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Everything posted by CosmicWhaleShark

  1. If anything just reform PvP conduct so varieties of RP can be more prevalent. Raids and such might be where a lot of frustration is.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. osumanduas


      Stop beating a dead horse m8

    3. osumanduas


      Build a wall, Have a guard force that can take it and enjoy it, have a decent attitude. It's not hard

    4. blindmind
  2. I see you peeking m8

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. excited


      lol. alright.

    3. Mithradites


      Deny it. Make a band of mercenaries, and build your own state.

    4. bickando


      holy crap how much prestige did you have to be OFFERED vassalage?!?!

  3. So I got Mount and Blade Warband a few days back when it was on sale for $5, goodness gracious, what a fun game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      I highly recommend the Prophesy of Pendor mod.

    3. gam


      Definitely get Tocans Calradia mod. It's Native with a bunch of added features into it.

    4. CosmicWhaleShark


      I have a mac. Mods are limited at this point in time.

  4. That was a fun 4th of July.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jchizz


      Do you even drink bro?

    3. Desires


      I'll tell Swag that to my pot of liquor still in my fridge.

    4. SparehoeCakes
  5. If a group of raiders does become prominent enough to the extent they actually build a fort rather than changing a skin at their main character's location, great, we'll deal with them accordingly. This is/was more to discourage a large amount of random raiders, random because they are in fact randomly generated for the sole purpose of raiding. If a settlement was already raided within a two day span, there's no point to switching over to your Orc or 'nameless' Human. Eventually, people just stopped doing it altogether. Also, you could just actually do some diplomacy RP, maybe make efforts to assist the raided nation in dealing with these rogue individuals that are tarnishing your kind's reputation. Thus there's no excuse to warclaim your faction directly. There's RP to be had from this, if it does occur. The grace period is just to prevent 'trolls' from PvPing for the sake of PvP. One day to prepare for a raid, one day to RP whatever you like to your heart's content, rather balanced.
  6. This happened in Anthos, whenever PvP became default coupled with the removal of VAs. A lot of random Orcs showed up, simply put. The solution to this was to put restrictions to the amount of raids that could occur to a settlement, I believe it was one every 48 hours. Eventually, this discouraged the amounts of random raids and RP was returned to relative normalcy. Perhaps we should return to the previous regulations, considering it was rather effective.
  7. Does anyone actually have something against these potential reforms? It seems like a rather solid change to consider.
  8. Still curious about those demands. You didn't answer the question and then you insulted Lin'ame, not sure who is perpetrating the drama and hate with that established, I'm genuinely trying to understand the RP behind all of this.
  9. What demands, out of curiosity? The last time you raided Lin'ame, you shouted a single command to fire. There were never any demands. We've literally received no demands ever in the course of this 'war' to my knowledge. You guys just show up to PvP, as far as I can tell.
    1. E__V__O



      (You are awake though not on skype!)

    2. CosmicWhaleShark
    3. Helbolt


      1) Cards against humanity

      2) Alcohol of your choice

      3) Male and female friends

      4) FUN!

  10. Don't join the Wood Elves right now. You'll get us sick. Go away.

    1. Amorphbutt


      You sicken us with your affliction. Die.

    2. TeaLulu


      bit of a 180 there eh mate

  11. There's a place in the Wood Elves for everyone. Bleed bronze, live and die by the pun, making shishkebabs out of bearded midget spawns.

    1. Birdwhisperer
    2. gam


      im offended

    3. CTap


      no need to be offended by peasants

  12. Join the Wood Elves. It's quite a "tree-t".

  13. Join the Wood Elves, we're not just... All bark.

    1. CTap


      i wood but im not a peasant

  14. Join the Wood Elves, we have cool outfits.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PtahWithin


      I vaingloriously accept your praise, Ford

    3. Samler


      Yea, Ptah is a cool guy.

    4. Kirrekith


      You people and silly groups, run free elves! Freeeeeee!

  15. To be clear, Supersodapops messaged me and ask if it was cool to battle. We were already patrolling so I said it was cool. That being said I did not realize they had that many people prepared - we saw a much smaller group of Orcs originally. Good fight, regardless, was nerve-wracking trying to contend with those numbers.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jchizz


      Nice to see a war post/status where people are being civil and trying to maintain good attitudes!

    3. tnoy23


      What is this, a civil discussion that ended peacefully!? Since when did this happen!?


    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Sorry there was confusion, but thanks for being cool about it! Should be cool to have the Warclaim battle soon with everyone involved. :)

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