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Status Replies posted by _Jandy_

  1. just got interviewed for admin lmfao

  2. I was banned from the Orc discord, because Jandy believed me to be a “Raguk plant,” for RPing a character not wanting a civil war. The absolute state of Orc RP.

  3. I was banned from the Orc discord, because Jandy believed me to be a “Raguk plant,” for RPing a character not wanting a civil war. The absolute state of Orc RP.

  4. I was banned from the Orc discord, because Jandy believed me to be a “Raguk plant,” for RPing a character not wanting a civil war. The absolute state of Orc RP.

  5. @FlamboyantTyrant bro, stop ignoring my PMs. I’m gonna keep harassing you over every medium until you actually respond. 

  6. we need to end racist

  7. 44 charters will be deleted?

  8. You thought log pits was a bad meme? Just wait for what’s coming later on today!

  9. Honestly, I really think for the better of the server the new activity rules should be loosen. As a RO of a T3 charter filled almost exclusively with Hou zi, a CA race, it is unfair for us to have to keep a 2%, which even a nation like Krugmar can only get abit over is ridiculous. Killing our charter would destroy our rp and any chance of building up a playerbase.  

  10. I feel like LOTC time should be slowed down.

    Have like every month be a year

    and every week be a different season

  11. so orcs really dead huh

  12. You’re one of my favorite orcs out there

  13. Can you guys stop crying left and right about how lore is being changed?
    A feedback topic would work better, or if you think you can do it better, why aren’t you part of the story team?

  14. Can you guys stop crying left and right about how lore is being changed?
    A feedback topic would work better, or if you think you can do it better, why aren’t you part of the story team?

  15. Can you guys stop crying left and right about how lore is being changed?
    A feedback topic would work better, or if you think you can do it better, why aren’t you part of the story team?

  16. The last thing LotC needs is ______

  17. i want my flintlocks and i want them now

  18. i need a new discord pfp pls give me ideas. 1st good one gets it.

    i don’t like isis ? 


  19. whats a good steam game I should get

  20. remember when the server actually had competition

  21. Friendslist sucks give me buddylist back.

  22. Restore the Buddylist. 

  23. imagine complaining about a mod being bias when u were a bias mod lmao amirite gamers?


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