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fighting evil by moonlight

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Status Updates posted by fighting evil by moonlight

  1. arent u the one thats supposed to be in charge

  2. I'm the master of Darkness ??, the shadow of the underworld??, the Dark King of Evil, the ?Poltergeist Little Skull? summoned by a ?goth?dude, got it?? This ?****? is so insane that i kill ???dogs ???for ?fun?, i'm the pure black, i walk black, i speak black ?, i use✴ black clothes✴?, i see black, ⚠depression is my ?name?, the ?Sun? near me turns into the ?Moon?, i'm from the ❌dark❌darkness ??the ?Batman? near me turns ?rainbow?, if i could kill ?????1000????? i would because i'm a manly ?man ?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      LT lore writing in a nutshell 

  3. What is my perfect crime? I break into Ferrero's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the Nutella. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Ferrero. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Ferrero to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the Nutella.

  4. Yeah, I want a Big Boy hold the dunions with the Mighty Man's Fries and for my soda just give me the old standby and a 20 hit combo on my Clucker Bites and uh just between me and you I'd appreciate some extra Bumberton's Delight if ya catch my drift.



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  5. xxFoxyTrumpxx: notices ur nuke OwO what's this?

    kimjongdong: glomps guam how do u like it?

    xxFoxyTrumpxx: uwu it's so big!!! XD want 2 see my nuke...s?

    kimjongdong: yes bb! i want to see ur nukes hugs you and wags tail

    xxFoxyTrumpxx: arms nuke r u ready? nuzzles ur pyongyang

    kimjongdong: OwO yis! pants, begs for nukes

  6. Listen and listen well, all of you. The mere existence of the idea to create a sequel to the archetypal human atrocity known as "The Nut Job" should be punishable by immolation. I did my absolute best to try and forget, to try removing the date of Armageddon from my mind. Friday, August the 11th, 2017. The day The Nut Job 2 will be released. All of the horrors of the Earth will seep through the cracks of the planet's mantle and onto the surface to lay waste to our species. We will all die in an inferno of hellfire as Beelzebub roars above our dominion, taking back the world he once owned and returning it into its eternal state of anarchy and fiery chaos. We only have ourselves to blame for this monstrosity, this abomination of a film to be released within days.

  7. Don't ? ship ? Karen ? and ? Plankton ?from ? Spongebob?. They ? are ?in ? an ? abusive ? relationship ❤️.

  8. dont let these smelly boys keep bullying you, esry

  9. ???????????????













  10. Well..... I'm have you know my dad owns these streets and if you dowbt apologise for hacking my minecraft server I'm have him come to your house and analy probe you! ???? Im fed up with this Bullshit! All these n00bs hacking in robloxx because they cant stand the Xx_Robloxx*****Destroyer_xX so the dox me ?????????? its time for the revolution! Mobile Gamers are supreme! Mobile master race ???? ✈?

    1. MunaZaldrizoti


      this is like a long saga

  11. Guys are often sick, and guys are often creeps, it's true. And honestly it's saddening to me. I wish guys would respect girls and leave a girl alone if she doesn't want to talk. Honestly, I enjoy an intelligent conversation more than anything. I love to talk about life, existence, nature and horror. But why can't the rest of the guys out there, try holding an intelligent conversation with a girl without wanting sex? It's saddening, it really is saddening to me that guys go after girls just for sex.

  12. It's unfortunate that they killed off Club Penguin and replaced it with some subpar mobile app. There's not many positive things to say about the disappointment of a game that is CPI. I stopped playing Club Penguin a few years ago, but now I can't even just log in for nostalgias sake. Nope, they had to kill my penguin. All of my items I had bought or collected are deleted.

  13. hey, sorry i saw your profile and i just thought you looked cute in your picture. i really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why it's a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ;) sorry that wasnt flirtring i swear im just trying to be friendly i really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy i don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk you look really nice and fun xxx

    1. SaltAlt


      I can practically smell the neckbeard sweat . . .

    2. drfate786


      ...Evil and Harrison are really into one another, uh?

    3. mitto
  14. dirty boys. he’s a fun-havin’ fun-lookin’ dirty boy. like a really rowdy boy. just a dirty boy. just a rowdy, dirty boy. he’s a true rowdy boy. garbage boy. garbage boy stink man. oh, a regular boy! real boy? normal boys. hello, i’m real boy! it’s a beautiful baby boy. there’s a good boy. hey! hey! hey there’s a, now that’s a boy that i could get into! that’s a perfect boy! let me see this perfect boy. justin’s special boy. MY TWO SPECIAL BOYS! can you move faster, my perfect boy? my sweet boy let me show you the world! my sweet boy! MY BOY! let me get my boy... i gotta say you’re starting with a sweet boy. he looks like a sweet boy. MY BEAUTIFUL BOY! oh my sweet boy! sweet boy. nervous little punk boy. this perfect beautiful business child. this cream-faced business boy. oh ****, did i hit softboy? softboy get up... you good softboy? oh god this is such a good wrestleboy. perfect boy. glide you beautiful boy. glide you beautiful boy! come on big boy! yes yes yes! i gave you a task i am your god! you chat with boys! silly boys. goofy boy. this is a way better boy. this boy’s good--this boy’s pretty good at soul caliber! you want a big boy or you want a little boy? a little boooy! he’s a big ol’ boy! HE’S A BENJAMIN BUTTON BASEBALL BOY? you got crossbow boy... I know about the crossbow boy now! perfect sword boy. a space-faring kissboy! very bad boy. very strong boy. a THICC boy. oho yeah, i bet you can't knock that boy over with a pail of water. THERE’S A FIELD WITH 30 GHOST BOYS! now what’s my little perfect boy up to? toss boy... i think it might be toss boy! THIS AINT GON WORK JUICE WE MIGHT HAVE TO START OVER AND GIVE OUR BOY A NEW JOB. this is not a boy’s house, is it? no, this is not a house for boys. like two boys, two boys, half-boys jammed together. oh that’s a lot of boys... just a family of all boys. A BOY FAMILY. just all boys! too many children too many boys, too many beautiful boys!

    1. Slayy


      Ice ice baby

    2. fighting evil by moonlight

      fighting evil by moonlight

      apparently you're not allowed to type after a link in statuses.  woops.  anyway, anyone with frost witch questions is welcome to PM me.

    3. grimmothy
  16. caleb pleas e........... think of leo..............................................

  17. hello father

    1. _Sug


      Howdy Hey Child o' Mine.

  18. it looks like the ten minute deal is officially dead..............

    1. excited


      push me to the edge all my friends are dead

  19. jingle bells, taylor smells

    1. Slayy


      she speaks the truth

    2. Taylor
    3. kingnothing


      please stop harassing my friends on the forums
      > : ( 

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