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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Wendigo

  1. Remove swords, much too powerful and they're way too many of them.

  2. RIP I'm back, damn school.

    1. Nekkore


      welcome back my g

    2. _mkkk_


      I missed u a little

  3. Selling the Johannesburg Tavern!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wendigo


      You people sicken me

    3. 2samspan


      To be honest, I'd love to throw in a legitimate offer, mainly just because I think that would be really funny but I do also have serious reasons for doing so, but I don't have the means to do so right now.

    4. Wendigo
  4. She started it.

  5. So...where are the rest of those 6.0 teasers...

  6. Sooo y'all going to hire more admins or are you just gonna keep leaving till we're left with Tythus?

  7. Stawp the brothel posts, so cringe.


  9. Sushi or Chinese tonight? 

    1. bickando


      Chinese unless its bad in which case sushi

    2. Violino
    3. _mkkk_


      You already asked me you *****, listen to my opinion

  10. The age old argument of auto aging vs elves having kids.

  11. The calm before the storm...

  12. The Golden Owls have been delt a blow. Link below..

  13. The Tavern is still up for sale in Johannesburg! Check the link below: 


  14. The volunteer staff memes are getting out of hand.

    1. blago


      Apply for GM.

    2. Callistus


      Things are getting out of hand? Apply for FM and delete them all!

  15. This is a safe space guys

  16. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.

    1. mmat


      I could've found this meme in an archaeological dig

    2. Wendigo


      Oldies but goodies.

  17. Waits for @Chaw to talk about me in Marijuana's livestream

    1. Chaw
    2. Wendigo


      <3 Forgot to mention how I roasted you. @Chaw

  18. Wanna ask me anything, ask me here! Link below....

  19. Wedding time posted!

    1. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      r-red wedding


    2. Pureimp10


      Perfect. (smirk)

    3. _mkkk_


      P-please no

  20. What's with all the lore today, sheesh. 

    1. candlite


      You started this war c:<

    2. UnBaed


      It's like PvP Sunday, Lore Saturday

  21. Whatever happened to that lotc newspaper we used to get, anyone else miss that?

    1. DarkElfs


      Oh, I believe I remember the dealo with the guy actually making books and selling newspapers at the last oren build from the map beforehand. Man loved reading that and some of there other things they'd have about. Next best thing to rp items/materials I collected 

    2. Wendigo


      Someone had a forum newspaper as well, he'd go around and ask team members some community questions and we'd get weekly lotc updates.

  22. When you come back after a hiatus and see your 'Plants can't have babies' lore still under pending.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slayy


      That lore is on pending


    3. Wendigo


      Shocker I know. I was so upset.

    4. Slayy


      Hopefully a change happens!

  23. Who wants to play my child, still looking for someone!

    1. Angmarzku


      ^ Give this man a child. I'll ghoul you around my friend.

  24. Whoever is below me, ur gross 

  25. Why'd they only use a hot knife? Should have taken a chainsaw to Nexus at this point.

    1. NotEvilAtAll
    2. drfate786


      They should of used a bulldozer, there's too much junk to cut. 

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