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Everything posted by ZBLBAC5

  1. The Malaurir is too late with his ballot
  2. ((Minecraft Name: ZBLBAC5)) Name: Earendur Vym'vallei Age: Older than dirt Honorably Abstains
  3. A Malaurir looks at the note and is disappointed that he and a few other Malauriran can't perform a surprise coup against the Sohaer anymore.
  4. Earendur would look at the post wondering how this new government would shape. However, offers his support with a simple "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya."
  5. +1, this was a monster of a rewrite to get through so I am happy it is over. All of my complaints were address in its creation so I have no further issues with the rewrite.
  6. I do like this post a lot, and I think that having this would lead to good and new RP for all involved. But I do have some lore issues: 1. No matter how much I read this it smells like dark druidism. To be more more exact, this seems to be Dark Cernunnos in the same way Nemiisae is dark Cerridwen. If this the case then why not make a new Deamon of Winter that is a rouge Aspect. 2. Tayl is stated to be reclusive even by Aengudeamon standards. So why would he want to get highly active with his own cult seemingly out of the blue? It seems like a rather quick shift in motivation. Ether way I do hope that this lore is approved. Good luck BNK!
  7. +1 I like this lore, It gives some love to the goblins, but also it gives us more unique metals which are needed to add more flare into RP as it gives us some new options in regards to RP item and abilities.
  8. I love this Lore. Hopefully it will balance out the over-powered mental magics. +1
  9. Good work Sky. I would say that it is odd that a literal wood construct has the ability to have children as the sap the would come out would likely lack the ability to have the DNA required to reproduce. unless if you can add a sense able reason on how it should.
  10. Thanks Sky, your help with the druidic rewrites are helpful as always I think what people are getting hung up about is the different definitions of the word nature. The first defines purpose or a characteristic. I.E. The boy has a kind nature. It is by the wolves' nature to hunt deer. This is one land mine I avoided but there is confusion with the other two definitions that exist in LOTC. Namely, Nature is something that exists without need of a known creator or is shaped on its own accord. I.E. The river flows naturally toward the sea. The void is natural because it was not made by anything. And, Nature is a construct of The Aspects Why is this separate definition important? Because it is the only thing limiting Communion and Control to what is right now. For example, Why can't I control rocks, wind, and water? Those things exist in harmony with nature? Why can't I control the void? it naturally exists? Why can't I commune with Humans? They were created naturally? Why can't I commune with the Dragons? Aren't they natural? The answer is that The Aspects did not make the rock, the void, humans, or dragons. The Aspects created the plants, the animals, the fungi, ect. So therefore, druids who have 'nature' magic lack the ability to control things commonly called nature. As opposed to the precise in game reason for what is encompassed by what the druids say X is natural or Y is unnatural. Hope this clears things up!!
  11. will do, thank you for the notifying me about this.
  12. True but that is an internal rule of the druids which we can make unilaterally, however the reason I made it across the board is to avoid-meta and to avoid any arbitrary nature of what happens if you step in if you are x, y or z. which is exactly I wished to clear up with this post
  13. I feel it is not appropriate to have an added effect to a mage, so the overwhelming effect is across the board now. So now if -any- non-druid enters a fairy ring the a sudden kick but nothing most characters can not handle. this effect can give a low level mage a major problem, but a high level mage is ether going to have a minor hiccup or knock over a mushroom. it is sill not a 'good' idea for a mage to enter one, but now it isn't a horrible one.
  14. I have made edits based upon common feedback, thank you for you responses!!
  15. If there are rules seem too arbitrary or culturally influenced I am willing to strike them out. As for the rings dispellement you are correct we have rp them being destroyed via kick over mushroom. (I have receive messages as such form elder druids) However I am willing to change it to it being dispelled by that way.
  16. If this is too much of a contradiction I will be able to limit it is just dark mages. but the reason for it is goes back to the reason why druids and mages do not get along it is because the void is naturally between the realms and not within as such bringing the void into a realm is unnatural to druids as it needs to make room for itself by pushing nature aside. We RPly had a series of visions from the aspects stating their disapproval of void based magic as well dark magic the harms nature. that is why I stated Arcane and dark mages. it is because the aspect disapprove of the magic as opposed to holy mage which is left out.
  17. To the top point I am willing to dull it down from making them sick to your stomach to extreme nausea and distress As for tourture I have been taking with space about this and it does seem arbitrary in hind sight And fairy rings are meant to show up where nature well up smashing mushrooms are just going to make it hard to spot
  18. No we can not, the top red line does in fact exist for a very good reason. Also If someone were to try and use it for torture then the worst case is that the mage would faint and torture over. it is not an effective form of torture do to the sickening effect would cause a faint over a confession.
  19. Given my experience on the server, if it can cause any form of extreme discomfort it can be used for torture. and getting RPly sick to your stomach can fit into that category.
  20. - For many eons have the natural magics kept the vast lands in balance. It is quite well known by many that the druids use the natural magics of the land to help guide the ancient wills of the Aspects, there is some who say that a stronger connection with nature can be achieved, if not only briefly, through other means. There is an old folk lore in the deep lands to the south, and throughout the sunburnt east, that has been talked about since the days of Aegis; the mystery of the faerie rings. An odd looking piece of land in which nature itself seems oh so much more stronger than anywhere else noticed, even matching that of ancient sacred groves, is this circle made up of fungus and plants. Many tales speak of avoiding the dreaded rings of fungus, beware the faerie rings they would say, else you will be lost within for the rest of your days. Though do not be afraid dear children of the forest, for those who walk down the path in the light of the aspects, these rings offer a glimpse into the world we hold strong. Stranger still, I find myself wanting to spend my days within the circle, as I find great peace within and a stronger knowledge through my meditation, except the one question I have yet to be able to answer sits upon my tongue. What is a faerie ring? If I was to give an answer, it would be the well of truth, bringer of dreams, but most importantly, the calling of the Aspects. ~The Druii’ithirn, Arcanum of Ancient Secrets. - - Faerie Rings Faerie Rings are naturally occurring places within the world where the natural energies from the Aspects are at it’s strongest. They are easily identifiable by a ring of mushrooms where the energy forms a ring and acts as a type of lens to the natural world around them, allowing those who aren’t attuned druids to experience how it is to be an attuned druid whilst they are within said circle. Whilst they are naturally occurring phenomenon of the world, they tend to not grow in groups and as such would only see a single ring within a large forest, or grove. Non-Druid Effects The very second the person enters the ring they are immediately bombarded by the various noises and sounds of nature all around them, hearing and experiencing the feeling that any normal druid would feel. However in spite of the feeling, they are very much not attuned and regardless of how hard they try, they would still be unable to return any of the communication to the nature around. After sometime it would feel as if the gravity within the ring was increasing, experiencing a heavy weight upon their very being which would make them wish to buckle to the ground. The very noises would not grow louder by any means, but it would begin to become overwhelming, and disorientating, getting to a point where the character would inevitably either pass out or having a panic attack then passing out. Druid Effects Once a druid enters the ring they would feel an immense feeling of energies rushing about their being, as well as feel their connection with nature strengthen ever so slightly. In spite of the strong connection to nature, the ring allows the druid within to be able to clear their mind much more easier and proves worthy as a place to meditate for long periods of time to allow them to perform much more daunting tasks at a lesser detriment to the druid. - - Discovery As they are a natural occurrence in the world it is impossible for them to be made, however they do require druids to find the location with the assistance of the local wildlife and fauna, together they would easily be able to come across the rings scattered across the world. From an out of character point however, the creation of one is simple and only require mushrooms to be put in a circular shape with signage dictating what one would feel when entering, or simply the ‘/frp’ sign to this lore piece. Nothing larger than seven by seven circular shapes. Removal A faerie ring can be removed by any regular individual or magical individual, simply destroying a singular mushroom and breaking the chain will temporarily stop the flow of nature overflowing in the vicinity until the broken mushrooms have regrown again. If one were to remove the entirety of the mushrooms, allowing the energies to fully escape, then the ring has been destroyed completely but will reform nearby after some time. The only way to permanently remove a faerie ring is to corrupt the entirety of the forest, or grove, prior to destroying the ring as to disallow it from reforming within the area.
  21. *wakes up from winter sleep to find it is still winter

