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Status Updates posted by Slothtastic

  1. Don’t mess with the Satyrs, if you knowwhat’s good for your health. 

  2. Every time I see an Orc say ‘****’ I can’t help but smile for some reason. 

  3. Fall soon, the Dominion will. 

  4. Far from their land where they made their stand they stood strong and the legend still lives on

    1. Skylez


      Give me a new album

  5. Flambo what the **** is up dude you ain’t been reviewing ****. You want people to submit lore for the lore games, but then never ******* review it. If you’re gonna start something that’s supposed to be simple and fast, make sure it’s simple and fast. Not taking nearly if not already a literal ******* year to review basic ****. Christ. It’s ******* embarrassing. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Telanir


      @Phylarch Hey man, do your part to improve the server and I’ll do mine. Bet you didn’t know that were I not here the server would have been dead back in 2012? And several times since. It’s time to move past grudges, no hard feelings.

    3. Scuba


      @Telanir What part is there to be done that others have not been sufficient? The current lore admin has gone through more story writer managements leads than others before. We got @bigcrazyand @Zarsies and @ScreamingDingo and who else will be next? If these people were not able to fix the main issue, being the director, then I know not at this point in time what can sir.  Were these three all the PROBLEM or unable to do what needed to be done, or one sole direction? I wonder.... 

    4. AlphaMoist


      I mean Zarsies left on his own accord to focus on his irl writing. He would have probably left no matter who the lore admin was

  6. For Valentines Day all I want is for the Xoatol lore to be accepted. 

  7. Free Pok, he did nothing wrong! Also free Wud

    1. InfamousGerman


      free pok, seemed like a pretty good guy

    2. _pok_


      seemed like not kyle


  8. Friend's skype mood: I'm useless.

    My skype mood: As long as you're not infertile, you have a purpose in life.

  9. Gimme all dat rep.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Slothtastic


      *Yesses intensifies*

    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      *intensifying intensifies*

    4. Slothtastic


      *Intesifying intensifies intensifies*

  10. Gimme rep. Or I will cross the road... TO SLAUGHTER YOUR FAMILY

  11. Give me Wonks or give me death 

    1. ScreamingDingo


      Well you're going to get death then

    2. Slothtastic


      If you will not give me Wonks, and instead choose to push aside the community we will simply have to push back

    3. Kanadensare


      im with sloth on this 1


      give us frog people or face my wrath.

  12. Goat steroids here I come


  14. Hey what happened to the Olog Guide?

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      I got sick this week and didn’t get around to moving it to a public section of the forums, going to do that when I’m back home in an hour. A thread w/ links to the kha and olog guide will be pinned in the magic app section of the forums. 2 week period of needing to apply will be adjusted from this date rather than the ones initially announced on the update thread.

    2. Jentos


      wait @FlamboyantRage do we still need to apply for ologs right now?

  15. How do you become an Azdrazi? P.S. I learn through experience and doing it myself 🙂

  16. How does one make an Orc clan?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drfate786


      -Get declared whitewash

      -Gather all the edgy orcs

      -Make an edgy orc clan

      -Assassinate the Rex

    3. Catarrh


         To my knowledge, the Rex isn't accepting new clans right now. I believe he's more interested in getting members for the current clans. For the sake of information, however, it's worth noting that most clans are founded and named after an ancestor. There are some exceptions, of course, like Lak, which is named in honor of a lesser immortal. Most are named in reverence of an ancestor though. The best bet is also to make sure there's some defining cultural aspect to set the clan apart from the others somehow. Then, you'll wanna try to bring that aspect into your rp, so it actually matters. Now, I say all this after saying that a new clan's probably gonna be shot down instantly, but it's still worth knowing, I guess, if only out of interest.

    4. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Braduks are the best clan tbqfh.

  17. How long is a irl day in LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Indeed we did c: One week is now the official one year on the sever. There's a nifty /date command as well to see exactly what you think it would allow you to see, which is the date!

    3. Sythan


      From what I know:
      1 IRL hour = 1 day.
      1 IRL day = 1 month
      1 IRL week = 1 Year
      So on LotC, there're 24 days in a month and 7 months in a year.


      There is however the oddity of server resets. The server resets at sunset, and comes back up at sunrise. Not sure how that works out overall.

    4. Neri


      Yeah server resets entirely screw the whole system up lmao...

  18. How to achieve true happiness.....







    get the admins to get verdict for Xoatol.

    (I am sorry for being such a nuisance but after waiting 3-4 months ya get impatient.)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slothtastic


      You still alive dude?


    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Yeah I'm back, putting the verdict in a bit, do you have discord?

    4. Slothtastic


      I do indeed have discord. Slothtastic#7226

  19. I am confuddled and need an adult. Does this mean it goes back to the original wording or that it’s allowed again..?


    All rules on intimacy were changed back to their original wording before races were specified in the server rules.

  20. I got that Joor art. Big thx to @3___3!!!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kim


      Oh sorry!! Its good memorabilia then :'))

    3. Slothtastic


      It is! And I like the way you did the hair. It's spikey in the front :D

    4. justDEWit


      Dang man, I want some art of my character. ;-;

  21. I had in no way liked that the tab system was overhauled. Yet I endured. I ******* hated the chat system. Yet I endured. But now, you have had the balls to get rid of MOTHERFUCKIN SIT?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE

  22. I need me a skin. A good one, hopefully for free but I can pay about 200 Mina.PM me for details and the like. 

    1. Restless


      I can manage something, if you hit me up on Discord.


    2. Slothtastic


      What’s your discord?

    3. Restless


      Its in my profile, but its RestlessS0ul#5636


    1. DrinkPesticide


      Skype rp if you're desperate .

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