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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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Status Updates posted by Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  1. "teegah spawns **** in for the flays, thats why they beat us" -wolfkite1 c

  2. *** a fake friend where ur real friends at

  3. **** the cavs, stupid as ****

  4. @501warhead hey, while u guys work on fixing lotc, can u also update the dyn map please. its been the same for the past 4 months, no changes whatsoever pls fix ty 

    1. Hiebe


      Glad to see savoy in the swamps like good cajun people

    2. HurferDurfer1


      this man is a no good slanderer

  5. Love won't get you high as this
    Drugs won't get you high as this
    Fame won't get you high as this
    Chains won't get you high as this
    Juice won't get you high as this
    Crew won't get you high as this
    Hate won't get you high as this

    1. Jygg


      Leviate, leviate

    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      is it perhaps crack cocaine

  6. CzyawDg.jpg

    1. Mrlollytime


      *places his god damn drink down and supports what ever the f*** is happening right here!

    2. osumanduas


      *****, use the proper derogatories please. 

  7. excuse me, no offense to welf, but how is this an accepted appeal when the event details is literally half assed? people who have done super minor offenses are usually always required to write serious appeals that dont take under a min to write. literally this is the shittiest ban appeal i have ever read in all my life, show consistency when approaching ban appeals otherwise allow for everyone else to write 1min ban appeals and forcibly accept them.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      I consulted with the team before unbanning og_welf which is why I went ahead and unbanned him, but after some reflection and behaviour observation on Skype I'm going to make him post a longer appeal, thanks for your concern everyone :)

    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      make lotc great again, ty

    4. oblivionsbane
  8. ready 4 the flame war

  9. a chat on skype for jewish people? this is war

    the first intifada skype chat has begun

    1. John Ivory
    2. bungo


      Hunwald "Hitlerlover12345" Hussey has recently come out of the closet and is in fact Jewish.

      Today is a national holiday.

    3. Ark


      we have an arab one too


  11. aint nobody PRAYIN for me

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ibraheemc2000
    3. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍
    4. The Lion

      The Lion


      New Kung Fu Kenny! What happens on earth stays on earth!

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