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Everything posted by UnBaed

  1. I hope you know I don't resent you for all that stuff that happened. Yeah, it was a really sucky time for me and I felt betrayed with how stuff in Dobrov was being handled - but it was just a messy and stressful situation for everyone involved. In the end, I felt like I managed to make a cool enough narrative with having the castle teleported away in RP Always a W to give KP the boot, though. I will never get over him asking Molia (HIS STEP GRANDDAUGHTER, 60 YEARS YOUNGER THAN HIM AT LEAST) to marry him ANYWAYS question: what are your thoughts on conor :DDD
  2. i am the unbaed of lotc

    1. Xarkly


      i am the unbaed of irl

    2. z3m0s


      More like unbased

  3. musin people were just really weird around me when i tried to rp one, going from sociopath learning how to kill neighborhood cats with scissors to people wanting to do abused house pet rp?? i just wanted to be a courier bro
  4. opinions of me? :DDD favorite rp moment? who even are you lol
  5. if you reach 1k posts, it means you're short tall

    1. GMRO


      conor1 stop making fun of conor2

  6. why am i hearing about chat cooldowns existing now, what caused for this to be implemented? 

    1. Laeonathan


      its just ooc chats no worries

  7. lot of people malding about this in the comments sometimes disruptions happen in events, i remember hearing about some human rpers complaining about having a dragon sighting over their city when they were in the middle of their tea party edit: I personally don't think a resolution to this would be to out right remove the spell, but reworking some of its mechanics could do some good. I've seen this spell used more than just to disrupt events, can be a neat form of intimidation or inducing fear rp, ect
  8. ban reports are now being made for inaccurate cards? 

