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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Supremacy

  1. A game of calumny is about to begin.

  2. A goal has been set... More support must be gained than Salamandra had on his application... Challenge accepted!

  3. A lore application is like any other application... But harder to be accepted.

    I'd make the point that perhaps it would be better for your character to be semi-competent in water evocation before she moved on to electricity as it would only slow down her progress. That being said, it is very possible.

    The first step would be to contact dsdevil about OOC oversight. The...

  4. A plot Kalenz has! He just needs a human noble, a White Rose and a dwarf!

  5. A trial? A tiger!

    1. Orn_Eldurbeard


      You smell.....


  6. A very nice guide you have there Blundermore.

    1. MrSyth


      A very nice one indeed.

  7. Abandon shiiiip.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      This was the dumbest plotever. Everyone is talking against the OOC barriers and your plan is "let's use OOC barriers to defeat them guys!!!"

      At least orenian characters are better at intrigue,

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      youre being toxic cosmic whale shark

    4. Space


      Yo, for real, it's actually incredibly distressing when you have multiple staff members, GMs, FMs, well known players, in a chat room discussing that sort of thing. Ignoring roleplay. Maybe it's because I was only ever involved in orc RP, but I didn't think stuff like that happened. D-d-d-dyamics RP.

  8. After being told that the high elven behavior towards Malinor is illogical and a lore break 10 times I have added a justification OOC to "The Forest Will Cry" thread. I hope it appeases you all.

  9. AKA, the "I'm A Racist, You're A Racist... Let's be racist together! Agreement."

    1. blindmind


      "I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes, hey"

  10. Alas, I bid you goodnight Lord Of The Craft. Do me a favor and launch fireballs at some poor soul while I sleep. Keep them entertained.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Bai. Goodnight my little Illusionist <3

  11. All the liches died?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      No, they don't have to be. Being a Lich has nothing to do with necromancy, or Iblees. Just, most Liches were also necros.

    3. JCQuiinn


      No, they don't have to be. Being a Lich has nothing to do with necromancy, or Iblees. Just, most Liches were also necros.

    4. E__V__O


      Their was consumption from the Magic team, since we do need necromancy to survive but we apparently have advanced it enough that we don;t need Iblees grasp so we are free men per say,

  12. All this Malinor change... Nothing ever changed in Haelun'or...

    1. Mithradites


      Good or bad thing?

    2. BrandNewKitten



      I think it is harder to stabalize RP though.

  13. Ambros be tryin' to take Ol' Mith from us 'igh elves! E' be trying to take 'im!

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. MrSyth


      He's not getting Lulu.

  14. Amusing comment - We may not agree on everything, but at least you feel my pain.

  15. An accepted MA? A curious affair indeed.

  16. An enchanting guide? That really does need to be done... Perhaps tomorrow...

    1. Raptorious
    2. ski_king3


      Cruz has had one in the works for quite some time, I can poke him to finish it probs

  17. An evening of illusionary deception, White Rose discovery, torture which rapidly turned into a pleasant conversation and then walking out of the White Rose base.

    1. Supremacy


      I think the best part of it had to have been that Viscen and Iorwen spotted it OOCly as a disguise before it was even evident IC simply because of the 3 block wide eyes.

    2. Telanir


      Lol, that sounds like a lot of fun. xD

  18. An OOC note, if your elf is not a pure high elf, they are not mali'aheral. Mali'aheral means blessed elf, not high elf. Therefore, if they are impure they are simply a high elf and lack any 'elven' designation except perhaps mali'tahu, which means high elf directly.

  19. An OOC note, if your elf is not a pure high elf, they are not mali'aheral. Mali'aheral means blessed elf, not high elf. Therefore, if they are impure they are simply a high elf and lack any 'elven' designation except perhaps mali'tahu, which means high elf directly.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VonEbs


      In the beginning, before your character even existed, it was used for all High Elves regardless of whether they were pure or impure. It will be impossible to change it now.

    3. Merkaken


      Not everyone knows this IC. A Human most likely wouldn't know the difference between a Mali'Tahu and a High Elf. So maybe they're just roleplaying well :P

    4. Raptorious


      Most humans RPly don't know the difference between a wood elf and a high elf, soresan, let alone impure and pure high elves.

  20. An orc just shrugged off a double chest colliding with the back of his head... Oh logic, how much I love you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Supremacy


      He spent 10 minutes yelling at his in L-OOC to give him our VA 2as to remove him... As if running into a high elven city and shoving past those at the gates was not provocation enough to remove him.

      When we finally showed him, he didn't believe they were real.

    3. Telanir


      Oh my god. Please say you had screenshots. I believe a strike report would be in order here.

    4. Supremacy
  21. And on that day, all high elves cheered about stonemason.

    1. monkeypoacher


      *le secret plan by techs to make darkies less oppressed*

  22. And so Kalenz revived the racist army which had not been seen since Asulon. Nelecar's legacy lives!

  23. And so the Sillumir rose.

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