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About Panashea

  • Birthday August 20

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  1. The CT video for orcs was made months after this, since Orlanth vanishing around and tping was done in November, and the racial videos for everyone didnt get start being made till January. Most of the video takes place in Un'Satum anyway.


    to anyone saying they weren't aware, or that I was saving this:

    I've been waiting on an answer since November, and I messaged rockstar 3 days ago for an answer. Now he mysteriously responds as soon as there's a forum post.  Zacho also told Hogo and said he'd deal with it back then as well, and the screenshots SHOW ME TELLING MALTAMOSS ABOUT THE EXPLOIT IN GAME. How can you say people aren't aware of it?


    The bug is still very clearly in the game and works for pvp, the imgur shows that and I just tested it again lmao

    Things are dated with Omni, stop capping.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laeonathan


      No it doesn't work. Stop capping, I literally just tried it. You are showing a ******* VORTEX ITEM that doesn't use VORTEX durability anymore because VORTEX doesn't exist anymore.

      Just have the actual durability shown next time...


      Wrong personas? There are no wrong personas. It's literally any random person who then takes an orc skin. Why they were so evil to tp people around? Because they were doing staff work. They got their homies to play the orcs. They were likely just vibing in VC for the video.


      Like, you're going around speculating so much... when will you bring evidence that they bandited? I too always tp people for staff things. To get them out of holes, or to ensure they quickly get X so I can properly do a paste...


      There's so many things you're doing, but you could have just asked them.


    3. Laeonathan


      @JihnynyThe recording of the racial videos started in mid October. When exactly Orlanth was working on the details, I do not know. It could easily be solved by looking at the archived channel - which only admins can do.


      The general media chat only shows Orlanth agreing to work on it... ooohhhh who wonders: 31.10.2022...

    4. HogoBojo


      Howdy. This situation in question regarding pex usage was brought up to me during the time by Zacho, and I can indeed confirm that it was used for the correct intended Media purposes after an investigation alongside Zacho was conducted and talks with Orlanth at the time to confirm this fact. In the future, feel free to contact me with concerns about my team members. 

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