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Everything posted by monkeypoacher

  1. Discordtag : carp#1818 MC Name : MonkeyPoacher RP Name : Pavel RP Age : (a veryrough) 35
  2. torment nexus almaris ii: hell on earth

  3. The news arrives to Adria in the middle of the Duma, interrupting a proposal for sensible governance. The assembled citizens, half-asleep and raring for a fight, erupt into a single cry of rapturous attention. "AVE ADRIA."
  4. Paul sets to work drafting a legal rationale for Adrian ownership of the Lower and Upper Petra.
  5. the tythus ltd. style of corporate conflict resolution >infant_skull_depresser banned for sending faerie_goth_queene (new mom! congratulations!!) pictures of babies with the soft spot of their skulls pushed in >4 years later read ban appeal, decide infant_skull_depresser (now gustavadolf1449) has sincerely reformed through Christ >unban without consulting faerie_goth_queene or any member of the community >leave it to faerie_goth_queene to find out on her own bc roleplay, write a forum post reliving and detailing her abuse >let community “discuss” whether unban is deserved (WE ARE HERE) >ban gustavadolf1449 a few days later for raid rules or something >never elaborate >repeat 4 years later
  6. An uneasy calm swept through Veletz in the wake of the Adrian soldiers' march. The east wind rippled the red-and-white banner hanging over Vasile tower. It bore gray clouds over the horizons of an abandoned watch, and the cries of gulls that settled on the tops of barricades and the roofs of vacant homes. A mule toddled through the square, unburdened and sniffling its nose into the tents and shanties of soldiers.
  7. Paulie S. had daydreamt when he was younger of defending Adria from the forces of tyranny. Though, being limited in his imagination, he pictured himself writing impassioned speeches to deliver from the rostrum while sabatoned thugs pounded at the gates. What rich irony, he thought to himself, that it turned out the other way around.
  8. Paul Sarkozic suffers a nervous breakdown.
  9. "Four old men, terrified of their irrelevance, will pose no obstacle to the righteous and unstoppable cause of Adrian liberty. Fight on, men!" says Paul Sarkozic from atop a stump!
  10. I'll echo everyone else in the thread and say that the best way to deal with burnout is to take time to read. Or watch movies, or play games, listen to video essays on 2x speed while playing games, or do whatever the source of your inspiration is. A large part of creativity is the function of your brain taking apart and recombining stuff that it's exposed to; it's hard to wrap your head around how much more stuff you were taking in as a younger person - between having more claims to your time, no one forcing you to take on challenging material, etc., it's not that anything has fundamentally changed about you - no one loses their imagination, but time and circumstances radically change to interfere with it. I can also recommend looking up literary magazines for topics/genres you're interested in. I say this not because I'm a pompous jackass (I am) but because they tend to publish a variety of curated fiction + articles from people who have read a bunch about some interesting but somewhat inaccessible topic and are inviting other people to look into it too. There are lots of great fantasy fiction zines, for instance, who publish stuff by authors who are honestly not far off from LoTCers in background. Regardless of what you're into, there are lots of ways to make the internet do the legwork of finding stuff to read for you. I'll also add a word of recommendation warning for the wonderful world of online piracy. Definitely do not use sites like Library Genesis or 12ft to get material that's too expensive or obnoxious to obtain. The purveyors of paywalled online articles and ebooks provide you with the ISBN/DOI for their content out of infinite generosity and a commitment to academic rigor, not because you can copy-and-paste it into the search engine of a Kazakh piracy website and get the full text for free.
  11. "I don't know about you all," Paulie S. says, the tankard of Carrion Beige sloshing as his arm stretches out for emphasis, "but I LOVE Adria."
  12. "I'm right here." says Paulie S. in his sultriest voice.
  13. Paul Sarkozic frowns as he reads the signatories. No matter who wins the inevitable conflict, the loss to his beloved nation will be incalculable.
  14. Pavel Sarkozic has to hand it to them, it was good soup.
  15. "FOR THE DUMA, FOR THE DUKE, FOR LIBERTY!" Paulie S. screamed, his last clear image that of the buckling Aaunish ranks before he was swallowed into the mass of writhing, struggling bodies. When he arose, the chainmail shorn from his body as he stood bloodied and beaten above the defeated invaders, the Dumacratic nation he had defended all his life still stood with him.
  16. an old adage says: "the more words you write the less mad you are" i have the flu right now. so feel free to argue with james2k (who has power of attorney over me). i hope you get well soon squakhawk internet gamer
  17. No lmao I'm not going to comb through the entire corpus of LoTC lore or produce screenshot evidence to prove a commonly held (and mostly subjective) belief. Everything I said came from my personal experience. Source: I made it up. Besides, I was arguing w another player about something else entirely and threw out some very generic misgivings about magic lore, none concerning you or the lore team or anything you might have done in specifics - which struck such a raw nerve with you that you took the time to open photoshop and write 400something words to cry about it Since I wasn't arguing with you and you didn't address anything I said besides questioning my bonafides as a minecraft sorcerer, I don't really know what to say except you're entitled to your feelings. You are also entitled to run your team and your roleplay however you like. But maybe your time would be better spent on something other than trying to start an argument with me on the forums. also find it kind of grotesque that the part of the "lore iceberg" below "can I please have magic?" and "is this an event site?" (which I think are perfectly reasonable questions) is a joke about players grooming minors into doing fetish roleplay. which is apparently something I'm supposed to know about to be a true initiate into the esoteric art of roleplaying a wizard online? I don't know how to interpret that.
