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Status Updates posted by Fireheart

  1. As requested the menu bar for rules at the top of the forums now includes more rule links for convenient access!

    1. Burnsy
    2. Guest


      Now I can really remember and keep up with the rules. Thank you!

  2. Thank you to everyone who came to the community meeting today! We plan to have more down the line so if you missed out don’t worry about it and catch the next one!!

    1. Guest


      I missed out ?

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I’d love a video or a summary would be very appreciated... ?

  3. If you're interested in being a GM and helping the server out as a game moderator post an application today. We will be looking for new GMs to add onto the team this week!

  4. The links now work on the server rules final update post. They didn't copy over when I was formatting the post, sorry!

  5. In light of recent status updates... Nexus was something... that's for sure.

  6. Interested in helping players? Consider applying for GM! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/29-game-team/

    1. Bluee


      b-but I did. . . p-please don't hurt me ;-;

  7. Server is back up, sorry for the inconvenience!

    1. Zacho


      Apply for GM today!

  8. GM team is looking for more members. Apply now! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/29-game-team/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vaynth


      aaaaaaahh. We have less than 10 members you guys have an army. I surrender. ;-;

    3. Panashea


       I did and you put me on hold until people left the team.  Tell me if I'm accepted or denied ?

    4. Its_Just_Leap


      Oh so we're back to doing this now?

  9. If you are on the edge of whether or not you want to apply for the GM team consider doing so soon! We will be looking for new members in the near future.

  10. Remember that you can get flowers with bonemeal now!

    1. Lark


      But can bonemeal get me the sweet taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

  11. Oi, if you are interested apply for GM!

    1. MCVDK


      You still don’t have enough people? Daym.

  12. You okay?

    1. Riftblade


      I hope, all these messages

  13. Damn you forum rp!! Ruining our server and lagging it to death :(

    1. hudsun202


      Aren't you like a GM? Do something, or does the title only limit you to those wannabe police force commands? ?

    2. Potts244


      Forum rp is for bum faces.

  14. If you join the GM team we will give you a free plot of land in the freebuild area! Appppply now! :D

    1. Nummy


      You know my terms. 

  15. Interested in helping the server? Consider applying for GM! "We are basically the best staff team on the server." - Blago.

  16. The GM Team is looking for more Trials. If you believe you got what it takes to be a GM, go ahead and apply!

  17. Server is back up!

  18. Interested in being a GM? Apply!

  19. Looking for new additions to the GM team. If you are interested apply today!

  20. Congratulations! 

  21. Final call! Post a trial gm app now if you are interested. We start our selection process today!

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