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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Fireheart

  1. taking a couple skin reqs if anyone is in need


    kinda only wanna do female skins sorry ;/


    Don’t really want to charge but if i get tooooo many it’s like 700 minas a skin or crowns whatever you prefer

    plug my pmc here



    just message me on disc for reqs




  2. so what constitutes as the new staff rank ‘moderator’ ? 

  3. ip ban charles the bald hes a threat to everything we stand for 

  4. Charles The Bald deserves to spend Christmas with his friends. Unban him you scrooges.

  5. Not LotC news but: I am now engaged to my boyfriend! Have a wonderful Christmast, everyone, and a happy new year!


  7. remove my FM tag, leaving LOTC

  8. bro im free from my 2 month content moderation 

  9. What version is the server on these days?

  10. remember your daily prayers

  11. do you guys believe in aliens

  12. I challenge all fms to a boxing match. 

  13. So remind me again why we constantly let players back onto the server if they’ve clearly put little effort into their ban appeal and have a massive history of toxic behaviour?

    aka → 


  14. So remind me again why we constantly let players back onto the server if they’ve clearly put little effort into their ban appeal and have a massive history of toxic behaviour?

    aka → 


  15. I know you’re an admin and all but that’s not how Permanent Bans work. Priceflash had his ban set to a length of permanent and he’s free to roam. Along with plenty of other players. I don’t know why you need to be harsh to Ghaz, I get he’s not always the best, but lying straight out where the community can see, that’s not something you should do.

  16. @Fireheart how is one supposed to know if they have a staff blacklist? isn’t it a private list that only staff can see?

  17. new offer – Unban dewper and kyle I give u not random dewper failed Horen of Tsuyose, but great grandson of mighty Emperor Aurelius Horen. Ok?

    Best deal, no money, no repercussions by staff. Clean business.

  18. Why are y’all arguing about whether or not roads should be controlled by nations? Clearly the answer is just to ban roads entirely. 

  19. @Fireheart checkpoints create rp not destroys it. The only thing destroying rp here is you, once again.

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