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Status Updates posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. waiting for devs to remove donator names next i want my soulbinds back

    1. Archipelego


      me too i dont wanna lose my pixels

  2. server needs to get its **** together, dont like building stuff twice

  3. watch out flays r comin in a week!!!

    1. Freischarler


      ill make a fast travel just for you, one way ticket to cloud temple

    2. drfate786


      Flays should be the least of your concerns, Knox and his bandits are back.

  4. why do the fen have armada when there is actually just two of them

    1. wolfdwg
    2. mmat


      Overcompensation springs to mind

    3. Narthok


      Snelf city is the largest I've ever seen

  5. @devvy albino is a race and a way of life

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. devvy


      you're the stupid one who tried to tell me i didnt reply to ur status update when I DIDD

    3. HurferDurfer1
    4. devvy
  6. santegia has some salvus tier rp

    Edited by HurferDurfer1
    1. rukio


      Salvus was one of a kind.

    2. HurferDurfer1


      not the good salvus, the BAD salvus


  7. im a Keintanian loyalist

  8. too many furries here we need to gas them ASAP

  9. no taksies backsies sorry!

  10. if i change my target audience from anyone to just sutica will i get accepted  squirt???

    1. 6xdestroyer


      Classic attitude of a toxic banned player

    2. Bvie


      Don't think I've accepted a single Sutica actor. :thinkplant:

    3. rukio


      Probs man, probs...

  11. day one of my two day ban, i finally understand truly, what the coalition feels when they are target banned, i wish to be a flay now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HurferDurfer1


      devvy remove my warns

    3. devvy


      no ur a big fat noob

    4. HurferDurfer1


      space is trying to out me publicly can someone ban him

  12. http://prntscr.com/h7lwzg


    this is spaces fault he is targetting me with hate

  13. supposed to start twenty minutes ago, and it lags, ur a retard teegah


  14. warzome  has more lag then a normal warclaim

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      idk, but I heard I have to repay debts even though i have no money 

  15. still waiting for flays to accept


    1. Jakesimonson


      we only accept written applications

  16. hey cool more useless **** on the forums

    1. Archipelego


      dont forget the constant ******* downtime

  17. im kinda a big deal around here, stick with me kid and ill keep the betas away

    1. garentoft


      haha thankzz <3

  18. rp nameplates arnt new we had them in athera before it broke, did it take three years to fix???

    1. Kvasir


      they had to get the OG dev who made it to fix it because they dumb

    2. E__V__O


      Tell me if the MyPet plugin is working yo

    3. piekiller
  19. when will the devs do something usefull

    1. warlord of filth
    2. Chorale__


      When will the community stop whining about how hard these unpaid dev's try to do good things to keep us entertained on Mineman? Literally, some of them probably slaved over this for hours and you're going to sit here and complain about it. Be mature.

    3. HurferDurfer1


      You bet your bitter ass im going to complain, dont come up in here with that ******* high horse chorle you sure are a real hero

  20. the straights finally have a voice 

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