    1. farmerclown


      might as well ban half the server at this rate

    2. Xarkly
  9. /sreq when will you wear wigs
  10. The swamps of Ssirola, as recalled and named by Ilaria The following is only to be known of through proper roleplay, do not metagame otherwise. Voices. She heard many. Some spoke in unison, their tone often filling anyone who’s ears would be graced by them with somber tranquility - these, she heard behind her. Ilaria could even feel the cool aura against her back, yet she could hardly maintain her focus on her mentor for the mess that now gripped her within; a new voice, Ronauz, restless and almost mad with the bindings of stagnation stripped from it: Free. . . ! Saved from that prison of fate. . . . . “The time has come for you to embark on your own, into the cosmos, Favoured. . .” spoke those outer voices, they were almost like a soft chant of words. Distantly, they rang into her ear with their lamenting tones. There is so much to do, now! That new one boomed within her, its excitement causing Ilaria’s hands to twitch as if she were struggling to contain its wildness. A drink, I’d like to start with that - and to get my money back from Hillem. . . . . Shush! Spoke another within; Nikolaos, younger and calm. Patience, she will show you what you wish if you let her. You are saved, but work is to be done. . . . . But I am free! I am, at least, owed a drink! Why can’t I look for one now? Restlnesses stirred within her, Ilaria felt herself struggling to contain it all. Her grasp at concentration was hardly there, yet she blinked as she discovered that an aged grimoire hovered before herself. “Embark, Favoured. You will learn much, see much, and return changed.” “Em-Embark. . ?” echoed that elf, that was all she could pick up from her mentor’s words, as her trembling hands reached to grasp the edges of that tome’s cover. Everything went silent then. The book snapped open and closed, as if gnashing its pages like they were teeth - which spat forth a sickly green glow of energy. All in an instant, reality around her stretched and expanded before collapsing and compressing together. As if her mind wasn’t already swimming, the elf was filled with a wave of disorientation. “A-Atzu?” Ilaria tried to call the name of her mentor as she felt herself tipping over to fall upon her rear. She expected to crash into cold and damp stone, yet found herself in thick stalks of grass and mallow flowers - their petals mauve, as her own flesh. No longer sheltered by cavernous walls of shadow, a bright sun shone down upon Ilaria as she found herself overlooking a sprawling marshland. That surge and deliverance to this new setting quieted the chaos in her for this moment, too. What had they just gone through? In her grasp, there was still that grimoire, its cover almost made the tips of her fingers tingle as they brushed against it. And as her heavy eyes lowered to regard that book, she thought she heard a whisper on the wind, spoken from those pages. . . Yet nearby, a twig snapped. Heard something. . . Do you really only have one knife on you, girl? Where are we, anyways? “Shh. .” Ilaria hugged that tome close to herself as she knelt low in the thick of that grass, her usually fatigued eyes were wide and filled with adrenaline for all she’d gone through in that short moment. Something was nearby, in this foriegn land - just how far away from the cavern was she taken? Another twig snapped, and the bushes ahead of her parted. . . A frog stepped out? A literal frog, but dressed as a man. A fisherman, to be precise. He was almost the size of one, too -though, perhaps a little more stout. The thing croaked and his glossy eyes looked about, Ilaria tucked her head low as she kept her wide-eyed stare locked on that humanoid toad. She was speechless. Another frog. . . Is this one tied to the one that spoke prophecies of you? Prophecies? Is that the thing you warned me of- is this even safe here for us? “I don’t know,” Ilaria whispered, her mind still reeling from all that had just occurred. She had no clue on where she had wounded up, or how to return to where she once was. Her thoughts were racing within, those voices picking up with their questions and anxieties that mixed with her own. That frog of a fisherman mumbled something to himself that sounded more like a croak, his grip on his twig-like rod adjusted idly as he turned away - thus vanishing into the thicket. As soon as that figure had departed from view, his rustling steps vanishing in the distance, Ilaria took off in the other direction with a racing heart. Two weeks passed. . . It was when the first night arrived that Ilaria realized how truly far away from home she was. The stars were utterly unrecognizable, as was the moon that she so often spent her younger years admiring. Instead of being varying shades of pearls or golds, this moon bore peachy tones with subtle swirls of emerald and shone twice as bright. Wherever Ilaria had found herself, it was not of the Material Realm. Just about everything she encountered was reptilian in nature, beasts and whatever more civilized inhabitants she happened upon. The latter even had hamlets and towns, either on the outskirts of this marshland or erected atop wooden posts and beams to be over the sludge and waters. The risk of starvation forced her to venture into them, for she could hardly recognize much of the flora around her - some herbs and plants were reminiscent to those she studied back home, yet they were outnumbered by a variety of foriegn fungi and flora. Although some of the more recognizable herbs and fruits she found to still be edible, they weren’t enough to sustain her for long - and Ilaria wasn’t about to start openly testing on which plant was poisonous or not. She still had no clue on just how long she would remain in this strange world. She had little clue on finding a means back, and no more strange signs came from that grimoire her mentor gifted her. It was a settlement of humanoid geckos, who were rather passive if not obtrusive - yet the serpentfolk turned out to be more of the brutes, and even seemed to possess some sort of power over the whole settlement. At the center of the town, a curious monument was being constructed as if in worship of a serpentine deity. Her first attempt in entering into the town proved to be chaotic, for how vastly she stood out from everyone. It ended with her being chased out by tossed stones and yelling. Yet it wasn’t too long until she found a way to blend in more with the reptilian crowds; adorning herself entirely in [borrowed] fabrics to keep her identity obscured. Perhaps if she walked with more of a hunch and avoided attention, she could pass for one of these curious-looking gecko-people. Her only struggle would be that she understood absolutely nothing of their language. When she hobbled into the town, none paid her any mind this