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Dr. Ducky-D

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Everything posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. I am sitting here worrying about class rings when all of a sudden I am told about all this new Russian stuff. Maybe my class ring will be left over when I am blown up D:

    1. Aptrotta


      Whats going on with Russia?

    2. Raomir


      ^^^^ R u a social outcast

    3. CommunistSpy
  2. What did I sleep through where all of a sudden Russia seems like it's going to blow the world up!? Did I miss some like LIVE BREAKING NEWS! ?

    1. Eleatic


      I told all of you.

  3. When does Thief come out in the US...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Major Dom
    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      Darn...! Thank you both, bless ye'!

    4. gingernut97


      Warning: don't bother turning on subtitles when you get it, really out of sync.

  4. It's 4:43, I woke up recently and couldn't get back to sleep. I have to be in school at 8:00. I usually leave at 7:40 or so... and usually get up at 7:00, do I go to sleep now or stay up?

    1. OhDeerLord


      go ahead and go to sleep~

    2. Frigated


      12 people online, yey!

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      Stay up. 3 hours of sleep will only make it harder for you to stay up as your body will still be trying to rest and 3 hours will do your body no good (Talking from experience). Just stay up and try to pull through. If it gets too tough, you can always complain you're feeling sick... The exhausted, almost sickly expression on your face will probably be enough to convince any teachers/parent.

  5. Why is the application team so popular...? There are sooooooo many apps for it.

  6. Equipped with a helpful link from Pinsir I have been able to change my profile picture! Huzzah!

  7. how do I set a .gif as my profile picture?

    1. Ever


      Same way as a picture, download it then go to your profile and upload it. It's gonna be under a certain size limit I think

    2. Pinsir99
  8. I've gotta pick better times to write stuff at... I should've been asleep an hour or so ago.

  9. Mods are asleep, breed dogs!

  10. I'm server, new to hey, the whitelist I can?

    1. Moot


      This one wins the funnys.

    2. Demotheus


      Unfortunately, he fails the English

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      how do i into english

  11. I blame Captain Newb Man! He started the trend.

  12. *clap clap clap clap* GG guyshe

  13. Glory to Arstotzka

  14. #unbanthemirtokman

  15. You know... we didn't win, but I am content! http://gyazo.com/dbe675262e975546f763fb2dedcaf7e8

    1. Augor


      You play.. League? Disgusting.

    2. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      Not as disgusting as being a Mozulum...

  16. 0/300, y u do diz server!?

  17. I remember Mr. HappyShackles... didn't get to know him, but I remember him! Good luck with the appeal I guess!

  18. I think I ramble on sometimes... do I do that?

    1. MamaBearJade


      yes. yes you do... Quack~

    2. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I still like the art work! Quack.

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      If I just wanted to be some kinda duck I'd just go ahead and say quack all day... who do you think I am?

  19. Draeris, you are mighty welcome for that GIF in your signature pal!

    1. Heff


      I knew I saw that gif before!

    2. Blundermore


      It's sad for me because you probably don't even know what that gif actually is showing. :/

    3. Draeris


      I thought I send you a PM with thanks already?..

  20. Am I an immature person...? D:>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Heff


      NU! U IS BEST

    3. Heff



    4. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I just don't wanna be stiff as a board...

  21. Is it wrong that I'm kinda having fun making these posts on this ban report? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106148-ban-report-on-erik0821/page-2#entry987688

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Immature funny is still funny.

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I'd be more mature if it were not for the fact the ban report is very open ended. BAN REPORTS DON'T HAVE TO BE SAD AND TERRIBLE THINGS! Might as well make something of it instead of trying to rip my opponent to PIECES!

    4. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      *furiously bangs at his keyboard as he hopes to turn the ban report around on the reporter and get them banned instead!* I think the atmosphere on ban reports should be much... cooler and nicer, I like how this on specifically went, I mean DO YOU SEE ANY FLAMES OR ARGUING!? #Duckd8greatestmastermind2014

  22. You want me to go to sleep LoTC... and I know you're trying to tell me that, I can tell. You want me to, but I wont! NOT YET!

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