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Everything posted by Publius

  1. forming a band soon irp hmu if you’re into bard or guard rp xo minae to be made friends!

    1. CharlesTheReformed


      im the best singer on lotc

    2. Publius


      sing me a song

  2. who’s hiring poets??? hello???

  3. “Un mille (1000)” Bids an Auvergne man.
  4. Inquire today! 


    1. Nowak


      Does one lather the jelly side to side or up and down?

    2. Publius


      I use all means available to me to lather the entire surface area

  5. coming off hiatus to play a troubadour who am i writing poetry for hello?? auvergne community where hello??

    1. Chimp


      im the only auvergne left papi, come to carol

    2. _pr0fit


      there is another frenchy community called rosenyr if that is the culture you are looking for, hit up @B7W4 for details.

    3. Publius


      chimp... I’m looking for you right now!!!

  6. hey if you want in on the descent of Septimius hmu

    1. Bluee


      will there be cookies involved?

    2. Publius


      no, just a series of self destructive and tragic events – there’ll likely be lots of drinking though

    3. Publius


      yeah harold I could use a token scottish guy

  7. bad news guys, recent war and stuff is preventing the expansion of the railroads. need some cowboys for @NordLord

    1. Enlightenment


      I am quite the effective cowboy, si.

  8. word’s in from oren – vanirs will let you have your barony back if you promise not to rally against them. do you accept?

    Edited by Publius
    1. Vege


      give me two hundred minas and a title and we have a deal

  9. yo someone help @Aislin navigate the forums lol

  10. lol moron.

    1. lev


      still in that trailer park, cucking ur boss?

  11. gonna make a post at some point to excuse Septimius from the scene

    1. Enlightenment


      He’ll be missed


  12. Larry C. C. prepares a sign, showing phallic images he drew from memory falling into the stinky moat of Summerhall! Though his artistic genius would only be understood by some, his aid to the cause using the extensive education he had gained at Odo’s Art Academy would surely be invaluable.
  13. the crossroads have been WILD

  14. looking for an RP community to participate in, hmu if you got an opportunity for ya boy!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Publius


      yet here I am, lusting for bunghole

    3. LatzMomo


      Try Nordengrad, tight knit community that just RPs as bigot superstitous peasants, it's refreshing.

    4. Burnsy


      Yes hello, The Kingdom of Bogrin is just dandy this time of year.

  15. heard dwarven rp is poppin off

  16. looking to make a second character, hmu if you got an interesting opportunity/community to participate in!

    1. blago



  17. How’s everyone tonight? We all having a good time out here? Goodnight Godbless if you’re tryna rest!

    1. Enlightenment


      Pretty good, palzone

    2. Medvekoma



    3. Publius


      even the imperial spirit haunts lotc... 


  18. If you have need for mercenaries just holler for pricing, if you’re looking for RP or PvP opportunities let me know as well!

    1. Publius


      Discord is Publius#1947

  19. Blood for coin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. blago


      Give me food then Dewper and I will fight for a Publius Belvitz.

    3. Publius
    4. blago


      Belvitz shall weep for mercy.

  20. hey babe... nice seeing you around the office again. back from mat leave?

    1. ScreamingDingo


      Nah Carol, lol! The bub is still with me, the HR department never changed my staff login so I can mess with everyone, teehee!!! ?


      Hope to see you soon, need to catch up darl, say hi to the husband for me. xo

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