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Status Updates posted by Anthrowolfgirl

  1. I am proud to say I am offically starting my Project for LOTC I am a very skilled artist and I am drawing Kya and the people she interacts with in a graphic novel WOOT! Ill be posting pics once I get a scanner....

  2. Another day in hell...I might lie to my mom and say there no school on wnds..

    1. Praetor


      Kind fo what I was thinking of doing. :d

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      That's what I did :P I need my beauty sleep.

    3. Dat Burkester
  3. DX I got the light blue screen NUUU( what does it mean?))

    1. Dante


      Log out, then back in. If it's keeps doing it just take a break. Come back later and it should be fixed.

    2. Haelphon


      Make sure you log into a different server first, then log into LOTC

    3. atticusmas


      It means the end is near. but srsly, if it keeps goin, reinstall MC

  4. I was kicked for a reserved user?! Ill find him and kill him!

    1. Antharin
    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Same thing here, I just don't get it. Who is a 'reserved' user? It can't be a VIP, because they ignore the limit.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      It's annoying as hell. Needs to be fixed. That's like getting your ticket pulled on an airplane because someone "more important" than you wanted it. It's absolute crap.

  5. THIS is why I got up at six in the morning to play XP Lotc is like traffic to get on ALWAYS be the early bird

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *beats head on keyboard from the traffic*

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *beats head on keyboard from the traffic*

    3. Zeddicus Fyren

      Zeddicus Fyren

      *beats head on wall after throwing laptop out of the window*

  6. got my bloody report card X3 im screwed

    1. Sinstrite


      I remember those days, sitting behind the school with a finepoint pen for hours trying to turn B's into A's xD

    2. Minst


      I dont remember it, I LIVE in the Hellhole called School. XD

    3. Minst


      I dont remember it, I LIVE in the Hellhole called School. XD

  7. Alright guys Im sneaking on my computer to type this, but I may not be on for a while XD My grandma took my laptop and locked the computerroom door(I picked the lock) so I MAY be able to sneak on or not

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      that's very ninja of you to break into it ^_^

    2. Jarkarll


      Lockpicking skill 100

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Yay! You should be head of the Thieves Guild.

  8. *picks lock and sneaks on computer* My lovley computer I only have two hours with you!

    1. shiftnative
    2. henrya15


      Oh no there coming run!

    3. Lykos


      Sneaky computerizing is super fun.

  9. Im NOT dead XD just busy with my hugh school college credits

    1. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      definitely dead ;3

    2. Minst


      Agreed. Utterly dead. Guess I have to start taking orders from Boiendl. Gods save us from this doom.

    3. Minst


      Agreed. Utterly dead. Guess I have to start taking orders from Boiendl. Gods save us from this doom.

  10. SO SORRY i havent been on guys my father is taking custody of me and Im moving away and stuff so its nee busy

    1. Jingeh


      We Miss You :P

    2. Minst


      Ikari is probably screaming in your head right now. I pity you, for having to deal with her.

    3. Minst


      Ikari is probably screaming in your head right now. I pity you, for having to deal with her.

  11. Naval Acadmey....it kills you I tell ya KILLS YOU.

  12. Its almost midnight in the eastcost, my mom is going to kill me if she knows Im up this late, anywho night guys!

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Hey, whatever happened to JustinMC98?

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Hey, whatever happened to JustinMC98?

  13. Um, is it bad if I take intrest on reading the denied aps?

    1. Religious_Pie


      Yes, you need an awful lot of specialized therapy now. Sorry.


    2. Dat Burkester
  14. *sigh* I havent gotten a reply yet of me being a druid yet....I think I might have failed the interview :P

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Good luck! Being a Druid is lots of fun ^_^

    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Good luck! Being a Druid is lots of fun ^_^

  15. Last month of school= teachers piling you with homework

    1. Ivran


      2 projects due Friday. Barely done with either. Piece of cake. Or a bad grade, dunno.

    2. Miquill


      I KNOW!!! I had 2 days to do a huge

      project and wasn't alowed to take it home.

  16. >.> Friends who know me, I AM NOT DEAD IC and I have not left the server, your just not online when I try to re add you to my buddylist

    1. Braxis


      add jroy96 when ya can I need to ifnrom you abot MAAAAANY things icly and I might need tissue for Kya :s

    2. 0000


      Seems legit.

  17. Ignore the default skin!

    1. Lago


      I'm RPing it as a disease that makes my char see everyone the same. He's looking for some sort of cure right now.

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Just reupload your skin again. It might take a bit and some relogging but it should work. Works for me fine.

  18. There are days where I feel so depressed its killing me and its only three days of the year, her birthday, her death day, and mothers day.

    1. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      :( come on and talk to meh or send a pm

    2. Patrick.


      I sincerely hope you feel better. Live strong for her; I'm sure she would want that.

  19. Naval Academy, Love it but hate it at the same time. To all the younger players out there, college will KILL YOU.

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. Anthrowolfgirl


      Aye it is! But its worth it every step of the way.

  20. *streches* Done, with the dreaded homework, now for some Rping action!

    1. Volutional


      Moments later the server crashes, good times.

  21. All I wanted to do was to wash away the hardwork that we gamers do, and now the server dies on us...T_T

  22. Good morning Starshine, the earth says hello!

    1. Taiga


      Hahaha~! Love that quote!

  23. School, is evil...mabye I should purposly misss the bus....

    1. Praetor


      I purposly missed the last 3 hours :D

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