful, tactical, yet ruthless and manipulative in this sense. Inventory: A blade of wretched, onyx metal, tainted steel. At times a bow and a quiver of arrows. Depending on the situation, various other weapons, such as an Orcish maul from a spoil of a duel. Further Details: Despite the Lich's apparently fragile state, its skills in combat from its life before suits it to be a dreadful opponent. To make it even more of a challenge, its master has bestowed to it, its own set of armor, forged from tainted steel. Coupled with the fact that it cannot feel pain, and can fight until its body is smashed to bits, it is also capable of draining the essence of any living thing it touches... Woe to the one who finds itself in the Lich's clutches. Life Style Alignment*: Lawful Evil Deity*: (Acknowledges) The Aspects Religion: (Acknowledges) Druidism Alliance/Nation/Home: The Gravelords, None, The Lich's Woods Job/Class: Cranky, old guy that murders people in the woods. Title(s): Deathknight - coined by its master Profession(s): Warrior Special Skill(s): Life draining Flaw(s): The Lich clings onto remnants of its former life with undeniable passion. It consistently battles with what it is, both embracing what it became, and loathing itself as well. For a magical creature, it actually only knows very very little magics, and must compensate for this with fury and brute force. On top of this it constantly manipulates the living. It is a truly wretched individual, in mind, soul, and body. Weaponry Fighting Style: Favors the shortsword, it is aggressive and typically holds little regard for defense due to its state of 'immortal' being. Trained Weapon: Specifically swordsmanship and daggerwork, the Lich is versatile however and capable of wielding a large warhammer if required to. Favored Weapon: The shortsword Archery: Adequate, but certainly not his first choice in weaponry. Biography Parents: Mother - Haler'wyn Iheiuhil'leyu, Father - Lucion Sallas Siblings: None Children: Lenniel'onn Spouse: Elorna Lle'hileia Pet(s): None History -To be added- Artwork -To be added-
  12. Triangles are my favorite shape...

  13. In regards to torture as well, mine is a bit different from Arzar's, but from what I can gather from feedback, also enjoyable. I tend to keep things simple, relatively low-key. Everyone has their own personal tastes, so if someone tells me, "I really enjoy gore." Well you're going to get gore then! However, I don't do any exotic torture methods, I usually just stick with knives, because its relatively simple to emote those effects, as the victim. Generally people torture someone because they want information, so keep the conversation flowing as well. Don't just go emote and emote of a constant pain-train, that can get stale for the victim. We all love our characters, think about how it may be difficult to RP theirs getting cut up with no chance to speak. TL;DR - Talk with your victim, chances are you're torturing them for a reason. Keep the torture relatively simple so they can emote reactions accordingly, it's easier for them. Also keep in mind its their character too, try not to be insulting when torturing them, a sore winner essentially.
  14. Coincidence that the bonus RP session happened during the time VAs were still active...? Maybe... Bring back VAs.
  15. "The Place Beyond The Pines" was such a good movie. Honestly it made me a little sad that I didn't see it in theaters, and instead just on a mere laptop. My word though, awesome film.

    1. Alan


      Plot twist; the movie is in a time loop where the biker's son grows up to be the biker, and the attorney's son grows up to be the cop ^^

  16. "I'll aim for the wings!"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      As in barbecue chicken wings.

    3. Fredfort (jens6851)
    4. Augor


      As in I'm better than you Will, and you probably missed the wings. Mwa-hah-hah.

  17. "The road splits here, let us be doubly sure which one will lead us to our destination."

    1. OhDeerLord


      "Saurian! Sulfur Saurian! Strike the tail! Strike the tail! Saurian! The tail is severed!"

  18. "Harpies, Arisen!"

    1. Space


      Dragons Dogma man....

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