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Everything posted by rukio

  1. “I look forward to smacking Suticans about once more as I did in my youth.” Lily would say, sipping her tea, a smile on her face as she rocks back and forth in her chair.
  2. Never rly interacted but take care dude
  3. Yh lmao. It’s almost like it doesn’t take half a brain cell to realize all of the things that didn’t work wouldn’t work.
  4. For someone who used to say “roleplay is roleplay” a lot, and demanded others roll with the punches of RP, you’ve really changed @The_Protagonist_of_Lotc Thanks for insulting and blocking me without asking for any of the context to why my character did it, btw. Really showed me how we’ve always stood OOC.


    Everyone else: Enjoy the cringe drama status update on d forums from the biggest egirl of them all tehe

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      You as well, you make my life miserable and are annoyed when I don’t bend the knee to your whims. Not everything I do is a gigantic drama **** storm, but then you wouldn’t know anything about me given that we’ve been fallen out for two months. It matters not, you’ll be staying blocked this time so you can’t weasel your way back in again just to beef with me over something, so you can’t spam me with messages while I’m asleep, and then block me before you get the other side. I’ve moved past my own version of that, time you do the same. Go live your life, dude. I don’t care anymore. 


      “4+ months” Okay, sure, whatever you say. Sorry, didn’t know you know my character, didn’t know you were in the know of what transpired RPly or OOCly. Good, glad she PK’d as I will be doing when Rosalia’s trial ends. You can claim ‘no grounds for feud’ et cetera, but I can point out many reasons, but I won’t bother on someone like you because you won’t care or listen, because it won’t fit your narrative. Best of luck with your new server, I’m tired of the **** you pull when I’m not your yes-man. ?  

    3. Knox
    4. rukio
  5. Application: Name: wukio13 uwu Gender Identity: Agender!!! hehe How much anime do you watch: I rly like Fruits basket :333 Are you an epic gamer: NO uwu Please write a 3 paragraph essay explaining why you are a disappointment to your parents: I’m a soft egirl can I skip this :33333 What mental maturity do you possess? (Hint: Too much mental maturity = application denied ?? **** u I’ll smack u about with a CHAIR. HEEHEE
  6. Good. Bad idea, like many others. Questionable people added to the “team” as well.
  7. Hello
    I've waited here for you
    Come down
    And waste away with me
    I'm over my head
    And I wonder
    When I sing along with you
    If everything could ever feel this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    Breathe out
    So I can breathe you in
    Out of your head
    out of my head I sang
    And I wonder
    If everything could ever feel this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    The only thing I'll ever ask of you
    You've got to promise not to stop when I say when

    1. Vaynth


      This was my jam as a kid.

    2. rukio


      @Vaynth The Scala and Kolacny brothers version is my favorite.

    3. Vaynth


      I haven’t heard that one until now wow. Different mood to that version but very nice.

  8. I love mods and staff who don’t even know rules or guidelines or when they get removed/changed. ? 

    1. z3m0s


      Yeah everyone on the team should be perfect all the time.

    2. rukio


      @z3m0s DUNNO think knowing community guidelines being gone should be a basic bit of being a MOD 

  9. @Ulrich -1 get banned IDIOT. BAD APP. TERRIBLE APP

  10. True as ****, unironically. fml
  11. This on top of the other stuff I said in disc. You’ve already seen my thoughts on it in the discord Eddy.
  12. Lover come over
    Look what I done
    I got a secret
    Starting to rust
    He said I'm looking like a bad man
    He said that I don't look like me no more
    I said I'm just tired
    He said you're just high
    Heads on the fritz
    Body intoxicated
    Lover come hold me
    Could you forget?
    Oh, we just don't blend out
    All of my attempts seem to weather
    Oh, I make you cringe now
    Don't I make you cringe?
    I said I'm just tired
    I said I saw you in the water (do I make you cringe?)

  13. tl;dr world events only cool if you’re a mage or druid. Agreed.
  14. **** off, you’re so new it hurts.
  15. **** off, go back to joker. Viking gif My ting rn lego

    1. Legoboy7984


      I needed a new gif for a profile image so I picked vikings since the next episode is tomorrow, lol.

    2. rukio


      Very hyped for new episode. 

  16. -1 no aquaman RPers please dear god
  17. “Yet you don’t see how AIS is in the wrong and Oren is trying to live peacefully.” Edyth shakes her head.
  18. Don’t offer PvE sections to your events if you’re going to be a stupid jackass towards the PvErs and their efforts.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aidoro


      Honestly gonna be toxic here but who cares.

      Shut the hell up.

      Lets be clear here. We defeated the mobs, in which we asked if there was more to it. We were ignored. For near twenty minutes. So we decide to go to the end, in which we are ignored before being teleported back, and being told that we can’t PvE anymore. After arguing, we were brought to the PvE area and were told that we had been ‘Asked by the event lead to be teleported to Cloud Temple and removed from the event’. That is absolutely unprofessional and disgusting behavior, theres no way to deny that. We had been consistently ignored, then when finally acknowledged was in a way that put us as a less significant group in your event. If something does not go well, you improvise. What you DO NOT do is attempt to remove the users from your event just because you don’t have a plan, then quote ‘aint gunna forgive being slightly annoyed at yall for spamming my PMs’. You are a goddamn event lead for a big event, pardon my french, get your **** together. When you signed up did you think every event was going to go perfectly?  I highly doubt that. Highly unprofessional to place the blame all on us, respond in a half-assed post which looks like you decided to bang your face on your keyboard and let auto correct do the work, give a half-assed apology that is more sarcastic than grammatically correct, and throw out something you think will appease us. Horrible managing on your part and I hope you highly reconsider hosting events in the future. Cheers

    3. RaccoonPete


      All I’m gonna say is @Aidoro looking cute as hell in this pic

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Mystery did nothing wrong, PvE players deserved worse.

  19. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA You didn’t say hi on my profile. Very sad. 

  20. Vaynth, I like you, but you’ve been gone a long time. Xalid does his best for the server when he is around. If that was a mistake, he is human, and I’m sure he’s learned from it.
  21. I trust Xalid though I am sketched by others.
  22. “you fuckin what mate? I’ll end your day.” a Video would play, proving the rat superiority.
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