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Status Updates posted by Aislin

  1. "Generally" means when you're not smashed off your face? Speaking of which, how drunk did you end up getting? I went to bed in a state of failure, knowing you could still function somewhat.

  2. "i have every single gm added on snapchat" man5791 confirmed blue tag fever

    1. 501warhead


      ...I don't have man on snapchat?

    2. Abeam


      only the people that matter are added

  3. "I WANT ALL OF THE FISHES TO BE MAGICAL ******* ****** ****!"

  4. "I WANT ALL OF THE FISHES TO BE MAGICAL ******* ****** ****!"

    1. Aislin


      The wise words of Luchian.

    2. Hanrahan


      The wisest.

  5. "I'm just an amateur photographer, but an /expert/ pedophile." -man5791

    1. VonAulus


      5791 is the the last 4 numbers of loriks ss #

    2. Fireheart
    3. TavernLich
  6. "Luckily, Alessandro was no longer MY problem aneay :D:

    I have literally no idea what this was supposed to mean. I appreciate the heart you put into it thought.

  7. "My pimp is such a good listener" - Gorum

  8. "nice meme" is a meme

  9. "no we can't run the server like a business, we need /volunteer/ administrators!" -a bunch of morons a long time ago

    1. The Real Burger

      The Real Burger

      What? You wanna pay admins?

  10. "There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with t its."

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. _Stigwig


      Just because hellfiazz is weird doesn't mean the rest of us yokels are.

    3. Praetor


      hell has always been a bit of a ******

    4. Booklight12


      What are you? The boy scouts?

  11. "there haven't been enough ***** as of late" -Grool direct quote 2015

  12. "They're not Asian jokes, they're Aislin jokes. I'm half Aislin, my mum is Aislin but my dad is Black." - Zkreet

  13. "VVVVVVVVV Yeah, like when you TP'd me to your stupid tournament and made me lose my only diamond sword in Asulon. Asshat. VVVVVVVVVV" Wut?

  14. "War has devolved into an utter shitstorm on the forums, with banter lads shouting their sub-par memery at each from dorito crusted neckbeards." Paul Ryan 2016

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aislin


      when there was a 20+ page thread of bitching and respiren the GM spawned blazes on syrio???

    3. Netphreak


      . . . Uh, well if war is an issue why not try peaceful RP? IC or Forums, either way it doesn't hurt.

    4. Aislin


      It's boring as ****

  15. "We're good friends both IC and OOC, I think."


  16. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

  17. [20:24:15] Nug: ***** - charisma uniqueness nerve and talent.

  18. [7:15:31 PM] esterlen: 'I-I have priapism'

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheObserver


      uh oh forum gestapo got me! new account in a few hours!

    3. somalian_dictator
    4. Ever


      ':^) wow I totally dont care about this server but please give me attention I am epic troll' bael srsly pls

  19. * raises his fist to the heavens "I WILL FIND PROOOF!"

  20. *breaks combo

  21. *Cracks his knuckles and puts on his man-kini*

  22. *gets out the mud and oil, then straps on his bikini*

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