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Everything posted by KorusPrime

  1. RP Name: Cinh’llytn Len’irrin MC Username: KorusPrime Discord: Korus#2269 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Northgate, for this event at least Why Do You Wish To Come?: To help the paladins, but also to explore the lost land if possible. What Skills Can You Bring?: Various magics, medicine, cooking, various other practical skills
  2. I don’t necessarily have a problem with Fi’, but isn’t half of this why the magic got axed back at the end of Vailor beginning of Axios?
  3. Ooof. Someone get the burn salve. Good lore, by the way. People are too uptight, but /do/ remember that he isn't just a snelf thing.
  4. I don't mean to..... **** on your lore, but Metzli is already Daemon of Time?
  5. As kind of an outsider looking in (trying to make a cleric, but not connected yet), I've always seen it as when someone disconnects someone wrongly, the god (aka the LT, who should already be handling this very issue without having to change or make new lore) usually sends a vision to another holy user of the same type that can disconnect. That's why deity visions exist, so that the god (LT) can let people know when others are abusing the magic, and to tell them to stop the rogue. So yeah, while you could go around disconnecting people just because you do not like them, you usually can't do it for very long. (That is, as long as the LT/MT pay attention to the wrong doings of said person/persons and don't just write and vote on lore. Not an insult to current LT, but it's been that way in the past.) I dunno. That's just my two cents.
  6. [Scholar Application] MC Name: Korus_Prime RP Name: Cinh'llytn Len'irrin Reason for wanting to join: I might have an addiction to guilds, possibly, plus I like learning. Field of Mastery: Arcane Years of Practice (IRP) ((Take a guess if you don't know)): Over one hundred. Link me a picture of a Cat/Dog/Your preferred cute animal: https://gyazo.com/a09784bf4103cd7d5b5873e6fe1c4ba7
  7. Heard of metagaming? Secondly, let me rephrase. There is a difference between "glass cannon" and "not being able to do normal things that do not include magic or even combat what so ever for fear of literally breaking your arms"
  8. Do you actually know how long it takes to make lightning on LOTC? In the time it does, most people are already on you and trouncing you. And there is a big difference between "glass cannon" and "your bones break with a hard enough hit".
  9. To re-iterate, I don't mind the not being able to wear armour. My biggest peeve is the fact that apparently now anyone can kick my shin hard enough and it will snap easily. I would even be willing to help you come up with other explanations behind why we can't wear plate (which isn't even all that heavy due to being built for protection but also being lightweight). I just really don't want to suddenly be some stupid twig that can't do anything besides magic. Edit: Not to mention the fact that from what I gather, the 'tools' don't actually give much or.... /any/benefit seeing as it seems to take an emote to 'properly grip' them.
  10. *sigh* Here we go further perpetuating the stupid meme that rock beats mage.
  11. I think others have stated my feelings plenty. This lore is bad, and we do not like it. One thing I will add is the dumb choice of "Humanity is innately Dark" It's cliched, annoying, and... essentially disregards anyone that doesn't want to be shoved into a melancholy grimdark low-fantasy world. "Humanity" should be, at it's core, gray and neutral with the ability to become evil or good as they want. Sure you may be attempting to use "Light and Dark" in the non-traditional sense, but it's confusing. Yes, you might want "Light" to mean "not of the world, ethereal" but that isn't how it's perceived on the server. And "Dark" should be akin to "physical" because again, it forces people to be in a world where they're forced into a sad depressed world of sadness. This isn't Dark Souls, this isn't Bloodbourne, this isn't whatever other universe you want it to be. The server is it's own established thing, and you seem to be disregarding what is already in place as standard. To finish, I wish to note this is not a personal attack on you or your writing skills Cameron. I think you did a wonderful job with the new Creation Lore, but I simply don't like the way you're trying to twist it into a sad depressing thing.
  12. Perhaps I should clarify. Why do we need something that will clearly be powergamed by people who simply read "erases stuff"? There are plenty of people who will not listen to your restrictions, and yes, while blacklists exist, it isn't as easy to monitor emotes as you might think. Secondly, on the matter of flesh erasure, it shouldn't be able to erase flesh. That contradicts other magic. Living material is too complex to alter with Transfig or send to the Void with Translo, or even lift with Telek. There is no reason this should be able to do so either, as it would be a direct work-around to the red line of Translo. The red-line exists in Translo so people won't go around killing other people by sending them into the Void. And yes, "flesh can heal" but one cannot regrow a head if a bolt is fired at, and erases their head.
  13. Okay, so even if it isn't some 'dicount (insert other magic here)' why do we need something that.... erases things from the world? Have you not thought of how people will inevitably powergame that? You may have the best of intentions, which I'm not entirely sure you do, but what about others, who likely would only get this for how... permanently it... fucks things up. Anyhow, that's just a few points I wanted to present.
  14. So, this is a purely biological take on driders, rather than having it be a curse or "blessing" from a deity? Just curious.
  15. ((Just a quick note of input, the Monks follow gods. They follow three of them: The Triumvirate. It's where they get their power. So if you really want this to be linked to the Cloud Temple Monks, they would likely need to follow them.
  16. I like this. I have a sprite of my own (sadly shelved due to lack of slots), and I think I might get back into playing them if this gets accepted. My little purple sprite would love to make mushroom friends.
  17. Illusion does not change things. It precisely does the opposite. All it does it mess with a person's mind, making them experience things that are not there. If you want to get sciencey, one could say it stimulates the correct signals in the brain to cause the sensory glands to react in certain ways. But largely, nothing is changed. The brain still functions as normal, you are just making it see what you want.
  18. As Aerial said, we already have Fi' as a stand alone anti-magic. We don't need to split things and make them even more complicated. I really don't see a need for this. And going by LT standards, they do not accept duplicity in lore. Sorry but, -1
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