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Everything posted by Treshure

  1. ♪♫♬♫♪ A letter of challenge is publicly posted throughout Haelun'or. To Daerine Elibar'acal, I hear the whispers of your treachery. I am told that you are bound by marriage to a worshipper of Xan; that you praise this deity’s tenants and mix with the mindless swine who bow to gods. I would readily condemn any thilln who lose their sanity to such things. And yet, the own Matriarch of the Elibar’acal Talonnii? I know you have read my words, mali’ata, so heed them once more! The past defines your family, and you cannot hope to escape it. I challenge your status as Matriarch, I challenge your worthiness of my ancestors’ blood. I challenge your purity. Meet me in debate, and let your words do what your actions have so clearly failed to demonstrate. May all mali’thilln witness and deem a champion of this contest. I await your response, Irulan Elibar’acal
  2. (Photo is in 4k. Open in another tab & zoom!) I've been making assets for an ST video that should release soon. Figured I'd release this map as a standalone!
  3. Anyone have screenshots from last night's event? Get featured in an LotC video! Send them here: Treshure#1736

  4. All problems fall to the wayside when you treat the person in front of you with kindness and respect. There are other situations in roleplay (such as extreme conflict) where it can render other players uncomfortable, too. In either case, you should be accommodating out of character and ensure that the roleplay is staying in character. Stop the roleplay if the other person is genuinely bothered out of character. Full stop, it isn’t worth it. Lots of players don’t do this. I don’t buy the “realism” argument when these same people can be seen shouting the same slurs out of character in private Discords to anyone that’ll give them the time of day. I can accept racial tension in a fantasy setting. Root out everyone else who hides behind characters to play out racist fantasies. Edit: Matt makes great points above me. Roleplay is great when it is contained to roleplay. However, it feel it’s everyone’s duty to make sure those two worlds are separate.
  5. bored orenian teenagers will grow frustrated with the ever increasing bureaucracy of the state and formality of their peers, thus inventing microprocessors, thus inventing minecraft roleplay to reenact the conquests of prophet godfrey
  6. that’s a thread killer, devvy. you’re an agent of chaos
  7. you know what to do Alternative: Folk: Older stuff:
  8. when 60fps hypes you, and you try 4x antialiasing, and you fly too close to the sun
  9. Easy! Optifine & BSL Shaders. And arctic air to cool your GPU. 😞
  10. My personal take is that banditry is an education problem. If you’re going to be a wizard, a warrior, or a scholar, you’re typically entering a support structure. There are established players in your niche that can show you the ropes and tell you what not to do. If a particular someone is acting out, fingers can almost always be pointed back to the person who failed to train them right. The PvP element of banditry removes that social privilege. Settlement dwellers don’t incorporate bandits in the social fabric of their roleplaying community; frequently, bandits are seen as the complete antithesis. Settlement dwellers give no room for forgiveness and almost always assume the ulterior motive that the bandit just wants to PvP and take their items. And if enough people assume that, why should this bandit care about roleplay quality? Why should they really cooperate with these hostile, selfish roleplayers? Banditry is an essential part of roleplay. Life isn’t safe – it was more so perilous in ancient times. Banditry encourages settlements to group their brains together and plan better cities, foster militaries, and create social cohesion. This healthy result is going to keep coming about in a toxic process until bandits are seen as part of the roleplay community. The solution? We need to talk about it more. We need forum guides that train fledgling bandits. We need nation leaders to teach cooperation to their playerbase, and we need bandit leaders to discipline their fledglings and give a standard to all bandits out there.
  11. Very strong progress. My only recommendation is to take a breath, see how far you’ve come (100+ CRP event? what!), and pace yourselves. I wouldn’t want to see such a strong team get crippled with burnout. Your work is great, and it matters. Remember that.
  12. old player looking to join a community. i’m very lonely. will make content for you. UwU

    1. Nug




      halfling druid

    2. chaosgamer_
  13. You should use ReplayMod. You can pre-render .mp4 camera paths at any framerate (with anti-aliasing). Considering making a tutorial series to make renders for multiplayer servers – they’re especially difficult, but still possible.
  14. This video was intended for people who may have never heard of Minecraft Roleplay. Definitely my hardest video yet – but at long last, here y’all go! Let me know if you want to see more of these.
  15. looking for a casual new character, taking any and all suggestions

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zarsies


      Cheery, altruistic halfling in the streets, fervent Knox cultist in the sheets.



      Travelling merchant! Good way to expose yourself to the differing cultures of cities. I’m always getting told the town I just came from is filled with jackasses and morons.

    4. Sorcerio


      A guy who only eats bugs.

  16. Treshure


    public posts = you’re coming back
  17. In 2013, Runesmithing was a rallying cry for dwarven freedom in terms of a niche, relatively balanced magic. Having seen the magic in action, it only now seems like a clique’s tool of control. Don’t want to see it on the server.
  18. I can recognize and respect the dedication people hold to their work. I want to make clear the fact that I do want to see this group flourish. I hope any RP group flourishes. But as a normal player watching this lore go through, I’d want to see the foundations made of stone and not sand. Players like WhiteKnight who are deeply involved with the lore don’t need magic to satiate them because they are committed to the vision. But other players often don’t share in that immediately. What I hope to see is a player’s attraction to the quality of the story and lore around your diety: their purpose, their way of life, et cetera. The magic would then only compliment the lore and not as a primary attraction. I think the merit of clerics have a shot in this server. I hope it works out in the proper way.
  19. Thank you for sharing my perspective, but this lore needs to come before, not after. I think that you are perfectly capable of roleplaying followers of Tahariae without using magic, at least for a time being to prove that you don’t need fancy spells to survive as a roleplay group. If you do, then that speaks lengths about the value of this.
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