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Everything posted by Zacho

  1. i like this post i play on a minecraft server and don't need to get mad about things, because that is something a smart man would do. i also don't respond with something meme-y and understand that the message is only as powerful as you take it and i appreciate that muffins took her time to address an issue in our community. thank you muffins, and everyone else that memes on the post is a baby brain.
  2. Sign(s): Fire & Earth Symbol(s): Heat x 5 Vigour x 2 Strength x 1 Life x 3 Appearance: A large red bulb similar to garlic, albeit often larger and with larger, but fewer, cloves. Location: Found in deserts, often nearby other plants as a means of self regulation from the heat, or on the border between a desert and most other biomes. It grows inside the ground and narrow green leaves shoot up from its underground body into the air above. The actual clove is under the sand. Harvesting: Initially the leaves will be very green, although after a few warm months they begin to wilt. At this point water is less accepted and the bulb underground cures to a certain extent. After this, it may simply be removed from the ground and cleaned externally. Once this is done, you must get the soft and squishy insides that are covered by the inedible and tougher shells. Raw Effect(s): The plant and the shell of the main bulbs have no actual effect although can be reused to fertilize things as most natural by-products do. The actual softer insides are capable of, when ground into a paste, heating ones food for 3 days. This ability causes the food to take on a mildly garlic flavor however. Alongside this, its a great cooking utility as it allows a chef to create foods that stay hot, but not burning hot, all the way to their guests. If overused (more than a small spoonful per liter of food) it will cause the flavor of the food to become very bitter and then if excessively added over that it will cause intense burning in the mouth and throat. Redlines: This cannot be used to harm anyone by ‘alchemical’ means. Any contact with softer surfaces on a human (Membranes such as inside the mouth, nose, etc and the eyes) cannot be harmed with this. At most it's as effective as throwing anything else in their eyes, although slightly warm. If overused, causes food to become bitter and then extremely mouth burning hot. Only after a large amount (Essentially two bulbs worth) will it take on the hotness, while anymore than a small spoonful per liter will make it bitter.
  3. Zacho


    i love you pan, love me back. if u ever wanna play a game or something, hmu on discord buddy!
  4. well written. fits well, provides downsides to its boons.
  5. What about people who have effectively been already practicing this for a long while, and are knowing of alchemy to a good extent? When this lore comes out it will introduce huge restrictions especially if you have to wait to get to t3 to be the same level as before icly.
  6. imma learn it just to air scooter...
  7. Nice lore, seems like a good hunter/gatherer type magic and I dont mind it!
  8. Na I think his intentions are genuinely pure, perhaps personal opinion tho
  9. when to say no and when to say yes this seemed like a meme but you’re serious, so i support it.
  10. having fun on block game > ‘ooc stipulations to protect people’ not only do i not trust any community to have this sort of power, but before when the immaculate blade was in existence as the only means to get rid of azdrazi, the holder rather never used it or was inactive from my understanding. also ooc targetting is not only hard to pin down, but also can be excused very easily with a ‘my character doesn’t like his/hers’ and thats that. When it did have only one persons ability to pk, it was not only a reasonably trusted person, but never used as i said earlier. disconnection rp not fun rp
  11. to give actual feedback, I think this is a really neat post but i dislike the idea of disconnection freely because every community, regardless of whose in it, has people who will find place to abuse things and cause issues because they lore-ified can. Disconnection is good, but only when there is rp proof that certain conditions have been met. Thats simply my opinion, but again i do think this lore is excellently written and a great addition for the dragon-folk and kin!
  12. Apply for moderation gamers, its a good time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harold


      thanks for the invite to apply 

    3. NestroPapaya


      Fine maybe I will smh

    4. rukio


      I dont think they’d have me

  13. https://gyazo.com/download?dl=now&lang=en
  14. Yew did good at writing this. @Old-Rattlesnake haha get it YEW
  15. OOC ((MC Name: )) Zachosnacko ((Discord: )) Zacho#5276 ((Timezone: )) EST IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Dael’ran Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? I enjoy hanging out with mages and such, as is natural for one whose been around many times. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Currently just Translocation/Shifting and earth evocation. Previously: Hydromancy, Sensory Illusion, Aeromancy, Mental magic, Ascendedism What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? Adeptus Majoris When should you be contacted for an interview? Anytime
  16. please draw a really morbidly obese chicken delivering a letter thank you archi
  17. dope. If you need help contact me via the mediums below in my signature!
  18. Another suggestion I have is to make it so that a teacher may make only 1 progenitor stone, and then once a person is t4-5 they are taught how to make said thing. This allows anti-circle jerking and creates a (somewhat limted) but fair amount of these stones. Having only one means 100% this was written to be kept to one persons power almost exclusively.
  19. Haven’t read the whole thing, but skimming over it I recommend some better formatting changes to make it look more appealing. Other than that, the idea could be hard to manage with something like ‘100 meter diameter’. As to how one would make sure all that enter the area are knowing of that is a complicated answer. Perhaps some region flag greeting type thing? who knows. Reading through the first chunk its pretty straight forward, although there is 100% capabilities for the magic to be majorly hoarded through the hiding of the main stone, and their ability to simply eliminate other users by breaking their stone without any warning. This isn’t gonna be a good thing in the eyes of the LT as it makes a tyranny over the magic very possible.
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