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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Zhulik

  1. rvh I ewS IR VUR SON'R UNSWEARns ir

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Do you know about Asmodyne??

  2. @Harrison I finally got out of the cesspool that is GOLD; it only took me 3 months of bad teammates and 0 comms

    am a plat shitter now, wi-will the experience be better than Gold?

    1. Harri


      moderately better - i never had too many problems with plat, people arent QUITE as bad and they at least try to talk a bit. then again........ no one talks in masters either......... X)

  3. R is for the Regiments who fight the winning fight

    H is for the Homefires that the folks are keeping bright

    O is for the Other Ranks and Officers aswell

    D is for the Diehards who will leave and fight in hell

    E is for the Enemy who just wont ever win

    S is for the Spirit of our men that wont grow dim

    I is for the Independence that we have to share

    A is for the Arms that we always have to bear

    1. Pinochet


      rhodesians never die

  4. elves are not lore friendly and should be banned from play.


    1. fat robert

      fat robert

      you are not wrong my friend

  5. @Vege Can I unironically help u destroy oren on the basis that they didn't erect a statue of me when they hired me to do bureaucracy for them

    1. Vege


      only if you unironically join me in  ironically destroying oren in a way which is both ironic and unironic

  6. pls no bully dodgers

    1. Zhulik


      pray for dodgers

  7. leowarrior is innocent

  8. can i have assistance from dev pls regarding bug thank you very much cbf filling out a report

    1. Thatpyrodude


      follow the rules you anarchist

  9. @Space Why can't you accept that some of the 'hateful statements' are also factual ones

  10. Is anyone else unable to connect?

    1. Space


      are you on 1.12.2?

  11. Always be reformed, it's a better way of life.

    1. Vege


      shut up hippy


  12. @Niccum
    For what purpose


    Edited by Zhulik
  13. Free Pius

    1. argonian


      what did he do to trigger harold so much lmao

      Edited by thankyousalvini
  14. Is it a joke that 50 mins in the fms haven't approved my thread


    1. dogbew


      Apologies, I thought that the thread had already been approved or I would have done it myself.

      If you'd like your post to be higher in the bump order, you can repost it and I'll approve it quickly.

  15. Does anyone want to duel me in Yu-Gi-Oh ?

    1. Sheczar


      I claim Millennium Items.

  16. @Sky Couldn't reply on thread. No one should be advocating ERP under any circumstance. It encourages preying upon minors and mental stagnation. Any form of affectionate RP should be banned.

    1. jyecarson


      *Holds hand* *Gets banned for erp*

  17. is there a gm graveyard i can't find it

    1. drfate786


      Chalk alps next to pembrokeshire.. You'll notice there aren't any names in it yet.

  18. The Empire is looking for some Human lore events/developments. PM me if interested LT.

    1. Medvekoma


      Good luck, fellow reformed gamer. You are embarking on a tiring and hard pursuit.

  19. Can I just be refunded my fast horse and my 6 parrots iron is replacable but my friends aren't

    1. gamer124


      i broke into zhulik's house and found a dark elf body pillow if gms could return that to him that'd be swell

  20. Also I lost 2 demigryph eggs and the Thorned Crown signed by Keening, I was holding them for Mog

    1. SaltAlt


      Oh, you’re the guys who got the fake crown. Wondered where it went lol.

  21. “Oh boy, Here I go ruining the rules again” – Fireheart 2018

    1. monkeypoacher


      I want my checkpoint roleplay!!!!

  22. Cracker had the best shitpost in awhile only to be ruined by Agiantpie’s bad one

    1. ScreamingDingo


      @AGiantPie thoughts on private character development?

  23. can I be br'd now

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