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Status Updates posted by monkeypoacher

  1. I remember when you couldn’t even move items before a warclaim

  2. i say we give korvic lore admin as a sort of honorary title, as a sign of deference to his power. the current lore admin doesn’t really do anything so i can’t see it having much of an impact on the server

  3. i think a prereq to having a vote on what players can & can’t roleplay should be actually roleplaying on the server

  4. I was literally at the raid and leowarrior said people who were at the raid are allowed to post


    unhide my post

    1. rukio


      PM Leowarrior to added to the list of people allowed to post. Make sure he tags your forum name, not your minecraft name. Until then I apologize but it stays hidden, as per the rules of BRs. 

    2. monkeypoacher


      ok i am added unhide post pls

      Edited by simp
    3. rukio


      One moment :) 

      Unhidden. Have a great day!

  5. I would backstroke through a sandpit filled with banana puree then pole vault blindfolded into a pit of starving baboons, whilst wielding only a rusty slinky as my weapon, if it meant i could chew a 2 yearold piece of gum you once spat on on the floor of a KFC restroom

    1. Rusty Derringer

      Rusty Derringer

      Dude. What the ****.

  6. I would just like to say that this armor is more inaccurate to a high medieval setting than gunpowder

    Image result for maximilian plate armor

    1. monkeypoacher


      (begin blog post)


      This is Maximilian plate armor, which was developed in the early 16th century in response to the predominance of pike-and-shot warfare. People roleplay it on LoTC because it lets their character be virtually invulnerable to enemy swords (”your thrust bounces off my gorget”). Its actual battlefield purpose, if there was any, was to stop pikes from penetrating a rider at high velocity during a cavalry charge. It was heavy, impractical for hand-to-hand combat, and very, very expensive. Lighter armor made of cloth and chainmail (with metal helmets and cuirasses to protect vital bits) would have been used by footmen, who didn’t need to worry about a pike flying into their face as they charged toward the enemy.


      Meanwhile, the 14th century saw cannons (towed or even handheld) used in sieges. Since the late 1200s, the Chinese had been using guns in skirmishes with Jurchen and Mongol raiders. The Mongols for their part, after conquering China, probably spread knowledge of gunpowder to Europe, Iran, and Arabia through their conquests. There’s no reason LoTC should ban the development and use of rudimentary firearms. I’d argue our setting is less accurate, and less fun, as a result of the “techlock.” 


      I think that synthesizing period-accurate and anachronistic elements to make our fantasy setting more fun is good, and we should do it more often. There is no reason that descendant history has to mirror real-life history. There is no reason we should strive for historical accuracy on a server with immortal elves and magic. If we race to the bottom trying to ban everything that isn’t “medieval” we’ll deprive ourselves of creative freedom. We’ll punish well-intentioned players for trying to roleplay. Repeal techlock pls

    2. AlphaMoist


      doesn’t matter, tythus and telanir don’t want guns, so no amount of logic will give you them

  7. i'll do ur homework for mina$

    1. Moochael


      I'll giv u 2k minas to anwer:

      Wen wuz delcration of indepent sined?

    2. Moochael
  8. im trying to play a pretty pretty princess character can anyone hook me up 

    1. TreeSmoothie


      fr I wanna be a pretty princess

    2. ferdaboy
  9. in general people who rp (insert bad thing) aren’t (insert bad thing) but the way they portray (bad thing) tends to tell you about their opinions and their personality

  10. interesting to see how 1.9 combat affects war rp! now that people have gotten better at it you have fights where neither side really inflicts heavy casualties on the other, and the outcome is mostly decided by positioning and which side gets exhausted first




    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I wonder how long the warclaim will go for lol

  11. is there any active community on this server that doesn't use discord (and can I join)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      no i think it just ruins the fun of the game


      don't want to have to interact with people oocly (please fill out #region-requests, #steward-requests, and #citizen-door-requests to join our community! pls thanks) to rp because it's awkward and immersion-breaking, even event pings ride the line between being a quality of life improvement and an obnoxious OOC intrusion on muh rp

    3. Narthok
    4. Freischarler


      we use teamspeak exclusively, reach out for more info

  12. it's a bad day to be a minecraft pvp eboy let me tell you 

    1. monkeypoacher



      i'm ruined. my kitten is invisible on discord she isn't returning my calls

    2. Treshure


      what is your discord sir

  13. keep going guys we’re winning!

  14. Looking for a new character. Anyone in Morsgrad (or w/ Norlander culture generally) have a family I could join? 

    1. sophiaa


      Zachahadey, Stratonis and maybe ferdaboys can all hook you up. Afterwards, I can help you find a job! Let me know, sophia#6666. Add me and I can get you a discord link!

  15. looking for smth new, does anyone have a character they need played / any hot tips on what to roleplay

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nug


      orc or halfling xoxo

    3. 1_Language_1


      i got an unplayed harrenite brother lol

    4. Hephaestus


      silver elf.

  16. lord of the craft has ruined my life

    1. Nyuriz


      yo if you need someone to talk to about any of your problems, I am here to extend my help and friendship, find me in discord, ayoou#2499

    2. Inferno_Ougi


      shut up! ^ shut up!

    3. Telanir


      join the rest of us

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      no offense to anyone on lotc's end i hope, just trying to format muh post


    3. Neviah


      wtf is invision

    4. Benleft


      Invision is like the bloodborne of community management software. Fighting through an entire two-stage boss fight just to get my columns to span equally. 

  17. maybe we can just do warclaims on main from now on

  18. merry christmas lord of the craft roleplaying server

  19. mogroka has deposited $0.50 into your account

  20. mojang session servers are down

  21. new fms look good

  22. nug is right the application gatekeeping is insane. tons of perfectly passable applicants thrown in the trash over superficial mistakes

    1. Nug


      thanks king 😩

    2. Urahra


      I agree. I've got a friend who has been trying to apply and keeps getting rejected. he's gotten really frustrated. He's not a bad writer. his worst sin is being unfamiliar with all the lore.

  23. oh no my buddies

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