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Everything posted by Publius

  1. Ciprian de la Baltas hears of this group and takes note! ”Eyo, Solange? D’er make-an a guild fer studying... err, studying. We should get da kids involved, vraiment!”
  2. Reviving the de la Baltas and Auvergne culture, if you're interested, hit me up! Pub#6419

    1. antiopa


      msg me on discord you nub 

    2. excited
    3. Publius
  3. Hoping to jump into things, hmu on discord if you got a way an RP oriented player can get involved! Fastfeet McLegs#6419

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Publius


      Bracchus OG reading club

    3. Sorcerio


      OMG! How’ve you been doing man?

    4. Publius


      Good man, wishing you well!

  4. Popping on in 5 to debt a character

  5. Writer for hire

    1. excited


      yo can i make use of ur services @Publius

    2. Publius


      Holler on disc at Fastfeet McLegs#6419

    3. Sorcerio



  6. I have only returned to iterate that it is only via a duel to the death between the Barnett brothers that a final pk on Siegmund Corbish can be achieved.

    1. JoanOfArc
    2. MunaZaldrizoti
    3. Guzr


      Barnettbowl. . . We’ve been waiting for this since early Axios.

  7. Cousin!

    1. Ludulo


      Oh heck yeah, you’re back too!

  8. Anyone interested in participating in or hosting performance RP, let ya boy know! I’ll message ya my new disc.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. calculusdesola


      I am interested and would like to participate!

    3. AlphaMoist


      what is performance rp

    4. Publius


      I’ll pm you Alpha

  9. If anyone needs a writer just holler

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. frill


      will you write me an anti-poem.. one that has negative words so removes howards from existence

    3. Publius


      I’ll have to do both to achieve balance

    4. BDanecker


      what kind of writing, i’m looking to flesh out my character some if that’s the kind of writing your after


  10. What’s the news?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. frill


      publius i thought they killed you

    3. garentoft


      hey pub 🙂 

    4. Publius


      I simply went and meditated on my disdain for Hunwald for two months

  11. Seeking employment! 


  12. Going to be planning some huge RP events, glad to be back in earnest – expect some good occasions to get in on!

  13. Seeking a partner in crime

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      ill do it, stop asking me

  14. I got a few warning points from years ago I didn’t bother appealing, I’ll sell em to ya for a few crowns now that they’re so rare!
  15. What’s gone down since the Empire was founded?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Empire dies and comes back on a cycle. 

    3. Publius


      ah meant recent rendition @shoahinsnowyfields

    4. argonian


      yh ik but it’s a bit unclear when it started, since it wasn’t actually destroyed this time, we just changed regime like 20 times.

      anyway current state of affairs is war with everyone, siege of Reza tmrw, b there or b square

  16. clicks 4 cash

    1. 1_Language_1



  17. Got minae for a skin, I have ref’s and all – PM me if you are available for commission! pub!#1947

  18. can someone teach this old man how to change your cover photo on this here website?

    1. Wrynn
    2. Publius


      the options do not display when I click it

    3. Wrynn


      Hm... it might be a bug with the forums – if you send me a photo on discord I can change it for you ? My discord is Luke#5154

  19. Having slain a Curonite King, I officially dub you the First Citizen of Adria and Avenger of the Gentleman’s War – a redeemable voucher for a set of three cheers is currently being mailed to you.

    1. TrendE


      will redeem this after i successfully perform a contract to kill prince of ves – three cheers :-)

  20. Talk about a Vessian born footy talent, Fabrice Jerome de la Baltas y Kavietsby, circulates as his manager fishes for a lucrative contract.
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