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About L0rdLawyer

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    LOTC Lawyer

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    Wolf Law Offices
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    Arguing with Staff, Handling Ban Reports and Appeals, Arguing with FM's.

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    Richard Allen Horen

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  1. I'll put this a nice way. The urukish voice has been suppressed. We have been forced to change our lore to make others happy. I am not attacking anyone, I am stating the facts.


    Kor, the spirit of death, the haunting hand of krug, guards the starguzh. No one enters the realm unless they compare to krug. Living or dead, they can't beat these requirements. Once inside the realm, Dom, lur, gorkil, and the other children rule inside. They see all and do not let anything slip by. The starguzh is the Valhalla of the uruks lore and has never, in 6 years, faced suppression from staff. Lutaumancy is not just shamanism. It is uruk culture. If someone wishes to expand their culture, create your own lore, don't steal someone else's.


    Also, uruks who don't follow the spirits don't make it into the starguzh, why? Why would krugs children let those who were unfaithful into the urukish Valhalla. Why do the uruks have to follow this way and no-one else has to. The LT said they would never touch a races culture. Why do it now.


    And there you go FMs, no work for you, no names mentioned or certain instances specified. @Paleo  

    Just real lore stated.

    @The Pink Lion @DivineJustice @Grubgoth Wud

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      @Time Lady of Kittens there are no lutaumans left other then you and maybe smaw. So yes, there is no-one else to call you out for **** rping and bullshit that led us to where we are today.

      And also, we called out hellfiazz but it's hard to face off the only player on the server that had the ability to completely wipe a character's history with the spirits. The few that did challenge him started a mess because they thought elves having shamanism because they shared a concept was a complete joke.

      @Jaeden the last time we did a purge, we faced scrutiny from staff that led to nerfing and quite a few bans. Currently we are facing a heavy nerf with all rights removed to remove someone's shamanism. There's not much room to do anything except express the concern for an increasing staff presence to the thinning urukish lore that led to this in the first place.

    3. zaezae


      Eh, I'm not really sure what's going on. I was always told by orc players that darkies can be shaman oocly but rply would be tough to get an orc to teach you.

    4. Archbishop


      "The dark elves don't follow the spirits Adam." Why are you trying to dictate if somebodies character follows the spirits?

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