time save for a few odd looks - yet it wasn’t as if she weren’t already used to such looks. Most of the townsfolk were more occupied with their own matters, carrying on with the labors of the day Despite being in another reality, some of the traditions of the inhabitants still mirrored home, which brought Ilaria some mild comfort - at least she wouldn’t be entirely out of place socially. She may even be able to pass as a mute in conversation. The town was larger than she had initially anticipated, for Ilaria found herself wandering through a number of streets - drawn more to the curious sights than trying to find a means of a meal; a part of herself was still trying to figure out how she could even communicate to acquire one. The layout of the settlement was curiously done, either being from what moderately solid pieces of land that dotted these swamps - or perched on various sorts of docks and stands over the waters. Many of the structures were rather lopsided, as if slowly sinking over time. The serpentfolk appeared to be some sort of imposing force in the settlement, for they oversaw much of the labor conducted by the gecko-people - who seemed to anxiously comply with whatever orders were hissed at them. Not wishing to risk drawing the attention of one of those serpents, Ilaria veered off into the side streets and alleyways where she found it to be quieter. Only a few of those geckos lingered here, almost seeming impoverished and forgotten in this hidden corner of a chaotic mess. They were scattered and tended only to themselves, somehow a sight Ilaria also found to be familiar from home; every day, she had witnessed souls in this state. Such a sight caused her thoughts to wander, she had managed to gain some more clarity within herself in these past days - yet these moments of quietude do not always last, as either Nikolaos or Ronauz is bound to stir within her. Balance was achieved with Niko over the years, yet such a process was to be endured again with the addition of Ronauz into their fold. . . A struggle of the self as this made her thoughts return to home, of her mentor - and even beyond him, into memory, to another friend. How Ilaria now understood that struggle for control. She found herself watching one of those geckos, who was squat to the side, and scratching at the wood of the dock. Its hands feebly pried at the strip of wood, before its fingers wriggled and tried to squeeze between the boards - to no avail. It whined and gave an anxious huff before trying to peek through the slits of the wood. The gecko certainly caused quite a disturbance with its struggle, yet none of the rest on the street paid it any mind. Ilaria knelt beside the creature and reached a tentative hand out. . . only for it to phase through the gecko’s shoulder. Another one of them, she thought to herself as her hand drew back. This infection of stagnation spreads even beyond our own realm. . . That gecko didn’t even notice Ilaria’s presence or that she had regarded it, the poor thing persisted in that endless seeking for whatever was lost beneath the spaces of the boards. While Ilaria was considering the gecko, she felt something grip her shoulder - and suddenly she was staggering to her feet as one of those large serpents bared his fangs in her face, all while angrily hissing at her. Her back slammed into the wall of the alley as she stared wide-eyed at the serpentine thing, it spoke in sharp, hissing words that bore a gutteralness to them - a clawed hand jutted back out to the main street where the rest of the gecko-folk toiled about their business. Unfortunately, Ilaria only found herself stunned and rather uncertain on what to do as she was faced with such a menacing sight. Her heart pounded in her ears and suddenly she was stammering, yet no words could even be understood by that thing - who only sneered at her. A strong force collided into her gut then, and she fell to her knees; having been struck by the thing. Flee, Ilaria! Get us away from here! What are you doing? Punch him back! As she reeled, her thoughts raced with these stirring voices. Her hand clutched at her stomach while the other worked to support her, and hardly did so properly. Ilaria was hardly capable of any sort of fighting, for the majority of her life - she only prepared herself to evade and run from danger, yet never expected to be found in a position like this. And entirely alone, in a different world. There was another flash of pain and a flicker of darkness, she came to only to find herself laying upon the ground with a throbbing ache to her left temple. Her hand blindly groped for her knife on her belt, a thing of aurum that only served to protect her from those nightly haunts - never before had she ever drawn it against another with an intent as this. Yet as her fingers clasped around its handle, another sharp jab was felt in her gut as that serpent sent a kick into her. She wheezed and forced her tearing eyes shut. Through the stunning pain that coursed through her, a jolt of adrenaline raced through her arm to wretch her knife free from its sheath. The small blade whipped out in some blind swipe toward that looming figure, yet connected with nothing. Is this going to be my end? As she peaked her eyes open, Ilaria was amazed to find herself returned to that cavern where that grimoire was first introduced to her. No longer did the air bear a smothering humidity, that dock town was far away, the same for those swamps. . . That odd world. The familiar sight of that sorrowful pillar loomed over her in place of that serpent, its cold ethereal light glimmered over her as her vision blurred and unconsciousness found her. Ilaria was home again.
  11. "No, no, no. . . NO! This isn't correct!" Ilaria said with a roll of her eyes, speaking to herself once again. "It's Fajarajjaurjajijara, you got it all wrong!"
  12. can i help write the next sentence
  13. Just about all of Moliana's interactions with Bloodstalk's Djinn And Ilaria thinking she was meant to be given to the Red Prince when she was a kiddo, still sometimes goes on freak mode
  14. I feel like a Patreon could be a good way for the server to take in more revenue and broaden our horizons for improvement and entertainment. Most of my experiences with it have been through supporting artists, of course - but it gets your tied in more with a community interested in the same stuff that you are. The only way I would see something like this succeeding, however, if it's with a strong focus of consistency and ensuring supporters that their money isn't being wasted and that promises will be kept. I think the best way to start a Patreon for the server is just taking in open donations to fund and bring in those rewards and unique opportunities down the line, to then stay consistent on with higher donation tiers being unlocked. Either that, or bring back Gizzy Gaza.
  15. UnBaed