    1. Wyvernbane


      Hey man!! Good to see ya!

  22. This is not bad, but you can use some pointers. Marmaln (Great father) and Marhaelun (Great Mother) is for Grandparents and great-grandparents and Mamarmaln and Mamarhaelun. This works the same way Ame means forest, Taliame (part of what makes up the forest) means Tree and Mataliame (part of the tree) means Stick/branch/log. Also you just need Malnonn and haelunonn for uncle and aunt, it literally means 'like the father/mother' which is better as it leaves Mamalnonn and Mahaelunonn for great aunt and uncle. Also one last thing you do not /need/ an apostrophe every time you make a compound word as it changes the meaning of the word. For example Malnonn literally meaning 'like/kin to the father' or uncle were is Maln'onn literally meanimg 'born of the father' meaning son. and just to give another example Taliame literally means 'part of what makes up the forest' or tree and Tal'ame can refer to any part of the forest. so here are some words I put to help you out Dwyny~ :) The apostrophe placement is /very/ important, see above if you want to know why. Father- Maln Mother- Haelun Son- Maln'onn Daughter- Haelun'onn Child- Malii (or Mali'ii) Uncle- Malnonn Aunt- Haelunonn Sister- Liyur Brother- Ciyut Male Cousin- Ciyutonn Female Cousin- Liyuronn Nephew- Ciyut'onn Niece- Liyur'onn Grandfather- Marmaln Grandmother- Marhaelun Great/grand(everything else)- Ma______ (mar- and ma- means the same thing, only difference is that ma- is used if the root word has be given a prefix or suffix) P.S. words such as Great-great-grandfather can not be made in elvish as Mamamarmaln is both bad grammar and cunfusing to say though this can also help https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/19254-recovering-the-ancient-tongue-of-the-elves/?p=208568 this is where I got Sister- Liyur Brother- Ciyut though I changed Ciyutonn and Liyuronn to cousin instead of son/daughter -Edit- Fixed some of the bad grammar in there, also added niece and nephew and broke up the ways to say cousin into two lines. If there is anything I missed please PM me~
  23. The Overall Idea sounds good, but I must ask; What does this new race do that the dryads and ents do not? I'm all for more nature rp but not if it is redundant to preexisting lore and races.
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