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Status Updates posted by Ioannis

  1. Who banned me..... i request trial by combat

    1. Onslaughted


      grrr dunamis 

  2. You know that you are doing something right when another nation decides to just copy you!! @Gladewyn Hi ?

  3. You people cant hold the salt down can you? This is why wars are so boring.

  4. Anyone have seen my horse? Black with armour on it. Named Voukefalas with red letters. Paying lots of minas to the person who finds it and pms me!

    1. DrakeHaze.


      I killed it

    2. Travista


      First my swampy shaman staff, and now Ioannis' horse!?!?!?!?!?!

  5. Anyone looking to hire a aengulic breeder?

  6. Everyone should get unbanned , because getting banned 2 days before the warclaim is silly. Also 2 weeks for that? Lel!

    1. Lubbie


      Well I got banned for something I wasnt even a part of...

    2. LatzMomo


      All I can say is if you don't wanna get banned, don't break server rules, I counted at least 4 rule infringements there while I was watching

    3. Aengoth


      "Because we have to attend a warclaim in 2 days we shouldn't be banned."

  7. FiatLux can we speak on TS?

  8. Fight against the tyranny of Oren. Join De Boldec family!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Xarkly


      On a more serious note though, as a new RPer in Oren, I find that dealing with this little rebellion has been a lot more fun than sitting around and waiting for something to happen.

    3. Ioannis


      People of Athera , show those Oreners that freedom is only that matters! Enlist into the rebel ranks today!

      ((Also come on guys its just to keep the server a bit interesting and not to sit in a tavern all day!

    4. lawnmowerman


      De Bolbec's don't RP, though :-/

  9. I find Dizzy offensive. Please remove him in the upcomming patch. Thanks.

    1. Ioannis


      I want the name of the guy that banana'd me. I have that right as a sheep.

    2. Nug
  10. I need gold!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I need someone to rp clean my stables from horse ****. Paying like 100 Mians per week :)

    1. Alakabam


      I will do it.

  12. I see banned people....

    1. drfate786


      Really? So why do i see you then?

    2. Privet


      Because you aren't blind, it's pretty simple bud.

  13. I want to thank Comsicwhaleshark for helping me out with recording and Dividejustice alongside with dragonmaster for being in the videos :)

  14. Just for the record , breaking blocks to get inside my stables is bannable. If i return and find horses missing , then X_X .

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hobolympic


      Ioannis-chan, when will ya be back?:/

    3. thesmellypocket


      Is that the ******* flag of the Angelids?

    4. thesmellypocket


      Hang on, it is Komnenos. They are much better.


  15. Make Nalatac mod again or we will rebel!

  16. Mitto becomes a mod, no lag during fights.

    He is a magical unicorn, believe me!

    1. mitto


      i love you too man

    2. Crowbill
    3. mitto


      except fireheart couldnt make it so it was cracker and i

  17. Rest in Peace Dunamis. You will be missed. Atleast we had fun times together :crys:



  18. RIP Freedom of Speech


    1. Anderssn


      Removed it myself

  19. Thats how Oren wins wars. Ban the opposide side. Hell yea!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lemontide331
    3. mitto


      m8 combustionary left the welves not longer after becoming a vassal and has had basically 0 to do with them since. don't be pulling some illuminati esk conspiracy theory

    4. Ioannis


      Rest in pieces Dunamis.  You will be missed.

  20. Tirenas please sign a autograph for me <3

  21. Trying to get in the server.Cant wait to start playing!! :)

    1. L0rdLawyer


      What race are you wanting to be? And have fun!

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