    Art Commissions

    The three (and conor) above have been contacted! If you're still interested in a commission, you can still comment! I can't guarantee I can get to everyone past this, but I'll reach out if I can.
  16. UnBaed

    Art Commissions

    H e l l o ! Title explains it, basically. I'm opening commissions for a short period because classes currently allow for me to, and I need money to buy a new phone after my mine suddenly died earlier this week! This round of commissions isn't going to be like how I've had my other ones, I'm deciding to narrow down what I'll draw so no project ends up taking too much time for me to complete. Everything will be provided below, alongside some of my portfolio: What am I doing? - Full body character paintings - Just a single character - No couples, triples, or family portraits, ect. - No animal companions or mounts - Simple colored background - Your character can have an item! - Please no overly complex weapons or gear - I can do musin and kha - Priced at: $70 USD - Paypal only Portfolio: Payment is expected after sketch is presented Slots: 2/3 Comment your interest below, along with your Discord, to reserve a slot.
  17. Stuff like that redline needs to be specified, or else players with automaton characters would assume they can go through with RP like obtaining a holy magic, or becoming a mystic - when that lore requires for characters to have souls to practice. It might be an obvious redline, but obvious rules still need to be stated to avoid people trying to cheese the system As for "filters" to be treated to their eyes, I'd argue it wouldn't be possible - far too broad of a thing to write on, while also ensuring there are rules where players don't abuse it by getting eye prosthetics that are permanently treated with arcana flow or catseye. Aimii characters can still use alchemy-treated gear the same as anyone else, if they're designed to be smart enough to handle it
  18. In a dark cavern sat an elf, her knees hugged close to herself. She could hardly remove her heavy eyes off of that odd energy lingering in the air, almost mistakable for a shadow in the dimness around her. Yet she felt that lingering energy, that offness that circled around it. . . She would wait, and wait. For the return of her dear friend and mentor. He will return, Ilaria whispered back to that worrying voice bound within her. He will return, and we can resume our work with The Shore.
  19. Blah is the worst, never liked it that, and just about any orc is see is goofy low iq strongman, or spiritualist strongman who smokes DA KUSHHH xD (because it’s like weed) wasn’t good that a lot of their culture was surrounded on slavery and raiding other groups back then, or killing outsiders if they didn’t bring any good offerings (which is why I never consider going there for rp because of how much they used to do that to people) also, when I first joined the server I had a weirdo keep trying to enslave my elf as his orc and I wasn’t about that
  20. MC Name: UnBaed Discord: UnBaed#3468 Image: Description of Image: Icon painting of Saint Emma of Woldzmir Dimensions: 1 wide 2 long [sent in wrong image and tried to fix, if u need the file just hmu]
  21. MC Name: UnBaed Discord: UnBaed#3468 Image: Description of Image: An icon painting of St. Amyas Dimensions: 1 wide 2 high
  22. mods deleting call outs on facist symbolism now huh

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. satinkira
    3. UnBaed







      Clown sighting no laughing matter to Clifton Park residents – The Daily  Gazette


      ur defending a guy who had 1488 in his discord tag on purpose and is now using a fasces 


    4. LoTC's Next Top Model

      LoTC's Next Top Model



      your epic 'callout' doesn't consider that the Fasces pre-dates even the concept of Fascism, possibly being created by the Etruscans before Roman adoption. Today in the United States the Fasces is heavily used on the Federal level. If you really need a comparison, it is similar to how the Swastika is still widely used in Asia, due to its history, again, pre-dating even the concept of Fascism. Why is this even necessary.

      so what you're saying is i should keep using a swastika and tell people who sya it's a nazi symbol to educate themselves

  23. making me smile to see many others reacting positively to this, xarkly puts 100% of his creative thinking into everything he works on - and he spent a lot of time contemplating the layout of this map and ensuring his concept had both a lot of flavor and broader areas to encourage others to make their own thing - making the perfect canvas for the rest of us to work on, even if it's only a concept still but now imagine if this shorty got accepted onto staff
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