  18. it wouldn't be special if fewer people had it, is the point I'm trying to make making magic lore private or whatever doesn't really fix anything. the people who thrive in a highly gatekept magic environment are the same kinds of boring cliquelords who thrive on restricting other ppl's creativity. they're the people who spend hours in these threads and in lore discussion shitting on everyone's ideas and who write 10,000 words of inexplicable redlines and loopholes and caveats for their own benefit, they are the ones (not johnny fireball-thrower the fire evocationist) who make cool ideas hard to execute. I think as a general rule ppl would have more fun on this server if they abandoned the idea that roleplay has to conform to some standard to be worth doing. and instead met others at their level and riffed off each other to create interesting ideas. roleplay stuff for its own sake, because you enjoy it, not because you think it makes you look cool or special
  19. ITT : we act pretentious about pretending to be a wizard i will share a terrible dark secret with you: no one thinks any magic is special. even if it is canonically the rarest magic in the world that only you and the guy you made up to teach it to you can use it. something becomes special when it is written to be special, to exact meaningful consequences on characters and the world that they live in, which most magic is not. most magic is written to be generic powerups with circumstantial weaknesses like maybe one step above "my character Plimbert the Deathstalker has orc strength and super agility and immunity to conventional weapons, but he can be instantly felled by a rare ST material on Tuesdays" even genuinely well written and interesting concepts have an insurmountable hurdle in having to be actually executed through the medium of minecraft text with everyone having a different level of lore knowledge and reading comprehension. what's special is the stories you create with your friends, and magic is just a device you can use in those stories also this whole "tear in the veil" concept would be cool if it actually meant anything, like the ST were willing to actually expand on or roleplay it at all. so far we have had a voidal tear event that turned part of the map blue for a month and didn't go anywhere, a few voidal horror CAs, and like 100,000 "voidal magic is eevil!!!" forum posts. besides having negative effects on my character personally (which i still have to interpret the lore creatively to do) if i play void magic as dangerous and unpredictable as you say it is --> instant blacklist for stepping out of one 1,000,000 redlines prewritten into every piece so that it isn't more Powerful than the flavor of the month deity or misc. magic/feat/creature. despite all of this I genuinely enjoy void magic RP because it gives me just a little more poetic license to write a character than anything else, and because I didn't need to join someone's obnoxious discord to obtain it there is obvious utility from a game design perspective in having magic that just lets you throw fireballs or majjyk missiles -- that's why it's one of three classes in nearly every roleplaying game system does exactly this. sometimes people gotta throw fireballs to kill giant spiders, and I genuinely don't see what's wrong with that. the seething disdain you people have for generic fantasy tropes is what prevents people from actually doing interesting high fantasy rp, because tropes are a part of the genre, and playing with them/building on them is how you make genre fiction maybe the void realm is a mirror of our realm. or a memory of our realm is impressed on it every time a void mage breaks the veil to steal its power. or maybe the void is what's behind the fourth wall and the literal keyboards and screens and maybe some grass. its not the most outlandish concept ever to have the Void (or the Interstice, or the Intergument, or the Borderworld, Xen, or something else this stuff is all made up) be an explorable place in game or at least a tangible place/thing that could be fleshed out in rp. that would give people some cool stuff to do
  20. welcome all new players. you will be put to work in the mines

    1. seannie


      the children yearn to return to the mines

  21. the psyche of the average lotcer is so warped that when directly polled for fun server ideas he can only come up with "what if we fed inactive rpers into the Punishment Cube?"

    1. argonian


      what if we put this behind an application

  22. making food decay because ppl i guess think there's too much food (?) is a waste of server resources in basically every sense. it's a waste of our tech team's resources fixing a problem that doesn't really affect (or arguably benefits) the average roleplayer. it's a waste of our server's computational resources on a plugin that periodically has to update the contents of chests/player inventories. it makes the literal resources in the game go to waste and forces players to find a way to dispose of them. real heads remember the chests full of rotten Nexus food and the laggy composters. lol if it were me i would focus on adding fun stuff to do with the food surplus (like a cooking plugin!) and maybe add food decay as an afterthought to that
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